Court date for Michael Barisone?

She apparently either served her purpose or we “mean girls” ran her off.


FanGirls, Eggbutt. FanGirls. Get it right! :wink:

For the inevitable lunkheads who will somehow manage to miss the joke, here is the sarcasm font symbol /s


I’m the one who used the term “fan girls”, and I stand by it. At the same time, however, I think it’s a little weird to read MB’s statement regarding his working students and think it sounds “inappropriate”. That seems like a huge stretch. There’s no evidence whatsoever to indicate that MB has ever been inappropriate in any way with minors, and nothing in his statement about his working students changes that.


And a CO prosecutor would press charges.

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‘I didn’t say anything happened, but…it is known to happen’

get outa heah!

yeah, and it has been known to also not happen everywhere.


From the limited amount I have heard, it sounds like MB ran a good working student program. There are some trainers out there who could care less if students are doing their homework, and/or will not watch out for them at all. It’s so important to get your working student to a trainer who is responsible and provides a decent place to live and actually lets the student ride/lesson if that is the agreement.


Well, thank you so much for being so demeaning, as well as being so wrong! I guess I would actually have to watch dressage and know something about it to be a “fan girl” of MB, but nevertheless you carry on with your pontifications!


Eh, “fan girls” or “mean girls”, it is all the same thing coming from those throwing labels around. Don’t agree with them, call them out on BS, think logically and it will earn you some name calling.

All reminiscent of one particular poster with one very specific agenda. But, there is nothing to see here!


They are definitely existent and it makes sense that people engaging in it deny the existence :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh the irony of you posting this.

It is good to know that there are good working student situations out there. (I guess I should say there was a good working student situation out there.)
I agree, if the working student is still in school, someone at the facility should be making sure they are doing their school stuff along with their horse stuff.


Here is the REALLY ironic part of the Barisone lawsuit. Posters on this board are basically verifying its claim in the fact they are passing judgement on Barisone strictly for the fact he is an age 50 something man, with working students.

These posters are seemingly coming to the conclusion that the Washington Twp. police department did- large man, 50 some years old must be the aggressor against a 30 something petite blonde. Because he has working students that he kept an eye on, well, he must be creeping on them.

And of course it is not relevant that he never had any accusations against him before the LK situation, or had any issues brought before Safe Sport. And every excuse in the world as to why he has not.

Y’all have been very successful in proving the point of the lawsuit, although I do not believe this was your goal! Kudos!!!


Suppose Barisone is released free and clear for whatever reason and wins his appeal with SS to continue his business, would you send your child, horse, yourself to him for training? Why or why not?


Ah, I’ve been waiting for this question, because I think the replies could be interesting.

Firstly, that is an incredibly low chance (and rightly so) scenario, but that’s not the point here.

I would not send myself, horse, nor child to him for training. I am not in the business of knowingly supporting those who deal with things by shooting someone. From where I stand (unless more comes to light), he shot someone in a situation where it wasn’t warranted. I am not denying him being brought to the edge, being fed-up, or any alleged antagonizing by other parties involved. I just wouldn’t feel comfortable around someone who “cracked” in this way. I also don’t know what other mental scars he has from the whole ordeal. It’s just a bit too much for me. So I’d personally stay away.

Horse people are, erm, interesting enough without other added baggage.


Take 20 years off my body and given a serious lottery payout and I would consider it. I don’t believe he has exhibited a pattern of bad or abusive or exploitive behavior unlike others I can think of.


Who else boards and trains with him at the time?
Are there others there who are going to make his life a living hell?


In the situation you propose, the only way I could imagine it happening is if self defense was successfully argued.
For my self, I only participate in clinics with people that I have had an opportunity to audit first to make sure they are a right fit for me and my horse.
In the scenario where he was free and clear of all charges, I would have to audit first like I would with anyone.
In my previous disciplines, I have encountered some with notoriety and some that were convicted felons (did not know at the time) and do not wish to have those people in my life.


MB’s career and business as a professional Equestrian are most certainly over. Even if he did get free of the courts at some point, he has nothing left to build from and all that he had is gone, and it is highly unlikely that he will ever live in any sort of safety after this. The best thing for him to do if he gets free is to just move on and try to live as quietly and under the radar as possible, and not on the East Coast of the US.

Now, if we’re playing the Unicorn Butterfly Farts N’ Rainbows fantasy game, without a wealthy benefactor to sustain and protect him, he’s not going to have any real business and certainly no possible future in the industry, where he doesn’t again run afoul of LK, at some point.


He still has his horses and his FL facility. I agree that his personal safety and the safety of those he loves could be an issue.

But I understand your point. LK succeeded in her goal of destroying him in your opinion.


I would hope that when he is released and if he is still able to continue with teaching and training that he would have support from those close to him.
I do think it could be done.


I do as well. I think the support system of his peers and clients is underestimated.