Court date for Michael Barisone?

I don’t know at what point would the safesport suspension could be lifted as in the case of a plea deal or a reduced sentence. That seems to me to be the biggest hurdle he would face if he was convicted on some charge.


Wasn’t the SS suspension for the alleged child abuse investigation? I truly don’t know since those documents are not part of any public info. Regardless, if he is freed I assume he will vigorously appeal and demand a hearing with USEF.

Edit: The USEF list has him as suspended since 8/9/19 pending criminal disposition.


He can still train adults though, no?
I mean lots of trainers who e been sanctioned are still training on some level, aren’t the
Maybe I’m thinking of before SS (ie B Ward).


I assumed it was because of the shooting but do not know for sure. As I am no longer a member I am not familiar with SS rules and such.
I was wondering what the “threshold” was for criminal charges. I know of people who are members and aren’t suspended who have minor stuff in their past.

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I was curious about that too. Im not familiar with the rules.

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I would think he could certainly continue coaching and training but would no longer be a USEF member or allowed at sanctioned shows if he lost his appeal.

And if all else failed, there is always Europe!

Isn’t there a break off group gaining support in parts of the country for those who question the cost of USEF?


Isn’t the break-off group the one that is coming across as a bit sketchy? Or are there more than one?

Do you mean the group that held the lovely show but it was for their own non-USEF association? Showing wasn’t a mortgage payment?


I’m not sure. I recall reading about a group in FL organizing shows, etc that bypassed all the USEF expenses and required memberships.


Is that the National Snaffle Bit Association?


That’s the (2nd) one! That one looks great.

Thank you 3PonyFarm.


Do you know anything about them? I don’t.


I know very little but I read many happy reports so maybe it is time for me to scope them out.


Aren’t the shows at WEC operating under NSBA?


NSBA has been around for many years on the Western side of things. The only issue I have with them is they encourage the showing of really young horses by hosting some of their classes, but I am no fan of showing 2-3 year olds.


I only show horses that young in the breed classes in hand. Even the race barn I worked for wouldn’t race 2 year olds.


I am always shocked at the people showing these youngsters who claim to have only been riding them for 30 days prior to showing them. Plus they fully expect you to believe their claim. If you have been in the industry long enough, you know they are lying through their teeth and most likely started them as long yearlings, which is abhorrent!


We have a few trainers in our area that have horses they started and have managed their care and training that are now in their 20’s. The horses are happy and healthy and these are the trainers that I am impressed with.

My post sounds strange, the horses are now in their 20’s, the trainers wish they themselves were in their 20’s. I have a large dog sitting on my lap who is scared of the thunderstorm we are having and I cant see what I am typing!


So it’s ok with you that LK has actually been inappropriate in these threads and PMs, and we shouldn’t talk about that, but you jump right in and imply MB is inappropriate with minors in his care with absolutely no indication of anything nefarious going on with those students. Got it. You’re clearly unbiased. LOL

Wow… that’s quite the leap.


NSBA is hardly a breakaway group. They’ve been around for a long time. All the WEC h/j shows are running under the NSBA. However, USDF is married to USEF - that will never, ever, ever change. QH futurities are a different topic.

** IF ** MB is somehow acquitted, he may be removed from the SS list. If he simply gets out on time-served, I doubt he will be removed from the SS list. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few die-hard clients supported him. He is a talented rider and trainer, and his sister is still in the industry in upstate NY. I don’t know the state of their relationship, but I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe he started over up there. You can train horses with a SS suspension, and you can sell them. You can also run a training business, if you want. You just can’t darken the door of a USEF show.

No. I have a great working relationship with my coach. Her methods work for me and my horses. No need to rock the boat. If she dropped dead (may it never be), I’d consider a few lessons or a clinic situation to see if his system worked for my horses. Only if he was local. I like Florida. I don’t feel like moving.


No. Unless it is somehow proven that LK was an imminent threat to his life before he pulled that trigger, I wouldn’t support him with my money.