Court date for Michael Barisone?

It’s important to note that active USEF members can not receive training from any individual banned by SafeSport or they may receive their own penalties. This is different from past lifetime suspensions that came solely from USEF. SafeSport has specific restrictions against aiding and abetting a banned member that USEF only suspensions don’t.

This was a major topic when George Morris was banned because USEF members were no longer allowed to attend clinics with him. In the past year a trainer received a one month suspension for hosting a George Morris clinic after he was banned.


Interesting. Well, if MB remains on the list, then his career is done.


Kudos on the correct use of a possessive adjective preceding a gerund.


Regarding the NSBA shows at the WEC properties, this is the Safe Sport statement in the Ocala prize list for this week. I’m guessing their Ohio prize list says the same thing.


Eh, she’s a shamer and a blamer. I do wish folks would ignore these trolls.



Though sometimes it’s hard to do.


Actually the trolls keep the threads alive.


This has been proven to be true at this point. These threads sort of naturally fade until new news comes up. However, when they fade, one of two things happens without fail.

  1. LK comes on and responds to posts (often posts over a year old) and/or sends what seems to be dozens of threatening PMs, and then the thread blows up again.

  2. Someone comes on to berate most/all participants and/or play white knight for LK, and then the thread blows up again.

Example: YD was unable to participate in a certain thread. S/he then came on and within a matter of days became one of the top 3 commenters in the thread even though it had been ongoing for a fortnight before her participation. The thread then became very active. Then she was banned and it was noted how quiet the thread suddenly became.

This pattern repeats. After the first spurt of participation following the start of a new thread, maybe folks are discussing the case or some part of the filings or something tangential like working student programmes, and the thread sort of noodles along in a desultory fashion with a couple posts a day - or even none on some days. Then someone (JQ, RND, etc.) pops on and calls everyone who discusses or even acknowledges LK’s behaviour pre- and post-shooting “MB fangirls”, and then the threat blows up. [came to edit “threat” --> “thread” but, in this case, both work!]

It’s so curious that I was even joking with another user that posters like YD, et. al. are, in a way, the ultimate LK haters b/c they repeatedly take a ho-hum thread and turn it into a hive of activity in which people repeatedly reference LK’s behaviour unrelated to the shooting (racist on-line “reviews”; filming and body shaming strangers in shops; family history; etc.) in order to counter the white knights’ accusations and, thus, they move these threads in a much more LK-focused and negative direction.

Not that it is true, but it could almost look at like a clever plot by true LK haters posing as white knights in order to foment the discussion and bait people into talking even MORE about LK and her life than they would if left to their own musings. Again, I’m not saying this is true. I am saying that the practical results of these types of posters is that MUCH more discussion happens, it is MUCH more focused on LK, and MUCH more unsavory info is shared than otherwise might occur.

Edited for two typos but I let one stand.


Oh hell no.(Assuming trial determines the basic facts of the case are correct and that he shot LK). A man who tried to solve a personal dispute by pulling a gun is not someone I would entrust my horse or my children to.


Myself and my horse, sure. My child, with me present, sure; my child alone, no, but I’d not send her alone for anyone. I’ve worked with convicted murders/felons before so someone accused and acquitted isn’t that big of a deal.


Wait, what?

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One of the places I’ve worked was really big into prison rehab as a service mission. They would train and hire people out of prison. One of them was convicted of murder. He never denied it, was very upfront about it, and he wasn’t exactly remorseful. I’m okay with that because I’d have probably done what he did too if I was in a similar situation. He was generally a pretty good guy and the last I heard about how his life was going he was married and having kids.


Then there is Karla Holmolka. And Bill Cosby.

Maybe “released” is a better word than acquitted. Nonetheless, out of jail and guilty as sin.

There are holes sometimes in the legal system.


Thank you for your advice. I thought the polite thing to do when leaving a room is to say goodbye. Well more of a “see ya later.” After I stopped commenting for a long period of time before due to boredom (as nothing new in the case),when I returned I was accused of returning because I was “scared” of the new information posted. Weird.

Having been in a room with a soon to be ex husband with a shotgun over his lap when I was asked to come meet him to discuss his finally agreeing to leave our home…built on land I owned prior to the marriage, where my horse still were (that I went to take care of when he was at work), the answer is I would never get involved at any level with someone that shot someone else. And no the ex didn’t shoot me. And in spite of our difficulties I never expected him to or I would have never have gone to meet him. But from that day I never saw or talked to him again.


He destroyed himself.

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We will agree to disagree and I will not take your bait.


I am not the one throwing out outrageous statements and blaming the victim for a violence act by a man, and also glorifying that man.
And just because you say, “he shouldn’t have shot her” after repeating all the reason he should have doesn’t make what you say alright.
However, agree to disagree. No baiting intended.


One thing, one thing only would have stopped the events of 8/7/19. All she had to do was leave where she clearly was no longer welcome. I don’t care what reasoning she and her sidekick come up with, she provoked and continued to provoke everyone on the property. Who the heck did she think she was? She was not and still is not entitled to do as she pleases where she clearly is unwelcome. She has been bailed out of situations all her adult life by threatening and harassing others and siccing her dad on those she can’t intimidate. When word went out about the shooting, no one who knew her previously was surprised. That says a lot about a person.

I will wait for the trial to determine Barisone’s guilt. I don’t believe one word of what she has stated about the events of that day on any forum. Not one.


Not one person here has ever “glorified” MB’s actions. You might want to look up the meaning of the word.

Your attempt to bait is more than obvious.