Court date for Michael Barisone?

Just as @FitzE so eloquently stated above, this is what the groupies do to keep the thread going.


Well at least SOMEONE has finally come right out and admitted the truth: that they do in fact believe she deserved to get shot.


That isn’t what I said. I said no one was surprised who had known her previously.

She has always had choices to stop her joyful harassment and threats. Apparently it is all a game and power trip for her.


Nice try RND, but not what eggbutt said.

To think that you can actually quote eggbutt’s post, and still get it wrong is just AMAZING!


That right there.

And of course the rest of It too.

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Keep spinning. Or maybe try learning to read for comprehension!


There is a difference between deserving to get shot and remaining in a situation that could well end badly.


Not baiting. Just replying. I don’t believe you are baiting me either. A different point of view is not “baiting”. Also not every person that doesn’t think a victim should be constantly trashed for 2 yrs is a “groupie” or related to this case or the people directly involved with it. There has been plenty of bestowing honor, praise and admiration of MB here. I didn’t specify for his actions of shooting someone, maybe some here justifying his actions yes, but hopefully not glorifying.
Agree to disagree.


Had I been Barisone I would have rounded up my friends, marched INTO MY home, taken all her belongings and put them on the curb
with a locksmith on hand to immediately change all the locks on the property. As far as her horses, I would have provided her with notice that she had 24 hours to permanently remove them lock stock and barrel. I also would have hired armed security to protect me and my property 24/7. Period.

But that is not what he did. Allegedly he took a gun with him alone to force these people off his property. What occurred after he arrived is up for debate and has been for over 2 years.

Do I glorify Barisone, NO! Do I believe he was pushed to an extreme limit, absolutely. Do I believe this was a power grab for LK that backfired horribly, absolutely. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


I guess it all depends on who you believe the victims are in this situation.


There has been plenty of bestowing honor, praise and admiration of MB here.

I think we’re reading two different threads. I haven’t seen “plenty” of “bestowing honor” praise or admiration. Quite odd that you’ve taken things that way. Yeah, there’s the odd poster that’s a bit too invested or isn’t willing to blame Barisone at the moment (waiting for the trial), but bestowing honor? Come on now. I must’ve missed the praise too. Can you point me in the general direction?

I don’t understand your last sentence exactly. You just said people are bestowing honor, admiring and praising, but you hope they’re not glorifying? I don’t think anyone is? But you just stated people are indeed doing the other 3 things. You essentially accused people of glorifying then said you hope they are not. Is that the point? I mean, I agree/hope no one is glorifying. Also, explanation does not equal justification.

Agreeing to disagree is fine. It happens :woman_shrugging:


Sorry it wasn’t clear. The three words I used were directly from the definition of glorifying (I was told to look it up).
I then was pointing out that while I was speaking of people glorifying the man, would hope that would stop at his action of shooting someone. Some people have been justifying his shooting LK, continue to speak highly of and be sympathetic to him, but not seeing anyone “glorifying” the shooting. Except maybe SW.
“Edited to remove a sentence with a word that some people found offensive (while others might think it is a nice word.) However, happy to apologize, no offense intended.”

I believe you have confused my (I assume) posts as gushing over Barisone, when in reality they are expressing intense dislike over Kanarek and her buddy’s behavior over the years.


I think the normal person is overwhelmed dealing with malice on this scale.
You try to appeal to the decent side and get blindsided by it’s absence. I am not sure if calling in the cavalry would have crossed my mind. I fight my own battles. It would ahve been a better approach though.

How much of this is utter desperation.
(hindsight being 20/20
how much presence of mind does one have, in the face of this?)
I mean, if peope had the presence of mind, most of those unfortunate events would not happen.
And apparently MB could not trust the local law enforcement to do their job, did he have knowledge of an armed security system? I don’t think they are in the phonebook

edited to fix device hiccups


Just Google “local armed private security” to see what is available in your area.


nothing really local. but I am living in the province. So that would not be the first solution coming to mind.


Fortunately or unfortunately, I’m pretty sure a post on my neighborhood FaceBook page would bring some gung-ho armed neighbors in about 5 minutes!


According to the suit against the PD, they actually told him it was up to him to get her out.




in favor of whom though?
the home owner or the ‘cute little woman’?