Court date for Michael Barisone?

As previous discussions have made clear once a person establishes residency in AA property, usually 30 days, you cannot remove them without a formal eviction process. It doesn’t matter if they are paying rent or not, or if they have an official contract as a tenant or are in more amorphous status. So changing the locks and bringing in security to evict are illegal at this stage before the eviction process has started.


Yes, but they would have been off the property and then do whatever they needed to do to try and get back. I would have brought friends in to help throw them out and and hire the armed security to keep them from coming back onto the property without permission.

either way it was a loss for him.


This is however highly illegal, and lawyer dad could get police down there to stop it. I totally understand the motivation and I am indeed kind of shocked by the strength of the established residency laws. But there are all kinds of stories out there about property owners who can’t shift dead beat tenants, squatters, relatives of tenants, creepy friends of room mates who took over the house, etc.

The security company might refuse to take on a job that had no court order because they could also be legally at risk.


A trip to Housing court to file an illegal eviction would have gotten a court order to let them back in and painted a negative mark on the landlord.

The best way was to have an inspector come in and everyone told to leave the house until repairs are done and the police to enforce it.

Since the inspector was coming back on that day I wonder if they would have been out by city order had things just paused a few more hours.


Would it be typical at that point for the inspector to call the police or would they still leave it up to the homeowner to clear the residence?

That did happen with the insoectors coming back later un the day to make sure everyone had left plus going and visiting them and RC being bitten by their dog and an ambulance being called.

The dog and LK and RG never left

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No. The inspector or an eviction marshall would call local police to enforce a vacate order.

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I believe the shooting happened before the inspector returned.

If I’m wrong please correct me.

The shooting happened after the inspection of the kids welfare.

From memory. The inspectors did return to see that everyone was out and then told MB it was up to him to get them out.

Someone will correct me if I have remembered incorrectly.

You are remembering incorrectly. The housing inspectors were there 2 times on August 6th. The police officers with the inspectors told MB that it was HIS responsibility to get them out.


No I’m talking about the house inspection, not the kids.

Where I am if a house is deemed as dangerous with violations the housing inspector gets folks out right then and there. So does the fire marshal. I’m wondering if the housing inspector was giving people time to gather belongings before the inspector came back to to seal the residence which would then be empty and uninhabited.

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Ah ok. See it’s not like that by me when the premises is deemed uninhabitable.

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I think everyone can agree that waiting for the building inspection process to play itself out would have been more productive than going in with a gun.

There is a legal basis to get a resident out if the property is declared uninhabitable.

As noted in early posts, the situation flared up between a Thursday and the following Tuesday. Basically 5 days including a weekend.

LK is on record as saying she wanted to destroy MB and take over his farm somehow. From the MB vs police lawsuit it now sounds that she was able to push his buttons more effectively than perhaps would be the case with another person. If she hadn’t pushed him to the edge, this would be just another nonstory of a dressage wannabe grifter getting fired by a trainer after the student went into a toxic spiral cycle.


I’m curious how evictions are normally handled in this area. If the police usually assist with them and they didn’t with this one, it would seem that is another strike against them in the lawsuit.
If they don’t assist then who does or how are they normally dealt with in this community?

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Not my state so I don’t know. Plus building dept or fire dept evictions are different than landlord tenant typical evictions. By me those landlord/tenant ones are done by the City Marshal. If tenants aren’t cooperative police are called and the folks are OUT. Any animals in the apt not taken be vacating tenants or are there if tenants aren’t around are taken by animal control.

I imagine police back up fire dept and building dept vacates as well. Who else would?


Yes, I did read posts where she threatened to destroy MB and take his farm.

Very similar to the threats I got from her as far as putting a lien on my property for posting here.


How sad is it that her family “allowed” her to continue with whatever her plans were to destroy him rather than insist she leave? Obviously she was in contact with her dad and supposedly MB spoke with him too making him aware of the dire situation. They’d rather allow her to stay in all the danger and fear she posted about? What a dysfunctional family! Of course her “ex-Marine” buddy was there to protect her and do her every bidding.


Imagine if you got those threats and rath face to face, on your property with her refusal to leave. In fact, ramping up her disgusting behavior every day!

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Agsin, it all went really fast. Five days. And honestly if I had this kind of person in my life I’d be so used to self inflicted drama that I wouldn’t necessarily be paying any attention to their FB posts.

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