Court date for Michael Barisone?

No, but your clients and friends might.


But I’m not sure LK was even “this kind of person” at first.

I think her alleged actions; calling the building inspectors, CPS, etc all happened in rapid succession
 Which is how it escalated so fast.
It might have seemed like a barrage of “something every day” which made it hard to ignore, and likely harder to tolerate to someone who had mental health issues to begin with.


I meant that if I was her father or family I might just ignore most of the drama on FB assuming most of it would never amount to anything or would only target weak, vulnerable people who wouldn’t create any threat or problems.

I was responding to the comment that her family allowed her to do this. Yes, they did, long term. But they might not have the bandwidth to follow every moment of internet drama she creates. And no reason to think this episode of toxic online behaviour was going to lead to disaster.


Darn, if anyone in my family was targeting weak and vulnerable people I would be all over making them see the error of their ways, not let them continue to do it.
I guess my theories on how people treat each other are different than the family of LK.


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, they were (are) probably very used to her theatrics. I thought it odd the lack of urgency/surprise in her father’s voice on the 911 recording. IDK
people react differently to emergencies.


Who knows what the reasoning was to ban her from the family home. Perhaps she had targeted them exactly this way in the past and they just wanted her gone for their own sanity. I heard a rumor she was screaming profanities on the phone to her dad in the days leading up to the shooting. Perhaps he did try to stop her and got push back. The trial will be interesting and hopefully bring out the why’s of so much ugliness.


It’s hard to say what one would do with a family member with mental health or addiction issues who was acting out online. At a certain point all you can do with a problematic adult child is put a safety buffer up (like banning them from the family home or contact with family) and then maybe only stepping in if they are seriously injured or hospitalized.

A number of posters on these threads have bravely shared how they’ve had to deal with really problematic adult children or step children. It’s not easy. You generally cannot change their behavior or life trajectory. At a certain point you can’t do anything more.

I recall that SW of the DH blog was similarly cut loose by her family with some kind of allowance. The similarities between SW and LK are so huge, it’s ironic SW hates her so much.


Good point(s) @Scribbler. Very good point(s).

Sometimes it is frustrating thinking that all of this could have been prevented with a little less enabling all those years. But I agree, you make some good points.


Clearly, unlike many other such civil suites, there is someone or something which has actuated the moral imperative to stall the civil trials against LK, previously brought by MB, and, the one brought by LK against to each other, until the criminal trial is concluded.

I haven’t seen a motion to hold more recent MB civil trial against the police until after the criminal trial, though. If his lawyers are clever, they will take a page from the Cosby debacle, and give the police defendents immunity from criminal prosecution, if only they speak up about their attitudes and foibles in dealing with MB prior to the shooting, when they are deposed in the civil trial most recently filed. “Be honest, and don’t invoke the 5th, and we won’t prosecute you criminally in the future”. That way, they will get the truth from the cops at the depositions, instead of hearing they invoke the 5th. Because in order to accept the immunity, they would not be allowed to invoke the 5th without legal sanctions, such as losing their job, or being prosecuted for illegal activity in the handling of MB’s 911 calls to the property, or other legal remedies.

It would be really interesting if the recent MB civil complaint against the cops is heard before the criminal trial, though. It will be really really interesting if the prosecutors from the criminal trial try to pin down a plea with MB before his civil trial goes through, in order to avoid the problems the cops’ depositions are going to bring. Once the Cops’ testimonies are out there in the civil trial, they can be appropriated for the criminal trial. If they agree to immunity in future criminal charges in exchange for being honest at the depositions for the civil trial, those suddenly very different, and honest, comments about how they handled the 911 calls, and what really went down at the scene, will be very interesting to the criminal defense. They can get these if they offer criminal immunity.

Very clever on the part of the defense attorneys and their civil attorney counterparts.


Or, alternatively, putting them into a conservatorship. If I was her family, that’s where I would be headed.


Hasn’t it been mentioned several times in these threads that her family [edit] won’t let her reside under their roof, and are happy to throw money at the problem to keep her away? I’m guessing there’s only so much money you can throw 


Or, alternatively, use that same money to put her into a conservatorship. It might even save you money.


A few episodes of “Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords” is enough to convince me that I will never, ever be a landlord. I have sympathy for anyone trying to (legally) evict a (legitmate) nightmarish tenant.


Famous Spears case aside it isn’t that easy to get a conservatorship of someone who is competent with their money. Also the conservatorship allows the guardian to control the person’s assets (like if they have a pension). If your problem child is already on an allowance or trust fund with trustees and has no real assets that you haven’t paid for, then you already control their assets and a conservatorship is pointless.

I gather from bits and pieces dropped here that LK doesn’t have access to unlimited funds for everything. Horses yes, lifestyle no. She was living for free in a derelict house with the barn staff in NJ, and someone said in an RV park now in Florida. My guess is some effort is being made to manage her behavior by whoever controls the purse strings.

Since LK has not apparently ever held a job, it has to be family money. And family money always comes with conditions.


Conservatoships aren’t always about finances. The conservatee could be incapable of managing day-to-day activities independently and not just need assistance with their estate or finances.

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We know that LK stated that she had documented MH not feeding multiple cats and letting cat feces pile up until it was overflowing into children’s beds. So, it would make sense, if that’s true, for a CPS call to have been made by her, but she has not stated that she called them.

Again - who elevates cat litter boxes over beds?

In addition, what was Lauren doing in MH’s children’s room or rooms? Those are private areas, not common rooms. Well, my kids’ bedrooms weren’t for public display.


No idea. The only thing I can think of is maybe if litter boxes were on the floor above the residence? Still, who would do that?

I believe it was a property grab which backfired horribly.


Do we believe LK’s version of events regarding the litter box? I suspect there is a very logical backstory if this is remotely true. I seriously doubt
MH would put cat crap in or on her children’s beds. Think about that for a minute.