Court date for Michael Barisone?

My attorney friend was explaining to me how some states make revisions to laws (I know I’m not going to explain this correctly) that changes what makes up a murder charge and that sometimes a sentence is retroactively reduced. It sounds like people who take a plea that were initially charged with the same crime are not eligible for the new sentence reduction.
The law profession seems very complicated, I don’t know how those in the field can keep everything straight.


The Law is like a living organism which morphs constantly and different places have different “species”.


I don’t believe that’s the likely claim, in particular that timeline.


Correct, that is what he says. Very unfortunately for him as he then can’t deny he didn’t bring the gun, or LK had gotten the gun when breaking into his house and there was a struggle and it went off or he was defending himself against the vicious dog and LK jumped in front of it. Unfortunately, as according to the police and charges brought the evidence, apparently points to attempt murder.


I might be mistaken but I believe he says he doesn’t recall the shooting, which indicates to me he recalls going there and perhaps minutes and events leading up to the actual scuffle.

You and I will never agree with each other about this regardless what either of us read or hear. Three people were involved and two of those three are proven habitual liars. I don’t believe one word of anything they have put forward.


Even what you wrote doesn’t point to attempted murder. Look it up.


It is stated in the lawsuit he doesn’t remember the shooting. The next part talks about a expert declaring he was “insane” at the time. Time period not clear. Even If he remembers everything that day up to when the gun went off I am saying it could help him with a defense if what he remembers indicates self defense or that he didn’t go down there with the loaded gun.
I agree we will never agree on many things. That’s ok. If you believe everything LK and her fiancé said about that day is a lie, and that his lawsuit against police is all factual, understand your position. I don’t think it is so black and white.
Up to the shooting seems several people on that farm acted poorly(horribly, stupidity, ridiculously). Regular “War of the Roses.”However, only one person ended up the victim of gun violence. And then was raked over the coals online.
If MB is found innocent I will gladly eat crow. If you have a good recipe for it.

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So how do you prove intent to kill? Remember the burden is on the D.A. to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt and the elements of the attack dog, LKs assault history and the possible gun issue (with gun posts on FB) all provide cover as to WHY someone might bring a gun (if in fact they did).

So how do you prove that an otherwise historically law abiding citizen decided to commit murder in the middle of the day chock full of witnesses, agencies and police going in and out?

I’m all ears for that one.


That’s what I was trying to get at and thanks for thinking critically!


Strongly disagree


Huh. Then truly I do not understand your posts. That did not seem like what you were trying to get at at all.


Have you read the piece? I strongly disagree. Please state here why you disagree. That reporter did their best to broach exactly my concern. Why do you believe that isn’t valid?

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Then: my bad. Happy to explain! My fault.

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I think my replies are out of order! We need to think critically.

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I was about to engage with you as you seemed sincere, but knock it off with the juvenile repetition of thinking critically. You mark yourself as nothing but a troll that way.


I think you’re misunderstanding me. I apologize if you are dismissing me because I did not articulate properly. That is on me, not on others.Please don’t dismiss the conversation because you think I am wrong.

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Yes am sincere. And… Nope. Not a troll, Not a houseguest. Sorry I didn’t articulate, Happy to clarify.

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Physical Evidence, witnesses, medical records, police reports, all things we have not been privy to as of yet that the DA will present should it go to trial.
They seem to think they had enough to press charges. Guess we all be be waiting to see. His own lawyers state he was at the breaking point and state a professional declared him insane. When someone snaps they aren’t thinking this is a bad time to shoot someone and get away with it.

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OF COURSE they think they have enough to go on! But D.A s lose cases all the time, often over ridiculous, unpredictable stuff like “if the glove don’t fit you must acquit”. Much of the time they take their best shot.

I imagine if it goes to trial the Defense will hire a specific attorney who is a jury selection specialist.

As for what witnesses will testify, how do YOU have any idea how they will testify?

Medical records will show she was shot, with what kind of bullet and gun specifics as well as angle and direction. You don’t have that information either.

And I reiterate, the INTENT to kill is not an easy burden especially with competent counsel as the defense. And as the defense will have their own witnesses who were probably terrorized or sleeping in front of their stalls or whatever by LK don’t be so sure they will testify in a way to condemn him.



What witnesses other than LK, RG and the mystery person on the phone with Lauren? EDIT - other witnesses for the prosecution will be the now tainted police.

Lauren will not do well on the witness stand IMO. I don’t care how well she is rehearsed, she will not be able to keep her story straight.