Court date for Michael Barisone?

I wonder why the DA has never pressed charges for all the illegal surveillance installed at Hawthorne Hill?


Why do you always have to end with a snarky comment?
Let me think. I guess if you walk up to someone that is unarmed and shoot one person twice in the chest and shoot again at another person you might have intended to kill them. That is all they have to prove.
There is no question she was shot.
Police found her on the ground shot, she had managed to call 911 saying MB had shot her. When the police got there her fiancĂ© was on top of MB holding him down with the gun underneath MB. MB comment at the time was something like “I had a good life”. That is about all the police have said so far.
If it goes to court we will see what else they have. And what the defense is.
Anything else is speculation.


At this point I will assume you cannot see nor understand the complexities of the law. If you are not any of the involved parties you have no idea of what happened, much less know that the narrative that you favor so much is factual.

The I had a good life comment means nothing and it’s weird that you think it does.

If RG was in the house, and MB shot LK then why didn’t he shoot RG as well? Even if the first shot missed, subsequent shots could have easily been fired in the time it took RG to rush to their location.

At least I don’t insist on what happened. I offer scenarios and ask questions. That’s a normal reaction by someone who was not there.


Your description of the event is speculation, unless you’ve seen a video of what happened that the rest of us have not seen.

Which brings us back to the discussion of the illegal surveillance equipment, and why there is no video from it of the event in question.


If you are happy to clarify then why not clarify in any of the many posts you say you are sorry for not being clear?


Which are not necessarily accurate

I will add, if they humbled their own reports, you know, simply recording events
 How good was their actual investigation? Handling of evidence, etc?


Everything but the bold portion is not necessarily accurate, though.


And I will clarify as well: My issue was not that you weren’t clear or that you didn’t articulate something.

My issue, as clearly stated, is that you repeatedly, snidely echoed something I wrote (critical thinking). That shows bad faith, especially when you do so while pretending to be genuine and open in your discussion. You cannot simultaneously be engaging in a sincere way and also being repeatedly (and juvenilely) snarky.

That kind of faux civil discourse is not worth the time and effort of anyone else in this discussion. I will not engage with that nonsense and you do not rate my labour to explain my position or provide information to you which is why I have not responded to your demand for my analysis of the NYT article.

And, before you come back with another, “oh, gosh, sorry I wasn’t clear, I’m super happy to clarify, don’t shut down the discussion b/c you misunderstood me” butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth response: No misunderstanding at all. Look back at your posts (unless and until you edit them) and see you repeated verbiage I used in a mocking way. It’s very clear. Either own it and drop the faux civility or knock that stuff off if you sincerely desire genuine engagement.

If you want everyone to believe you’re not a troll, then don’t repeatedly choose the actions of a troll. Easy peasy.


The answer to all these questions, almost anywhere but America, is no. It’s just not part of the culture in most places to even consider arming yourself to deal with a dispute.

To a lot of us non-Americans you don’t go somewhere with a loaded gun unless you are prepared to fire it. To a lot of us, doing so demonstrates some level of intent.

Now, whether or not MB actually went there with a loaded gun has yet to be proven.


Going there with a gun - if he did - because of the dog and her guns is in no way proof of intent to shoot HER. It’s a purely defensive (though illegal) strategy.

Is it possible he went there with the intent to shoot HER? Yes. Just not probable. But we shall see.


Interestingly, if what LK says is true And there was a shot through the upstairs kitchen window where the BF was, I wonder if that doesn’t point further to the possibility that he was jumped by lauren, or the dog, and a a shot went wild. Seems to me the shot through the kitchen window points to a physical struggle, moreso than a purposeful attack on Rob upstairs in the kitchen from MB.


I either missed that bit or I’d forgotten it by now. Unless it’s a new claim by her.

To me, the fact that there was a dangerous dog present who had already attacked somebody quite recently would be enough to create reasonable doubt about why he brought a weapon with him, lacking any concrete evidence to the contrary.

It’s not what I would do, but I can imagine there are people who would do that.


Since when was there a shot through the kitchen window?


Kitchen window??? This is the first time I’ve heard this!! I thought the shot toward RG was into the front door jam.
Upstairs kitchen? When did that remodel job happen?


I don’t think I’ve ever heard this either - it may be a bit of the description of how many and where the shots landed has morphed over time. If I remember correctly, her claim is that MB shot at RG and it barely missed and hit the doorframe. I’m more likely to believe that in a struggle, the gun was errantly fired and it hit the doorframe, which just happened to be near RG.


Seems to be a conflation of info
.the bullet hit the doorway/window near RG’s head

and LK testified in discovery to having a camera in an upstairs bedroom window that overlooked the yard.


If I had to bet on it, my bet is errant shots during a physical struggle too.


MB is innocent to most people in this thread
even though he’s in jail still for
how long? The victim lies in a coma for weeks
whith gun shot wounds in her chest.

But no, not MBs fault. Even if he meant to shoot her, he is still innocent to majority of people here. :joy:

It would be funny if it weren’t an actual serious case.

It’s rather pathetic in these threads, if it were someone else shooting some famous rider in the same situation I bet the arguments would be supporting the victim
hands down.

Literally excuses for everything. He brought the gun because of the dog now? Those are some good mental gymnastics.


Was it not stated in the police reports or legal documents that MB admitted to getting in the truck and driving down to that house that night? Within seconds she was shot.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what his plan was.

Honestly the effort taken in this thread to make excuses for MB is a laugh.

Law enforcement know enough to see the plan was pretty clear.

He still sits in jail. Doesn’t look too good for MB.


In a coma for weeks?
Where did this “fact” come from?

In the thread I am reading I don’t think most people say that MB is blanket statement innocent of any and all charges available. Where did you read this?

Did you read the part where LK’s dog bit someone just before all this?