Court date for Michael Barisone?

The situation culminated with Kanarek being shot twice in the chest, leading to her being placed in a medically induced coma and an extensive surgery to repair damage to her left lung.

Lauren Kanarek told The New York Times that the first thing she saw after her first week of recovery from the Aug. 7 shooting were online comments wishing her dead.

So, not in a medically induced coma for weeks then?



Did you not notice that there is a lawsuit pending regarding the actions of the police? Do you not watch the news who have police acting irresponsibly on multiple occasions?

We are not the ones blinded by illusion. Your list of assumptions is ludicrous.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that LKs version of things is usually a lie based on things said to people here, including myself.

Maybe if she didn’t go around threatening people here there would be less people doubting her story but that’s not the case. And due to the fact that she’s been proven a liar it gives all the reason in the world to doubt her story.

As I’ve said all along, may justice prevail. Facts will be proven and the actual, true series of events will come to light. And at that point we will hopefully have a actual, real answers.

If people discussing the possibilities of what happened irks you so perhaps you should skip these threads. Otherwise I have to wonder on your thoughts of WHY discussion forums exist and why you belong to one.


You do understand that this incident occurred in New Jersey, which last I checked is in the United States, and that MB is considered innocent until proven guilty???

Wouldn’t you want the same consideration???

There will be a trial, presumably a fair trial. I have not seen one person claim here that MB is totally innocent and should not be held responsible for his actions.

According to you, it is “pathetic in these threads”, yet here you are!


Legal experts–I thought “intent” was not interchangeable with premeditated- and that the legal “intent” that matters is when you pull the trigger, even if you had no such “intent” moments before?(Heat of the moment type action?)

(oops I also cannot spell!)

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MB ran a successful training operation for years, multiple horses, multiple riders, multiple employees. With the possible exception of LK’s last qualifying score he seems to have been able to keep all these moving parts in order.

I don’t think he did a lot of premeditation here.

Yes, I know there is a difference between premeditation and intent.


Uh-huh. In the state of NJ, there is no bail for the offense he is charged with. Funny though, a frigging pandemic shut the courts down for over a year, but good try on that spin. So much for speedy trials and innocent until proven guilty.

If I recall correctly Kanarek was discharged and photos posted of her in a convenience store within weeks of the shooting with a comment that she forgot her wallet!

For what it’s worth, the NYT Nir article LK groupies seem to love, clearly states Barisone said he shot her in self defense. My, my, how interesting. Would the NYT publish BS just to make a story?


WAMC’s own Joe Donahue interviews award winning New York Times reporter and Pulitzer Prize finalist Sarah Maslin Nir about her new book Horse Crazy , a memoir that takes readers into the lesser-known corners of the equestrian world, woven through a captivating narrative of her family’s history. She details her father’s harrowing tale of surviving the Holocaust, and describes an enchanted but deeply lonely upbringing in Manhattan, where horses became her family. And she speaks candidly of how horses have helped her overcome heartbreak and loss.

As a staff reporter for The New York Times , Sarah Maslin Nir covers breaking news for the paper’s Metro section. She was a finalist for the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for her investigation into New York City’s nail salon industry that documented the exploitative labor practices and health issues manicurists face. Before becoming a staff member, Ms. Nir traveled to the Alaskan wilderness in search of people who prefer to live in isolation, and to post-earthquake Haiti.

It’s interesting to go back and read that Times article again now.


Yes, it really is.

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It’s too bad the Q&A tonight with the Times reporter is not available online.

(Edited for clarity.)

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I wonder why that writer has not written a piece about the MB civil case. It seems like a current event type piece, with blaming the cops and all, so why not write about that?

Oh wait, it would be hard to write that after writing this article.


Hahahahahaha! Indeed!


I don’t think it’s hard to write at all. A writer would just pretend to be an impartial reporter of the facts.

“The Barisone case took an interesting turn today with the filing of a civil suit by Michael Barisone’s attorneys claiming that the police department who responded to his farm on numerous occasions was negligent in their duties thus helping to guide the events which led to the shooting of LK
 blag blag blah”

Then, you write the assertions in the suit and act like you’ve been an uninvolved, unbiased observer and reporter all along.

My guess is she just doesn’t want to.


I think the Times has more than one reporter. They could have somebody else cover the lawsuit.


My book is almost ready to send to the publisher. I’m just waiting on the final few chapters. Of course I could simply write two endings and pick the correct one when the time comes

It will be titled “A Myriad of Fascinating Theories, or The Devil Made Me Do It”!!

(Sarcasm for those with reading comprehension issues.)


HUH?? Where in hell did you read that MB is innocent to “most people in this thread” (ignoring the innocent until proven guilty issue)? I have read speculation, theories and ideas - but no mass judge and jury here - much as you also offer your own theories and conjectures and yet rush to judge others in the same post/breath.

It would be funny
 except for your constant insults and sneers about a serious case from up there on your rapidly shrinking high horse. No one here knows the exact facts - not even you - so everything is just a discussion and theories offered - and rejected. Nothing more.

And then we should also try and stick to facts - those that we know of anyway. As in, there was no lying in a coma for weeks. No one deserves to be in a coma at all - and it is pathetic that we seem to have to constantly run such statements up the flagpole for those in the back to see and understand


LK’s public photos. This first one is 8/27/19 after being released from the hospital and is recovering in a hotel. Notice RG’s right arm is not bandaged and shows no sign of injury, yet LK says he had surgery performed the week after the shooting to repair his injury.

This photo is from 9/19 - caption speaks for itself. It is truly impressive the speed of her recovery (sincerely) and points to the extraordinary care she received in the hospital.


Ahhh yeah, this is entirely a cultural thing. People load their guns here to feel safe at the grocery store. I wouldn’t read too much into the presence of the gun, loaded or not.