Court date for Michael Barisone?

Yeah, well, she make a description of hos MB shot at the BF upstairs in the kitchen but missed, so maybe I just assumed there was a window through which MB could see him, otherwise how the eff was he able to shoot at him, supposedly, as she claimed. Maybe I added the window part in my brain, because if he aimed at him, when he was in the kitchen, I presumed he could see him. Or maybe she said it went through a window and missed him. That’s how I remember her description of it. but I’ve been wrong before.


I honestly would not read too much into any photo on SM. The subject could indeed be healed up and happily grocery shopping. Or the subject could be tanked on pain killers and gritting their teeth to pose looking carefree for 3 seconds. You just never know. Or they could be posting a photo from a month previous.

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I do believe the point of those social media photos is that LK was not in a coma for two weeks.


Plus she was the one making the SM media post.


Yes that’s true. She was posting within a couple of days of surgery. She was also making a point of stressing her very fast recovery.


Its convenient how harrowing or ho hum she describes it, flip flopping between the two.


This is why I have such an issue with the point blank version of the shooting and lean towards scuffle.

I’m no gun guru but I can’t imagine 2 .9mm shots, center mass to the chest not doing more damage, even with the breast implants as buffers.


I have a question about the charges against Ruth Cox. In the court case website it lists the offense date as 8/5/19 12:00 am. Wasn’t the shooting on the 7th? If the gun went missing, would this be the date it went missing?

Maybe it is an error?

Or possibly when she arrived in nj?

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LK mocked her on FB for “losing her gun” about 3 sentences after saying she knowingly handed it to him to go murder her with.

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:scream: :roll_eyes:

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Are there screen shots of this?


Unless RC openly carried it around or discussed having it, how would anyone know it was hers or if it was missing? Too many questions.


Illegal recording devices?


That could be a possibility.


Or if someone took it, they would certainly know it was missing.


Every so often on these threads, there is a post that reminds me that the boarding situations I’ve seen that seemed completely crazy and over-the-top were not as extreme as they could have been.


Yes, this situation set the bar pretty high on the craziness scale for barn drama.


Who knows, she could be applying for a spot at a board barn with you or near you in the future! This leopard isn’t going to change her spots for any reason. Obviously SS isn’t going to do anything to her and her beau, and neither are her buddies at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office or local PD for the illegal surveillance equipment. Once again, she has zero accountability for any of her actions.