Court date for Michael Barisone?

I wonder if MB or SGF (if they haven’t already) would have to file a police report before it was investigated.

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[quote=“trubandloki, post:1925, topic:761824, full:true”]

Maybe. I saw it on RC’s FB when it was brought up that LK was posting nasty comments under the pictures. At least one of them was posted as a screenshot but I don’t recall if it was that exact one.

At the time I though it was weird because handing off a gun for use is not the same as “losing” control of it. There has never been any indication from the DA/police that RC was involved in providing the gun to MB or the shooting itself….just that it was in a state where it wasn’t supposed to be.

Additionally….there is the whole litter box thing. Since LK has repeatedly insisted this was a hit job planned by 4 people, it doesn’t make sense to me to be laughing about RC getting charged for “losing” the gun. However, if LK had been playing a game of “hide the gun” it would.


And my in laws


This is the comment I saw…it was lengthier than I remembered. It is a copy/paste from a post in the original thread from 9/19….I bolded the two statements that come across as contradictory….

“Posted on Ruth Cox’s FB page under a picture of a dog.

Lauren Kanarek In America, it’s forbidden 🚫 by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.D would know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesn’t mean the forensics lab can’t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.
You are not the barn manager. You’d show up once every few months. Also… remember when DD had that throat problem? Remember when you wanted to have a say in the treatment? Do you wonder why I even know about that? I’ll tell ya. MH and MB told the WHOLE BARN you have NO SAY and you think you’re a bully. Michael made sure to let everyone know- HE IS THE BIGGER BULLY. In any case, any barn manager (since that’s the story you’re going with - even though many people from Newbern can account for your whereabouts during ALL the times you were NOT in NJ- making it impossible for you to have been “barn manager,”) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst. FYI- MH hates you. Just ask her. If I had a penny for the amount of times she has said “Ruth is so old, anyway. She ll “kick the bucket soon so I’ll have full ownership of DD,” I’d be billionaire from pennies.
Given I don’t care at all about your moronic deals with criminals- you should ask yourself- “how does Lauren know all this?” Did I make this up? Pretty detailed a story to make such stuff up. You hitched your old wagon to the wrong trailer. When MH wants you out of your deal with her… what do you suppose her limits are to get you out of the picture? 🤔 Hint: she is stupid. Stupid people who have no limits are a danger to themselves & others. Do t you know that “DOCTOR 🤣🤣🤣 Ruth???” Laughable.”


Yowza. :hushed:


Thank you ~ this is one of the most intelligent and fact-based posts I’ve seen in this thread.

Very few posters seem to understand the strictness of NJ gun laws. That is the overarching issue in this case—that MB shot one person and attempted to shoot another with an illegal gun.

You don’t walk away from that by making excuses, such as those outlined in MB’s civil suit.

I continue to be a bit horrified that we have a group of posters trying to justify his actions. The acronym you made to defend your doing so makes it even worse, not to mention the bullying that takes place whenever someone states an opinion that doesn’t align with your narrative.

Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of posters are creating their hypotheses about this case using knowledge gleaned from Law & Order, CSI, and other crime procedurals. That’s perfectly fine and you’re welcome to do so. However, that doesn’t mean you are right.

It’s like the ultimate mean girls club…because you (group) don’t like the [gun violence] victim, you only believe the “evidence” brought to the table by the victim’s shooter. It’s so blatant that it takes away from the legitimacy of everything else you write.

I realize this post won’t change minds, but I wanted to acknowledge a great post from someone whose thoughts align with the opinions of law enforcement and legal people I know—in NJ and PA—who are familiar with the case.



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Other than the civil complaint, please enlighten me of the “evidence” the “victim’s shooter” has presented. I’ll wait.


In preparation for the day this is needed:


Question for you/your legal & LE friends: Is it correct that, even if he prevails with an insanity defense and goes to facility for that condition, once he is deemed eligible to leave the that facility (i.e., no longer incapacitated) he can then be tried for the crime? Or is that prohibited under double jeopardy? I know that re-trying a case can happen (and even happen repeatedly to some defendants) but I don’t know the nuances of how and when that can happen.

I’ve never practiced US criminal law/had colleague who do, but I thought I remembered hearing that a successful insanity defense doesn’t end the issue, just kicks it down the road a bit.

Funny, because the victim’s shooter has never made a public statement about the shooting, nor has he posted here.


Except for she’s so far been wrong. RC, that she claims is subject to a lengthy jail sentence….doesn’t appear to be in jail, or have any charges in connection with the shooting.


Who are the people from Newbern?
Why is her being somewhere else (not in NJ) disqualify her from also being a barn manager?
More importantly, why does LK care?


MB’s civil suit? You can argue semantics, but his lawyer wrote the brief based on MB’s statement (not police statement) about what happened, and I’ve seen many referring to the claims in there as evidence or based on evidence (“if it’s in there it must have happened that way”).

I can’t believe I even had to explain that.

Also, this group is basing its opinions on what has been reported publicly or what LK has said (whether people believe her or not, it seems that posters are very concerned with her version of events).

Do you realize how much key information you’re not privy to? Such as information based on official statements and documented evidence? Or that just because something hasn’t happened yet, that it may happen in the future?

I’m not going to comment further. My comments are based on conversations I’ve had with people who have the expertise and knowledge we all are lacking. Although I do appreciate the poster who asked questions in an effort to better understand NJ’s laws/legal system.

You are welcome to continue to be argumentative about what I’ve said or how I said it, but it won’t change the fact that, while discussion is good and an energetic discussion will find itself exploring rabbit trails, if you are going to argue a criminal issue, it’s best to do so without bias and with an open mind, especially if you clearly do not have all the facts.

I imagine MB is getting quite a bit of fan mail from our intrepid sleuths here. :blush: (Just kidding!)

Carry on!


Lol while I doubt anyone here is writing MB in jail, there has certainly been no lack of fan girl behavior going on since the shooting event. The lack of self-awareness displayed by said fan girls is amusing.


Here we go again. Kindly provide quotes/links/examples of all this gushing, gooey fangirl love you insist is rampant and overflowing through these threads. There is apparently so much of it oozing everywhere that it should be easy to come up with a few flagrant examples of such saccharine nonsense.

The lack of self-awareness from those who made sweeping, grandiose proclamations and accusations over and over again as if that will somehow become truth… is amusing.

All I have seen are a couple of posters who have always been a bit OTT about LK at times - and everyone else just speculating and theorizing about what may or may not happened. No squealing fangirlyness. No posts fantasizing about MB. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


Talk about fangirls! Mirror much?

So how’s that projection treating you?

I’m amused by forum participants who participate on posts in forums for people not to participate on posts in forums.


Try a new tune! This one is both sour and old!


Interesting. Thats about as nasty as a snake can get. What kind of glee and joy at other people’s struggles.

I once read MHs Facebook page, just hoping she has a happy life today. I do forget, but I rely did think that RC and she are pleasant friends on FB. Now it possible I’m wrong and tember ot wrong but I doubt lauren is right about anyone.


If posters who do not gush about LK are called MB fan girls, what are posters who gush about LK called?