CWD Panel help

Hi @Belmont! Can you please assist me!

I have found a saddle with 910 panels. The full stamp is SE02 17” RT 2L TR, PA910 RT. I understand the meaning of the stamp thanks to you! You are the best!

But do you think it will fit my horse or do you think that 910 is too much padding?

Purely based off this one picture, a 910 could work!
I would make sure it’s not squeezing your horses wither area too tight and creating soreness there. When you put it on, girth it down without a pad first, and check for wither clearance and any weird gapping or tightness.

Just remember, everything changes in motion. What you think might work standing still could drastically change once your horse starts trotting.

Thank a lot @Belmont! I will try it on and check! My biggest problem with my current sadel is that it to wide I think, so standing still it looks greater in balanced. But once my horse starts walking it lifts in back and moves forwards when riding.