Unlimited access >

Dear Chronicle, we want COTH caps and are willing to pay!

I’d buy one if they were under $15. (Struggling college student budget, sorry.) I vote for khaki. And I am a hat collector – non horsey or horsey – I’ve got a TON but the collection has gone from my wall to my closet… gotta grow up sometime.

Tres adorable!!! Twas many moons ago that mine were that little… But, I have a 7 mos old niece and one-week old son of kids’ old nanny to spoil, etc. should the need arise.

I am VERY dangerous in baby stores!!!

one also.

Yeah I want a hat, I think it is a GREAT idea to have the screen names on the back! khaki or green vote for me.

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

They should ONLY be sold to registered BB users because were better then anyone else. Should I start picketing at COTH this PM?? .

Alec; who just had lunch at Magpie’s across the street from COTH…

Another vote for the aforementioned by Portia, those are my barn colours (yes, a Canadian here) but I will happily take any colour.

I want one too!!! Hunter green would be a great change from all my navy and khaki-colored hats!!

[This message was edited by dublin on Mar. 28, 2001 at 03:51 PM.]

I think they should be available ONLY online so that we limit them to US! Can you imagine walking up to someone at a show and asking them their screen name if they were just Joe Schmo that picked up a Chronicle in the tack store? They might have security haul you off!

ETBW, maybe if you march down to Middleburg and sit on the Chron’s front stoop, it’ll inspire them to REALLY rush them!

I’m sure Gofer will keep us posted.

And Fernie, no one will see mine either. You’ll notice there aren’t very many BBer meetings at events… only horse shows.

Just put it on for gods sake!!!I can’t wait !!sooooo excited !!!I see myself walking around Upperville and seing lil hats with names on the back > what do I see MOESHA its him!!!oh my god I thought he’d be taller!or its Duffy I thought she’d be um BLONDE etc etc how fun is this much better than… oh never mind ERIN did get rid of that awful orange so I’ll gladly keep my promise never never to mention you know what???

I want a cap, too. Just tell me how to order one.

What a DOLL!!! I’m so excited for you!!!

I would like one !!

Duffy I too am tres dangeruese I can burn a nordstroms card right up in minutes!!!Bloomies too I admit I killed Macy’s though!!snip snip snip

Sign me up immediately since this was my idea.

Kahki with green writing. Or Brown. Sounds gross but I think it would be nice!

from Hadfields!

Murph and Cindy always keep a few in their shop at the shows. They do a new design every year.

while I’m at it, I’m thinking of getting a shirt that says “I’m with Portia”

(which would be the antithesis of the “I’m with stupid” shirts)

I can at least pretend that I hang out with intelligent folks

anyone else want one?

OK. We have COTH baseball caps in the works. I can’t be sure if they’ll be ready for those going to Rolex Kentucky next month, but we’re trying to get them rushed.

They will be hunter green with tan embroidery. And they will be NICE quality from a very established and higly regarded company that frequents the best horse shows in the country.Only the best will do for our faithful readers

We can sell them through the website of course. Oh goodie, something else for me to teach Melinda. She’ll love me for this.

Thanks Gofer!