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Dear Chronicle, we want COTH caps and are willing to pay!

I can see us at our respective get togethers after our hats arrive and get monogrammed with our screen names…Pictures of groups with our hats on backwards!

BTW, who IS Gofer???

Well under threat of death from brilyntrip, I’m gonna get one but just to confuse the issue would like to suggest a game of musical hats – at the next Canadian clique get-together, I’ll wear Canter’s hat and Tin will wear mine, Quinn will wear LCR Scott’s, and Fred will wear JumpTheMoon’s.

I want one, sans the plastic adjuster thingie in the back. A lovely shade of green to go with my booger t-shirt would be nice, please?

How about


I can see I’m going to have to come up with a new BB ‘name’ just so I can have it on my hat…

I crave a COTH cap with baymare on the back. Maybe we should design them so that they have room for various clique-logos, too?

p.s. That is one brilliant-looking child, Gofer.

As a certified obsessive collector of horse related ballcaps (anyone wanna see my “Hadfield” cap collection ), it goes without saying that I want one.

Of course, I want one that is not the old fashioned square-front kind, and I do NOT want one that has the plastic hole-close thingy in the back (obsessive yes, discriminating, YES!)

Gofer - way cute kid!!! (and that is high praise coming from me - to quote a fellow BB’er, I don’t have that maternal gene!!!)

Colin, I would have thought you were used to people pointing at you and laughing by now?

I want one…I second Duffy’s request for NICE.

Now, as to colors - how about offering several color combos. JUST NOT COTH ORANGE!!!


How could you think such a thing!!! I’m truly gasping in shock and astonishment!

How much did you pay Gofer and Erin to get those colors!

Where can I get mine? And Trooper - I love the screen name idea on the back!

So heidi does this mean we can start a thread related to the which BBer would you like to be called Which BBers Hat Would You Like to Wear?

Don’t worry, Portia. These will be top of the line baseball caps. I have the COTH standards to uphold. I did like the idea of a matching diaper bag, though I’ll have to ponder that.

My supplier is currently on a cruise ship, though, so I’m not yet sure exactly how fast she can turn them around. Hopefully, her ship will be back in soon! But Rolex looks like the most likely first offering, that is of course in addition to the website!

P.S. Erin, if you’d like to post a photo, I’m sure the mothers on the BB could understand why I had to discontinue moderating…

OK. I’m in. Even though, like Heidi, I look like an ABSOLUTE DOOFUS in the durn things. But anything for my fellow COTH BBers! And two thumbs-up to the idea of monogramming the back of them with our screen names … saves everyone the trouble of yelling out, “Will AAJumper or Coreene or Dublin or Rusty … or any other member of the CA Clique … PLEASE stand up!!!”

Thing is, who’s gonna break it to Merry that she’s not getting a tiara??

Since heidi has so kindly offered to buy me a hat, i’ll take one too LOL. Though I don’t think many of us Canucks will be seeing any of you USAians any time soon. And if Fred really wants to wear my hat he may, but having that privilege will cost him…

How cute!!! Who wouldn’t want to follow that little one around all day?

More pictures please!!!

I definately want one!

I hope the shade of hunter chosen Won’t dare clash with my TS’s … that puke-green is a hard one to co-ordinate with