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Dear Chronicle, we want COTH caps and are willing to pay!

I will gladly drive to M’burg to pick mine up! Gofer should have a little booth in the COTH parking lot to sell them from

Lunch Coach Stop, drinks at Mosby’s, tack shopping, oh the unutterable bliss!

Winglet, get your own - MINE MINE MINE!

Oh Duffy, they have just seen the wisdom of making sure DMK is happy…

Right Erin?

Oh, I would never DREAM of taking your hat mummy… besides, it’s probably MUCH too big for me, what with your southern-belle big hair and all… But, if you could see fit to pick me up one, I’d GLADLY remit payment upon receiving a picture of said hat (To prove its existence…) Do you have a financial aid program?

JoHn (WiNgLeT)

[This message was edited by Winglet on Mar. 28, 2001 at 05:28 PM.]

Robby will want a hat. That will start up an eventers ground swell!

Winglet, I before E except after C or at least until Erin figures out how to get spell check back (so there mister 1420 on SAT and washing cars )

Where is VTrider when I need her? Add “concessions” to the sign and a discrete arrow pointing to Gofer’s sales booth. We could add some Perfect Pepper tee shirts and really rack up some $ for the good old COTH!

I’m sick, have mercy! I’ve been living on NyQuil and TheraFlu for 3 days. And I like my job.

JoHn (WiNgLeT)

The hats must be coming from PP! And since she is a major web surfer, I know you can get her to give us a deal. Although, why she wanted to be in Alaska this time of year is beyond me.

Make mine orange!!!

me, me, me! I want one!

After consulting Regal, we have made an executive decision on the colors for the PA/NJ clique. Green with silver trim is now our official set of colors. Anyone who has a problem with this can consider themselves a Delawarian.

JoHn (WiNgLeT)

…count me in!

I don’t think there will be a choice of colors… and monogramming your username will probably have to be on your own. But I will leave the details up to Gofer.

Mini-Gofer’s real name is Cameron, and he really IS that cute!

I’m moving this over to Off Course… please continue over there.

Well then I MUST go out and buy a hunter green and gold tack trunk, blankets, coolers, saddlepads, halter, shipping wraps, tack trunck cover, saddle cover, am I missing anything?