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Dear Chronicle, we want COTH caps and are willing to pay!

LOL Trooper, that wasn’t me. You can blame that on heidi. She forgets to have a shower sometimes, okay? She has kids so no need to get all pissy about it. You can’t blame it on the poor girl. Her stool broke and now she can’t reach the water tap to turn the water on and off. And the sink is just a bit too small. LOL.

Dear COTH,

Please consider creating and selling the old COTH ball caps. We the undersigned will support the venture and promise to purchase at least one cap each.

Truly yours,

Everythingbutwings - email on file

Gofer! How adorable!

I need a hat, too!

Me me me!

You should have them made and then have them at places like the COTH booth at Rolex.

How’d I miss THIS thread?!? I WANT ONE!! (*thank god for you DMK- I could not don one of those w/ the plastic…)

I want one!!! How excellent!! Did i miss it?? Can we get our SN monogrammed on??

me too.

I WANT ONE !!!no PUMPKIN BLECH!!! I love the idea of the front saying COTHBB and the back being embroidered with our sns!!

And please make available via mail order to those of us that are in the “sticks” and would never be in the “real world” where you could actually touch, feel and purchase one!

Hunter green with beige is delightful.

Good quality “golf” visors would be nice also.

for a COTH cap incentive

Sort of like PBS incentive of “we promise to NOT call you soliciting if you sign up now”

Okay, you knew it would happen.


Duffy, you haven’t been around long enough to remember Gofer? She used to be my co-moderator. She managed to slip out of that duty by having a baby. (Can I post a pic, Gof? Pleeeease?? )

Green and tan matches my stuff, too. I’m in. Where do we get them? And Erin, we have to do something about the eventers, and I think wearing our hats will help! I’m sure lots of eventers lurk on the BB but are still in the closet.

Adorable TeriK, one in training!

Oh my, Gofer, what an adorable baby! Congrats! I am absolutely green with envy - haven’t had a crawler in many years and am yearning for one.

Wings - egads, woman! I can’t believe you wrote what you did about men needing huge, stiff accessories!

I’d like to clarify for the record that I will be in need of ONE, singular, hat. Thankfully, I have no alters who will be demanding hats. Though, if I did, suspect they’d look as dorky as I do in a baseball cap.

Forget the hat, give me your baby!! Isn’t that what Fat Bastard said in Austin Powers? Seriously, though, that is one cute baby, but I will settle for the hat!

Okay, at least an on-BB campaign won’t blow up Melinda’s mailbox.

I will direct the Chronicle powers that be to this thread, and see if there’s enough interest.

(I always wanted one myself… )

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> the alters will be selling their Chronicle-BB-member-only hats for hugely inflated prices behind the tents at WEF to all the non-BBers who want to seem as cool as all of you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just picture walking around Upperville or Harrisburg and running into some innocent wearing a cap with the name of one of Colin or Sea Urchin’s Alters on it! Muahahahah!

You and your fellow BB’er (we tend to travel best in groups) will have beverage snorting out your respective noses attempting to determine the purchase price of the hat whilst snickering and pointing to the false BBer.

DMK where did you get your Hadfields hats???

The girl who took over my lessons while I was in Florida really wanted one but I could’nt get one in Ocala

(By the way Gofer, I (unlike Duffy…) remember the pre-minigofer days when you monitored!) The little gof. is ADORABLE!! FAAAR too cute to hardly even be allowed!

Yep hunter green with gold would be excellent. If there’s a choice of colors, S.Gray and I hereby claim that color combination for the Texas Clique!

Great idea trooper to have our screen names on the back. Even better idea Alec to restrict purhase to registered BBers. Maybe we can get matching bumper stickers that say “Elite and Proud.”

Of course I may have mine inscribed with “I Survived Colin.”