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Dear Chronicle, we want COTH caps and are willing to pay!

Dear COTH,

Please consider creating and selling the old COTH ball caps. We the undersigned will support the venture and promise to purchase at least one cap each.

Truly yours,

Everythingbutwings - email on file

Here is the Gofer-in-training…

They’ll be sold for CALIFORNIAN dollars!!

Gotta say, Gofer … love the new choices. The two-toned sounds cool. And yes to the embroidery!

Can we order our names on them???

Humm…maybe I don’t need to be that easily recognized. I mean, it was pretty scary when DMK and HATTIE walked into PCB’s barn at Ocala and just starting pointing and laughing at me!!! I was totally clueless and didn’t know WHAT was going on!!!

Where do I sign up?

I will PROUDLY wear mine at all the Keeneland Sales…

(would there be room for “hitchinmygetalong” on the back???)

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.”
-Louisa May Alcott

Okay, at least an on-BB campaign won’t blow up Melinda’s mailbox.

I will direct the Chronicle powers that be to this thread, and see if there’s enough interest.

(I always wanted one myself… )

LOL Trooper, that wasn’t me. You can blame that on heidi. She forgets to have a shower sometimes, okay? She has kids so no need to get all pissy about it. You can’t blame it on the poor girl. Her stool broke and now she can’t reach the water tap to turn the water on and off. And the sink is just a bit too small. LOL.

DMK where did you get your Hadfields hats???

The girl who took over my lessons while I was in Florida really wanted one but I could’nt get one in Ocala

Gofer! How adorable!

I need a hat, too!

Yep hunter green with gold would be excellent. If there’s a choice of colors, S.Gray and I hereby claim that color combination for the Texas Clique!

How’d I miss THIS thread?!? I WANT ONE!! (*thank god for you DMK- I could not don one of those w/ the plastic…)

I want one!!! How excellent!! Did i miss it?? Can we get our SN monogrammed on??

see original thread for the colors the cliques have already staked out.


Me too!

Alright, Gofer!!! You DID make sure that they won’t have that tacky, nasty plastic thing in the back with the prongs and holes, right?

MUST have a tiara embroidered on hers

Hey, I just emailed Gofer… she gets all the credit this time.

Perhaps matching ELECTRIC socks would be in order

JoHn (WiNgLeT)

Poo! I have never worn, nor will I ever wear a baseball cap. My head is not conducively shaped for a baseball cap.

Thus, I’d like to cast my vote for something more useful - think you can whip up a COTH monogrammed diaper bag for me Gofer?

We’re in the midst of ordering the hats. We have decided to order two colors–a hunter green and a khaki. Now, we have several choices in these colors. Which do you prefer–

A) solid color, traditional hunter green/khaki


B) a washed out, more modern-looking hunter green/khaki. They kind of look like a faded pair of jeans, except in different colors (obviously

NO!!! Not our dearest Heidi?!?!?!?!?

I, on the other hand, only need ONE…