Status on Offers for Chanter
Given that it is hard to weed out the posts for offers, I tried my best to piece together the various offers that have been made so far and post them here in one place. May I suggest that if someone has another offer, that they quote this post and then add their offer at the bottom (which will make old offers show up in a blue box with the new offer below in white)? That way there will be a comprehensive list of outstanding offers.
First, Chanter’s number is 352-591-0668 if you can do anything to help her. She says she only has dial up, so the line will be busy if she is on the internet, and she does not have an answering machine, i.e., keep trying.
The following are offers that have been made; note that about half way down are classifieds that people have gathered from various sources (labeled “Ads”). Note too that some of these offers might not have been viable or otherwise might not still be available:
Chanter,E-mail me directly ( if you’re still in need. I may have a way for you to get out of that situation, as well as housing your horses (not 100% sure about the dog right now…). Free rent with a job to help you save up some cash. As for right now, I understand your fear, but I would call the police and sit down with a detective, explaining the situation fully. I don’t know what kind of deal you can make, (as I assume you’re fearing retaliation if the police and the ASCPA just randomly showed up to check on this guy), but you at least need to get something submitted formally.E-mail me if you need to and best of luck…
North Carolina –
The coop barn next door has two open stalls. I can do temporary care for you, and feed the horses my feed/hay for a few days until you can get up here. Let me know if you need it.
Chanter, the offer I made for your horses I told you that the horses could stay as long as you wanted. It’s a coop barn, but I’d provide the food, hay, and labor for the first few weeks until you got on your feet. After that then you’d need to be here and care for them. It’s a 3/4 of a mile walk to my neighbors, and I’ve got a f/t job, 5 horses, all of which are undersaddle, 2 are clients that I have to ride. It’s a major stretch for me to do anything like that.
I wonder why the service dogs aren’t neutered, too. And, a Shit-zu (? spelling) service dog? I thought most service dogs were big dogs, but I could be thinking of something else.
Nootka (note – apparently Nootka might not be able to offer a place after all because she rents)
I have 2bedrooms and room temp for 2 horses (1 horse could stay long) plus room for dog/s in Dunnellon which is 20min south of Ocala.
Maybe we can work something out?
I am in NC but I have a six stall barn with only 2 horses. I know its a long way from Ocala but I would be willing to take the 2 horses and 2 dogs for a while. PM me if interested. There is work nearby at another farm and living arrangements.
Location: Illinois
Posts: 823
Im a long way from FL, but have an extra room at the 'inn" and could also house your two horses. The dogs could be a problem. I have 2 dog aggressive Cane Corso’s who live in the house, so any additional dogs would have to take residence in our extra garage.
I know its a long way to go to IL, but if you get to where you just need to get up and go…you are welcome here.
I just sent you a PM. Please call me at 815-761-4937. I have contacts in Ocala that might be able to help you.
I just found this thread, and I am worried for you.
I am all the way in PA, and it’s a very small consolation, but I can take the small dog for as long as you need to get back on your feet, provided small dog doesn’t mind living with cats. I don’t think my apartment manager would ever allow me to have a larger dog and I live in an apartment in the city- so I cannot help with the horses.
It’s a very very small offer but I am putting it out anyway.
I hope everything is all right. I would take the dogs with you when you go out. It would be better if you could take the horses too but they’re so big and hard to find a place to go with. The fewer beings in this crazy guy’s line of fire- the better.
Location: Mobile, AL USA
Chanter, if you are seeing this, I’d like to draw your attention to a post by Jessie on the Sport Horse breeding forum announcing an empty trailer headed from Ocala to VA Jan 2. I know someone from NC announced they could take you, and had a job nearby…You have to drive through NC to get to VA from Ocala.
Chanter, I can move your horses for free if they stay in the west central FL area. PM me if you need me. I’m about 1 and 1/2 hours south of Ocala.
From an e-mail I got:
Endurance.Net just posted an ad for someone looking for live-in help on a
horse farm in Vermont. You may want to refer the poster to Endurance.Net -
Caretaker/exercise rider needed in NE Vermont. Duties would vary widely from
exercising 4 well broke horses, to working with and training one young
horse, and one young mule. If applicable, we also need someone to do farm
maintenance and caretaking. We put up all of our hay, have several acres of
lawn to mow, bushhogging, trail maintenance, fencing, and housesitting when we are out of town. Small, but nice cottage provided. Non smokers only, please. Salary negotiable, depending on workload.
New TB Horse Farm FT- 6 days. Working with mares & foals. Experience a MUST. $400 - $500/wk upon exp. Fax resume 352-347-6329 or call 352-347-6210
Horse Groom- Champion Reining and Cowhorse Ranch looking for qualified groom for show horses and turn outs. Duties include stall cleaning, animal husbandry, and grooming. Riding skills a plus. Call 4 Arrows Ranch at 352-438-0160
OUT IN THE STABLE HORSEY HOOFS, Here comes Santa down the roof. At Equistaff we need grooms. Come by and see us really soon. 622-2040
These were in the Ocala paper. I don’t know if housing is available on the first two. Try Equistaff and explain that you need immediate housing for you and the animals. They were a Godsend for me in the past for sure. Post if you got this, if not, I will try calling here in a bit.
PRIVATE FARM Seeking Self - Motivated Person to be in charge of Ten Quarter Horses, including Exercising and Trail Riding: also responsibility for equine related facilities and equipment. Use of Three Bedroom, 2 Bath house, Salary and Benefits included. (678) 314-5749 GA
ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, All utilities included, in exchange for farm work or work and reduced rent. Horse experience necessary. N. Fulton / S. E . Cherokee County location. (404) 797-7564 GA
NEED EXPERIENCED Horse Person with references. Full time work at Equine Hospital and boarding / training facility. Salary & housing. (706) 342-4535 Madison, GA
HORSE FARM needs Two Experienced Grooms. Full time and Travel. Salary and Housing (770) 740-8432 Rancho de Caballos necesita dos ensilladores con experiencia tiempo copleto y puedan viajar, se prove casa y salario. Llamar (770) 740-8432 GA