[QUOTE=rebecca yount;2098259]
Chiming in here. I actually am a licensed psychologist in addition to being an experienced farm owner. This thread has been a very interesting read for me.
Probably the best assistance that those who desire to help Chanter could give would be be sure she gets in touch with professionals and agencies that could help her.
Talking to her for three hours on the telephone, using up valuable time and apparently money on a phone card, seems to me not as productive as her connecting with agencies that have the expertise and resources to assist her.
Best intentions notwithstanding, I think the BB community is being drawn into a very difficult situation. So maybe someone could give her those numbers and leave it at that. She seems quite capable of making phone calls. The rest of it is best left to professionals. In the end, they will do the most effective job.[/QUOTE]
How very presumptous of you to make some of these comments without knowing all the details. Yes we spoke for three hours - on my dime, I called her so it didn’t use up any of her phone card time, AND I made the call to her at 11PM not during hours when she could have been getting anything else done anyway. AND we DID accomplish quite a bit in terms of making a plan and places she could contact for assistance, I found out exactly what her situation is and what she needs right now and I am doing what I can to try to help her. She also had someone to talk with at an hour where she was sitting home all alone panicking. Our conversation helped her to stay calm and to be able to talk things out with another person rather than dwelling on it all alone. You as a professional must be aware that sometimes just having someone to talk with can be very beneficial.
I also don’t agree with you that we should just hand her a bunch of phone numbers for different agencies and tell her to go call them and leave it at that. You of all people should be more understanding, when someone is totally alone and in a desperate situation they aren’t always able to keep it all together enough to handle things on their own. Sometimes we honestly need the help or assistance of other human beings even if its just to have someone who is a friend to listen. I don’t know how much you know about her disability but I don’t think you know much about it at all. She needs assistance from someone to keep all the details in order. If it isn’t something you care to help her with then don’t but do not tell me or anyone else that we shouldn’t either. Its not your call. And please do NOT judge me or others until you really know what the whole story is, its nothing more than arrogant and rude behavior.