DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

Dogs can also be trained to sense panic attacks and anxiety attacks in order to allow their human to get out of a situation in which an attack could cause trouble.[/QUOTE]

No disrespect to the OP, but if this is the case (re dogs, above), these dogs should have been doing cartwheels the last few weeks, based on the OP’s description of the situation…

Any new updates on the leads???

oi vet tech person-- i cant spell either nor write things in context sometimes as i am deslextic – but i doont think i attacked you – as i said vet tech perosn sometimes people visit and theres am mist no one know what goes on behind closed doors-- that wasnt attacking that stating a fact–

as for chanter shes in troube that been there form day one – i have been attacked in past you know why i beleive her to-- becuase she says the same things --very clearly not if or buts --she very clear short sharpe notes
images – when and wehere --those images never die when ones been attakced they in your head --forever --ever single detail --as if it happened two mintues ago-- fear is a funny thing --and being she has a trama must be ten times harder --i got attacked by mates hubby he tried to rape me and i mremeber every singlle detail–in anormal brain you go into overdrive and think of escape and say anything no women is as strong as aman asmen even the tiny ones are more stronger than us but–metally we strnoger than a man as we can accept pain hatios further than a man as we are bred to have have babies men arnt – pysically they stronger than us –
fear like said --in fear you can overcome it to apoint but constance faer of what happens next is domething you cant over come --as you dont know…

goeslikestink- oh, i was not directing that at you. i put the persons name at the front of that part of my post. i too am deslextic, really bad. my poor boss just shakes her head sometimes. but she loves me, i am a very hard worker have never missed a day, going on 6 yrs. with her. so i totally understand the typing and spelling thing. just thought too attack me about my spelling had nothing to do with the op’s problem.:slight_smile:



SHE HAS 2 FIRM OFFERS OF HELP FROM gray17htb and lori
nad lori being a resue might beable to help other neds not saying she will
but i dont know – iam lost as in uk
i would have gone to her with out adoubt if i was in states hocked up and took there and then even tho i dont have room iowuld have done it

This is the best advice of the WHOLE thread.

Please read it again… and again… until it sinks in a bit.

OK, I have a question, does the OP have any family to help her at all?[/QUOTE

No, none at all. She is completely on her own in the world.

coup- i am in total agreement with what you just said about the post from rebecca. she just said it all. give her the resources and leave it at that.

Take a look at the COTH board rules… no, she CANNOT state the person’s or the barn’s name on the boards until or unless there has been a court battle/ prosecution, the court has ruled against the alleged offender, and the facts of the case have become public record. It is against COTH’s policies… no matter what the libel laws may be.

[QUOTE=rebecca yount;2098259]
Chiming in here. I actually am a licensed psychologist in addition to being an experienced farm owner. This thread has been a very interesting read for me.

Probably the best assistance that those who desire to help Chanter could give would be be sure she gets in touch with professionals and agencies that could help her.

Talking to her for three hours on the telephone, using up valuable time and apparently money on a phone card, seems to me not as productive as her connecting with agencies that have the expertise and resources to assist her.

Best intentions notwithstanding, I think the BB community is being drawn into a very difficult situation. So maybe someone could give her those numbers and leave it at that. She seems quite capable of making phone calls. The rest of it is best left to professionals. In the end, they will do the most effective job.[/QUOTE]

How very presumptous of you to make some of these comments without knowing all the details. Yes we spoke for three hours - on my dime, I called her so it didn’t use up any of her phone card time, AND I made the call to her at 11PM not during hours when she could have been getting anything else done anyway. AND we DID accomplish quite a bit in terms of making a plan and places she could contact for assistance, I found out exactly what her situation is and what she needs right now and I am doing what I can to try to help her. She also had someone to talk with at an hour where she was sitting home all alone panicking. Our conversation helped her to stay calm and to be able to talk things out with another person rather than dwelling on it all alone. You as a professional must be aware that sometimes just having someone to talk with can be very beneficial.
I also don’t agree with you that we should just hand her a bunch of phone numbers for different agencies and tell her to go call them and leave it at that. You of all people should be more understanding, when someone is totally alone and in a desperate situation they aren’t always able to keep it all together enough to handle things on their own. Sometimes we honestly need the help or assistance of other human beings even if its just to have someone who is a friend to listen. I don’t know how much you know about her disability but I don’t think you know much about it at all. She needs assistance from someone to keep all the details in order. If it isn’t something you care to help her with then don’t but do not tell me or anyone else that we shouldn’t either. Its not your call. And please do NOT judge me or others until you really know what the whole story is, its nothing more than arrogant and rude behavior.

you’re so being scammed.

Go send her some money! Send yours FIRST.

I wasn’t referring to the COTH rules here, I was referring to the difference between slander and libel, and what they mean. I hadn’t actually thought about the COTH rules for some time, so it’s just as well that this rule was not broached-thanks for bringing it up.

phone cards… the min run out even if you call the person using the phone. Or are you just talking about a landline at home? Because of the long distance?

Anyway, I heard from my landlord. Unaltered males at/in the house are a BIG “NO GO”. Wish I could do more… but I cant. I need finac. help myself and cant take on someone that I will have to put money out for. I offered a good deal if it worked out… alas, it did not

good for you Nootka :slight_smile: and thank you for following up.

No I didn’t use a phone card I called her from my home. And by the way Coup De Des; if it comes to helping out with transporting her and her animals I WILL send money. I have sent money to transport horses rescued here on COTH and in other situations that have helped someone in need and I’ll do it again - and again, and again. I may not be able to send very much but if I can help in any way I will. Who knows what the future will bring to any of us. Something drastic could happen to any one of us and we may be in a position to need help one day too. So if at this moment I can help someone else I sure as hell will try to.

“Best intentions notwithstanding, I think the BB community is being drawn into a very difficult situation. So maybe someone could give her those numbers and leave it at that. She seems quite capable of making phone calls. The rest of it is best left to professionals. In the end, they will do the most effective job.” Rebecca Yount

This is still the best advice for this thread.

Even cats are capable of picking up seizure-type brain activity. I know after my accident, there were times I found my then 12 pound cat (he was still pretty young) that always slept beside me curled up on top of my lower legs. There were also a few times when he would come out of nowhere and figure-8 around my legs to stop me from walking when I was so dizzy that if I continued, I would have passed out. I would most certainly agree that it’s not a breed thing… or even a species thing.

[QUOTE=Coup De Des;2098559]
“Best intentions notwithstanding, I think the BB community is being drawn into a very difficult situation. So maybe someone could give her those numbers and leave it at that. She seems quite capable of making phone calls. The rest of it is best left to professionals. In the end, they will do the most effective job.” Rebecca Yount

This is still the best advice for this thread.[/QUOTE]

Yes we should all just hand her a stack of phone numbers and send her on her way - I don’t think so.

By the way she has been seeking the help of some of the professional in her area and either she is running into brick walls or because of the way the system operates it will take too long. She needs to be out of there immediately. Not in a few weeks when they have followed all the required procedures and cut through all the red tape involved in getting help from state agencies.

moon ballard lori at snkstarcres can help she email me back
can take her and her neds and dogs – but needs transportation

Chanter said that she has someone to do transportation… so that should not be an issue.

Looks like the issue is on its way to being solved

Thanks Lori