DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

The eagle has landed with horses & dogs

Four weeks of craziness , alot of emails, phone calls and worrying, has finally come to a happy conclusion.
Chanter has a new home, in a great State, with her dogs and horses.:slight_smile:
I have some very fond memories of Texas and some Texans many moons ago :yes:
Chantershelper also has a new place and a helper now :slight_smile:
Hoursesourcetexas, MoonBallad and I are still in our usual haunts, stirring up trouble :no: :D, and getting on with things.

I would like to thank all those people that helped and offered encouragement throughout this very trying time.
Jerry from Painted Oaks Transport is the best, so an un-ashamed(sp) plug here,
 I would recommend Jerry for any shipping around the states
1 386 754 0905 , located at 472 South West Manning Place, Lake City Florida 32024


Woohoo! and welcome to Texas! And it’s not usually this cold around here,
and being a damper cold, it feels worse (says this former Coloradian).

Big, BIG thanks to everyone that helped make this all happen!!! All you people behind the scenes that contributed help quietly through your PMs, phone calls and very gracious acts of kindness
you guys are all really awesome!

God has blessed Chanter, and will bless all of you helpers! Great job!

CHAI, please check your PM’s. The New Zealand rug sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you!

Risk Averse & Basque Mom, you would not fib to me about Texas weather would you??? The radio news says there is a storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico & should head all the way up to Tulsa. gulp I had to break ice from the w

EEEKKK where did the rest of my post go???

glad that things are resolving well!

CHAI, please check your PM’s. The New Zealand rug sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you!

Risk Averse & Basque Mom, you would not fib to me about Texas weather would you??? The radio news says there is a storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico & should head all the way up to Tulsa. gulp I had to break ice from the water troughs again this morning. My retiring SD (service dog) most of the time wears two coats INSIDE. So much for my thinking Texas is part of the South. :uhoh:

If anyone else has offers of blankets, uh, I really do need them. Especially waterproof blankies, but something to put under waterproof blankies would sure help to keep my Florida guys warm. My guys are small. The Arab is a whopping 14.2 at best, & the TB just makes 15 hands.

I am pretty sure FLBay is sending a thinsulate blankie, which may be a tad too big, but I can get it to hold in place under a heaveir waterproof blanket. Ya’ll have heard of duct tape haven’t ya? :wink:

I bought beet pulp & have it soaking in order to get some more water into my guys. Will throw some plain yogurt in there at the last moment before feeding too. I also bought a BIG bale of hay yesterday but it is not delivered yet; as I had to ask ChantersHelper exactly where I should have it dropped here & was told last evening the corner I am to clean out to put it in. Actually, I still have to make a decision about which type of hay to have them deliver too. Still mulling that over-coastal or alfalfa, & I do not normally feed them alfalfa, but with this cold
??? The boys arrived with some hay, & Jerry the hauler very kindly gave me a full bale of timothy to help tide me over until the BIG bale arrives. :slight_smile:

It looks like my race trainer friend Joe in FL kept my boys brushed & hooves picked during the week he was in charge of them at his friends place where he boarded them out for me at. That meant he had to drive a few miles every day to do so. bless him

It is so wonderful to be able to walk out the door several feet to be able to see them out in pasture! We had a carrot & apple eating fest at the fence last night. :smiley:

Gosh, I know I am forgetting some stuff, but I will catch up & post more later. :slight_smile:

EVERYONE, your good wishes mean a lot to me. I know there have a been a lot of prayers being sent out for me & my four legged pals. THANK YOU! :yes:


If a blanket isn’t waterproof, you can get some spray from someplace like
Walmart’s sporting goods department and spray away. Doesn’t last forever
but it helps.

As far as the hay, try mixing coastal and alfalfa. Mine get two, maybe three flakes of alfalfa a day, and the rest is grass. Am not a big fan of coastal but
usually all that is available. Been getting some orchard or orchard/brome mix
from out west from local feed store. Just a tad more than the coastal they
offer and it looks a lot better. Occasionally can turn up a mix of alfalfa/grass
from out west. Check that the alfalfa doesn’t have blooms–that’s what attracts blister beetles.

And it has been a partically bitter cold lately. Last year at this time, we often
were flipping the A/C on. Our heat bump still has ice on it

Chanter,I’m SO glad your babies are finally there and you can really begin to embrace your new life.


Chantershelper also has a new place and a helper now

How’s that part going? Are Chantershelper’s horses settling in OK?
Are you getting some help? Hope so.

Agreed, hope there’s some settling in happening soon. How’s the weather been? Any improvement? I know here in New England we have a severe cold front moving in tonight for 24 hours, with high winds. :eek:
I hope that’s not dipping as far south as Helper’s place!

lest we forget.

Don’t believe everything you read. Just because someone posts it on the board it doesn’t mean it’s true. Take everything with a grain of salt. It’s always possible that, for whatever reason, someone has been wrongly accused.