Yes, update? Have the horses been picked up?
slight weather delay
Quick update.
The horses are not yet picked up, Painted Oaks is delaying for 2 days,( I just spoke with Jerry) picking up sunday, due to the major storm that is hitting texas, oaklahoma, kansas area, expecting 8 to 10 " of snow, and more rain and ice pellets.
The thought is that with a sunday pickup, the worst of the storm will be over and the majority of the mess cleaned up.
There are still about 200,000 people without hydro, so I think waiting is a good move.
Jerry will know best, he’s a pro at this.
Quick update.
The horses are not yet picked up, Painted Oaks is delaying for 2 days,( I just spoke with Jerry) picking up sunday, due to the major storm that is hitting texas, oaklahoma, kansas area, expecting 8 to 10 " of snow, and more rain and ice pellets.
The thought is that with a sunday pickup, the worst of the storm will be over and the majority of the mess cleaned up.
There are still about 200,000 people without hydro, so I think waiting is a good move.
Jerry will know best, he’s a pro at this.:)[/QUOTE]
I have to ask, did the horses step foot on a horse trailer today or not to head to TX? I was surprises to not see an update.
Are blankets still needed? I have a millers 74" thinsulate lined medium weight I could send. If so, could someone tell me the address to ship it to? A PM is fine.
horses on the way
The horses were picked up this morning at 9. Haven’t gotten an ETA from the shipper but would imagine sometime tomorrow unless he runs into weather. We didn’t get any snow here, but it rained all day yesterday with temps about 35. My horses were pretty miserable! It was about 50 today and there’s no real precipitation in the forecast for 10 days, so hopefully we can get all dried out.
We’ll post when the boys arrive.
I’ll ask Chanter about the blankets and sizes.
chantershelper, I just read this…wow.
I have a small New Zealand rug that would fit a 14.2-15H horse and will gladly send it if you need it. God bless…hope everyone arrives safely. What an amazing story.
Saying a quick prayer for safe delivery of the heese, blessings on everyone pitching in and a great future for all.
Jingling for the horses en route.
Chanter here!
Since yesterday I was finally afforded internet access, I think it best that from here on out all questions be addressed directly to me. :yes:
You cannot imgaine how utterly bowled over I was to come to read on COTH that on the 19th it had been posted here that my horses were to leave Florida, Sunday, the 21st. It was my specific, third party understanding of the situation, that my horses were to leave today, Monday, the 22nd. At least with the haulers number having been publically posted here on the board for me to be able to find, I have been able to use my long distance calling card, now that I have open access to a phone, & have tried calling him several times so far in order to find out the ETA. Hopefully I shall actually know something soon.
From my just reading on here, to those of you that have offered to send blankets, YES, I shall very much need blankets for my horses. Thank you most much for having offered to help with this situation! My Arab is all of 14.2 hands, though very round in the barrel; & the TB barely 15 hands, having some of that height in his withers. baby it’s cold outside!
To everyone that offered actual legitimate help, JINGLES, & your positive support through out this ordeal, I say thank you most much to ALL of you!
Chanter, hopefully your horses will be joining you shortly! Good luck as you start this new chapter in your life, and I am glad you have the opportunity for a new beginning in what sounds like a nice place for you and your critters.
Reunited at last!
They’re here! They’re here! They arrived sometime not long after 4 PM today. I am quite joyous to have them back with in my eyesight again. I was not able to spend much time with them at all today, as I allowed them to learn the fence line before dark. Then it was feed time for all here, so duties to attend to. Though I am sure I shall manage to feed them carrots over the fence before I go to bed this evening.
Again EVRYONE thank you so very much for everything! Your kind & moral support has been a great help. :yes:
Yea!!! I am so glad that things have worked out for you and that your “babies” are back with you where they belong. Best wishes for your future.
Yeah! So glad to hear that your horses have arrived safe and sound.
Yeah…way to go Chanter! I am so glad to know your horses got there. Need to find the kleenex. Hope things work out well for you and good luck!
Good for you Chanter.
I am soo glad you now have all your animals with you.
I wish you luck and hopefully peace in your life.:yes:
Thank you Jerry and Painted Horse Transport,I knew you would do a good job.:winkgrin: :winkgrin:
Thank you, and all who are closer involved with Chanter.
Welcome to the Great Southwest! Yes, I know it looks like Canada around here, but, really - it’s not usually like this. Really, it isn’t.
So glad your ponies are finally with you and all of you can start healing.
Great news!!
That is excellent news! Best wishes to all of you!
Chanter…I am so glad that all is now well. I wish you peace and joy and all of God’s Blessings for you and your animals. Please keep us updated on how things are going, and how you are getting settled in