finally back on line
well, it’s been a heck of a week! To say the least! LOL
The movers came last Thursday to move us to our new place about 50 miles from the place we were leasing. And some friends helped us move 26 horses on Friday. Not a scratch on any and even the babies loaded well! Big relief!! About the time we got the last load here, the sleet started…and we’ve been frozen ever since. Chanter made it just before it got really bad, though her last 50 miles were a challenge.
So we’ve been having a real adventure with frozen pipes, my trailer is frozen to my car (we tried blowtorching today with no luck!) and finally got internet access about four hours ago.
Jerry from Painted Oaks has been great. Spoke to him again today and everything is lined up for him to pick up ponies Friday morning. Hopefully the weather will hold and he’ll back here okay.
As for Chanter’s horses, I’m pretty sure that the arab is 14.3ish and the TB is small though I can’t recall how small (pretty sure less than 15.2). I have a few 76-80s and she was sure the 76’s would be too large. If we have to, we’ll duct tape them to make them fit better. The barn here isn’t finished, but we are hoping to get a couple of stalls to a usable state so her boys can at least be out of the wind. My horses all seem to be handling the weather pretty well.
Hopefully, we’ll Chanter back online this weekend. We have a spare monitor, but it’s in storage 50 miles from here and not worth the risk to go get it right now.
We are doing are best to keep our senses of humor. Chanter keeps saying I lured her here under “false pretenses” LOL This is the worst storm around here in probably 10 years…it just HAD to happen this weekend! LOL
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a few more days…her boys should arrive and the weather should get back to normal.