It’s 7pm and I’m still waiting for her to either call or log on somewhere. I’ll post as soon as I have any info.
Good Gawd, I can’t believe this is happening.
Can’t the poor girl catch a break? Sheesh…
Call Jerry at Painted Oaks Transport 386-754-0905 He moved my horses from Tennessee and boarded them for 2 months until I got moved. He’s in Lake City, FL. Super guy. If he can’t take them to Texas, maybe he can pick them up and keep them at his place.
Good luck![/QUOTE]
He also moved my horses from MD to FL. SUUUUUUUPER SUUUUUPER SUUUUUUPER guy!!!
Jingling like crazy, and waiting for updates…
chanter - hang in there and don’t panic. Sounds like you have some good “angels” working on your behalf, and I’m sure your kids will be fine and on their way to you soon! Just stay calm and drive safely.
do not panic chanter
things are working out.
good update
Good news everyone
Chanter is in her new place in Texas, the horses will be picked up tomorrow hopefully, and all should work out for Chanter in her new job and new place.
Thankyou for everyone’s good wishes and assistance.
Chanters helper
Horse Source Texas
Moon Ballad
Glad to hear things are sorting themselves out. In North Texas with day one
of three of freezing rain. Chanter must be going to the southern part. Hope
she misses this “rain event” as the weather people are calling it.
Please keep us posted! And thank you to all her helpers! This is an amazing
nope; northern ice storm
No Basque Mom,
Chanter has had her first real Texas kiss of winter.
She is in the Northern Part and drove the last 60 mi in the ice storm, hauling the uhaul without the lights, that continually wanted to be beside the truck, not behind it :eek:
It’s lights out for her now. Hopefully in the new week the cable guy’s will be able to connect up everyone with the net, and Chanter can fill everyone in.
Thankyou again for everyone’s help and good wishes
I’m so glad to hear that Chanter has arrived, even if it’s in less-than-ideal conditions for reaching her new home. And here’s hoping her horses get there safe, sound, and without worries.
Wishing you all the best, Chanter…
Were the horses picked up yet?
Fruitbat, please check your PM’s. Thanks.
The shippers yet again called off and the horses had to be moved to a temporary boarding situation. New shippers are being lined up and hopefully things can work out.
At least everyone is safe now.
Oh no, not again. At least everyone is safe.
What a saga with the horses!
But THANK GOODNESS she is at her destination!!!
Now just for the rest of her babies to arrive:)
Chanter,Here’s wishing you a wonderful life in your new home !!!
And a HUGE round of applause for Chanter’s 4 fairy Godmothers (I assume you’re all ladies;)
Chanters helper
Horse Source Texas
Moon Ballad
You are amazing people.
And a HUGE round of applause for Chanter’s 4 fairy Godmothers (I assume you’re all ladies
Chanters helper
Horse Source Texas
Moon Ballad
You are amazing people.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
I hope that you are using’'Painted Oaks Transport".
I met the gentleman on christmas eve,he and his wife are experianced horse folks.
He will keep in touch by cell,and if the horses need to stay at his farm they can.
He is based here in Lake city close to me.
His # is386-754-0905
Another thought,do the horses need blankets for the last part of their journey,I heard the weather was really cold there.
If so,what sizes do they need.
so glad to hear chanter is out of there and at her new home.
hopefully her horses will soon catch up to her.
as if she didn’t have enough to deal with, she had that crazy freezing rain to drive through… really when it rains it pours…
best of luck to you chanter!!!
That must be it, then. I’m in Calif. also…