DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

Jingles to you on a safe trip and new beginnings!

I can send a dribble to help with the travel plans, just let me know.

Chanter, hope things move along quickly! Hey, did you ever get your chocolate? :wink: :wink: Let me know when youā€™re settled! feel free to give me a call - 518-879-9057, call collect if youā€™d like.

any newsā€¦did the shippers arriveā€¦is she on her way?

Shipper is picking her horses up tomorrow.

I am in New Orleans, so sheā€™ll be travelling I-10 through my area on her way to TX. If she needs any help while around my area, my # is 504-654-6323. I work at a vet hospital very close to the interstate if she happens to have any problems Iā€™m not far away. I just read this entire thread tonight, and I remember her postings about the ā€œrat havenā€ and her troubles a while back. I wish her much good luck in her new endeavors, and hope this year is a much brighter one for her and her animals.

TBjumper thank you so much for your offer,I am only 4 or5 hours from her .

,I am soo glad there is an offer of help farther along her route.

Chanter,Good luck on your trip,and prayers your future will so much better for you.

Good luck.:smiley:

Just chiming in to send best wishes to Chanter and her horses & dogs for a safe and easy trip. :yes:

And a very special thanks to all of you who have helped make all of this possible! :yes:


Okay folks, the lady clerk at Motel 8 in Ruston LA is letting me log on with her laptop as I am again DESPERATE!!!


Rightfully so this is starting to piss off Dr Munn, as he has a life & cannot sit for days waiting for these no show shippers!

I understand ChanetrsHelper will not even have internet connection up for a few days in Texas either. I should be to her place tonight. (I have had U-Haul tail light issues & cannot travel at night.)

Other arrangements need to be made IMMEDIATELY, including probably a place for the horses to stay in Ocala, until a RELIABLE shipper can go pick them up. See, I was right to start panicking earlier this week. The Dr is losing money on long term clients as my horses are still in his paddock as the shippers have never showed & do not return friggin phone calls very darn well at all.

All I myself can do at this very moment is drive as fast as possible w/ a U-haul w/ no tail lights to get to ChantersHelper in TX, but come on folks we need to pull some real rabbits out of the hat. After all I have been through I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MY HORSES!!!

HorseSourceTexas & ChantersHelp I have left phone messages with this morning & they need to call the DR IMMEDIATELY. He is being calm about it all, but very point blank on the phone to me about the situation.

In my opinion other arrangements need to be made IMMEDIATELY & I am in no position to do a damm thing as I am literally on the road.


Take it one step at a time:

  1. Itā€™s only 10AM in Florida, maybe they just havenā€™t gotten there yet. It was mentioned the DR has talked to the shippers earlier this week right? Maybe he can call them.

  2. If the UHAUL doesnā€™t have lights you need to CALL THEM and let them know. They can give you a replacement or at least a refund on rental costs. You cannot afford to get pulled over for a citation.

  3. Consider spending hundred on your truck (cheap), yes the uhaul rental might have costed more but the other items listed for the truck are part of regular maintenance.

Hi all! Iā€™m from the Flahorse BB.

I just got a frantic call from Chanter saying that the shippers STILL have not shown up and cannot be reached either! She is desperate at this time as to what to do and asked me to call someone with this BB, but no one answered, so I joined up to give yā€™all her message. She asked that I ask those of you who want to help to please circle the wagons and HELP HELP HELP!

havenā€™t read the whole thread on here, but was there a backup plan that could be put into place? She said that she was on the TX boarder right now, and would be to her destination by this evening, and would call me again. Sheā€™s also going to try to get to a public library to log on and post whats going on.

Is there anything we can do?

How did you manage that? AAA excludes horse trailers, even with Plus RV.
Coverage is not provided for horse/livestock trailers, for utility trailers, for boat trailers in water, or other trailers not containing living accommodations or not carrying a boat, motorcycle, or snowmobile."[/QUOTE]

Thatā€™s interesting, since I have AAA with RV coverage and they have come to my rescue not only for a blown tire on the trailer (fully loaded, ON the freeway), but also set up specialty (flatbed) towing for the 23ā€™ horse trailer when it dropped a U-bolt, one axel shifted, brake wires were severed, two tires destroyed, fender torn up and the trailer was no longer tow-able (is that a word? LOL). Yes, I did have to get help via someone else to come with another trailer so we could offload the horses and get them on thier way to thier destination, but AAA took care of the rest of it.

(Thank goodness we were not on the freeway at the time, the horses were fineā€¦and no, the company that had JUST worked on the trailer suspension/axel wasnā€™t happy to hear from me!).

Poor Chanter - I can imagine the panic she feels about her horses right now. :eek:

As far as a temporary solution for the horses, is it possible for someone who lives in the area of the Dr.'s farm to contact a local ASPCA or other rescue operation and ask about finding a very temporary foster-type situation for the horses. This would only need to be until either the errant shipper can be located or another ā€œreliableā€ shipper can be found so that the horses can be picked up and shipped to their TX destination?

The folks ā€œin the knowā€ through all of Chanterā€™s ordeal might be able to help in achieving this. A rescue might be able to help with a temporary foster situation since they are used to moving horses on an emergency basis.

Just a thought. I hope something can be worked out quickly. Chanter certainly does not need this added stress after all that she has already gone though. :no:

And Chanter, if you are reading this, please try to relax. Know that there many people on your side and everything will work out. :yes: I am sure that you donā€™t have to worry about losing your horses - it will NOT come to that. Try to get out of thinking in the moment and think instead that by this time next week all will be settled. Your horses will be with you and the dogs and youā€™ll all be just beginning your new life in Texas. :yes:

As far as AAA goes for horse trailers, I think it depends on what state you live in. Iā€™m in CA and have horse trailer road side assistance coverage (acutally the rider covers ALL types of trailers an RVā€™s).

Jingles for Chanter!! Hang in there.

Wow, jingles for Chanterā€¦doesnā€™t anyone know a reliable shipper? Seems like maybe this one shouldnā€™t be trusted with the horses (can anyone be certain heā€™ll deliver them in good shape?) if he canā€™t manage to either show up or call back.

Be Calm, Be Strong, for your horsesā€™ sake

See, I was right to start panicking earlier this week.

No, Chanter, no one is ever right to start panicking. Panic creates bad judgement, bad decisions and repeats of the same mistakes over and over. You are right to make a decision that a non-communicative shipper that fails to show up should be replaced, but you canā€™t do anything about that on the road. Set your focus on what you can do, which is to drive calmly and safely to your final destination, and deal with putting up your possessions and returning your U-Haul.

Then sit down and calmly plan out getting your horses moved. I am sure the good Dr. will understand and hold them for another week while you engage a more reliable shipping firm, or better yet, your first shippers, even as I write this, have shown up and are on their way bringing your horses home to you.
Jingles Chanter, jingles


just bumping this so it doesnā€™t get lostā€¦

Could someone start a ā€œcandle pageā€ for her? Pulling out all the big guns should help. If we had one up already, things would probably have gone smoother.

Shame on Chantersalter for not making sure her internet would be up and running before chanter got there. She needs to be able to communicate, and after all sheā€™s been through, scheduling the internet a couple of days early should not have been a big deal. Itā€™s the little things that can make SUCH a difference when someone has hit a rough patch.

And the LEAST that should have been done is make sure that a reliable shipper was hired. Sure they are more expensive, but look at what it would have saved in terms of aggravation. I mean, if you are going to help someone, you shouldnā€™t do it half a$$ed!

Call Jerry at Painted Oaks Transport 386-754-0905 He moved my horses from Tennessee and boarded them for 2 months until I got moved. Heā€™s in Lake City, FL. Super guy. If he canā€™t take them to Texas, maybe he can pick them up and keep them at his place.

Good luck!