DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

Just an update:
Chanter went to the farm with the investigator from APS and got her back pay. She’s going to be staying with her horses for the next few days until the shipper picks them up on Tuesday and then she’s on her way. Triple A and contact numbers along the route in case of an emergency is a very good idea. She did have some work done on the truck for this trip but its still a pretty old truck and a long trip. I have a couple of people she can call but like the other poster they are only right there at the very beinning of the first leg of her trip. Anyone out there a bit further along?

jingling for Chanter and family for a safe trip, and for the horses and dogs that have to live on that farm, hoping something good comes out of this for them also!!! Good luck Chanter!!!

Any updates? She is never far from my thoughts these days.

Haven’t talked to her for a couple of days as she’s without a phone now.

Shippers are supposed to pick the horses up tomorrow and she is supposed to head to Texas afterwards. Hopefully she’ll get here sometime Thursday.

We’re moving to a new place at the same time (which is why we were able to offer her a place to live), so things will be crazy busy through the weekend and we may not have internet service until Monday, but I’ll try to talke to Horsesourcetexas, moonballad or millwrightmomma so they can post an update.

AAA can’t send a tow truck to tow a truck AND trailer so in worst case scenerio- they would take the truck and leave the trailer. (maybe get it later).

US Rider is a little different but its at least twice the cost of AAA if not more. Worth it if you haul on a regular basis maybe not so for one trip unless of course something goes wrong then it’s worth way more than you paid :smiley:

I would go with the AAA. If you get stuck and out of range of any assistance for COTHers I would have AAA tow the truck and call UHAUL to see if they can temporarily move the trailer to a safer location. Otherwise you’ll pay seperately to move the trailer. It’s a gamble either way.

Wish there was some way I could help :frowning:

Another option… some cell phone companies have roadside assistance plans to purchase. Well I got a plan when I got my new phone. I actually used it twice so far. It costs me $3 a month no matter what I am driving only snafu is they cover up to a certain amount of towing expenses which didn’t help much at all when I needed my oversized truck to be towed, I ended up calling around for a much cheaper price. Haggling for prices while on the side of the road-LOL.

SuperSTB, the US Rider plan does cover horse trailers, so I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t cover a travel trailer/U-Haul as well. Mr. ESG thinks the same, but to be sure, I’d contact US Rider and ask directly. Still better than AAA, no matter what (have had both, will stick with US Rider). :wink:

I called CAA , and they were a bit of a pain in the A$$.
But they did give coverage to my “cousin”, and I got the trialering package…whoa expensive…so as long as Chanter calls me, and doesn’t panic all should be well.
AAA will work with the CAA package, it is a group sharing thing.
The U-Haul people have a help line also.

Hopefully nothing will happen, she has extra oil, belts, brake fluid, spare tire, flashlights, batteries, food, water. A list was made and she followed it.
The horses will go by regular carrier, so they should be fine,
We are all just waiting now.
Chanters helper and her husband are angels is disguise. :slight_smile:

Jingling both families moving, that everything goes well.

I use AAA Plus-RV – and have had occasion to use it to have truck and horse-trailer pulled out of a problem situation

millwrightmomma - I agree, Chantershelper and her husband are definitely angels in disguise, but you aren’t so bad yourself! What a wonderful thing you have done for a stranger.

SuperSTB, the US Rider plan does cover horse trailers, so I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t cover a travel trailer/U-Haul as well. Mr. ESG thinks the same, but to be sure, I’d contact US Rider and ask directly. Still better than AAA, no matter what (have had both, will stick with US Rider). ;)[/QUOTE]

I agree. AAA is very simple and limited but it’s cheap and better than nothing. I just wouldn’t have considered US Rider for non-horse trailer emergencies but I guess your paying for coverage so there’s no reason they should decline right?

Jingling for Chanter as she starts a new chapter in her life!

How did you manage that? AAA excludes horse trailers, even with Plus RV.

From the AAA site:

"Covered RVs include motor homes, pickup trucks with campers, travel trailers (including fifth-wheel travel trailers), camping trailers, motorcycles, motorcycle and snowmobile trailers and boat trailers.

Coverage is not provided for horse/livestock trailers, for utility trailers, for boat trailers in water, or other trailers not containing living accommodations or not carrying a boat, motorcycle, or snowmobile."

jme has sent ALOT of minutes on some phone cards for Chanter to use during her drive so at least she won’t have to feel cut off while she’s on the road if there’s some kind of emergency. I never even thought of phone cards - great idea!
We haven’t heard from her yet today but as soon as someone does we’ll let everyone know how things are going.

ANy update?

MWM, Your kindness does not go unnoticed- nor does CH, MC, HT- You have my admiration and awe for what you have done. A life lesson taken with grace and allowed dignity. :sadsmile:
Hats off to you all-

Chanter, here is to a new, wonderful life with the Heart of Texas. Now I know why that saying exists!

Where are the shippers???

At library. I have not read this Thread from where I left off days ago with laptop screen issues & I simply shall not as I understand it became rather ugly. :no: The thing is I am getting out of here & that is all that really matters. :yes:

Trying not to panic here, but shippers have been very lousy at communicating. They were supposed to be here yesterday (Tuesday) but weren’t, & now the Dr where my horses & I are literally camping out cannot reach them. The Dr is being really cool about everything, but we are wearing thin our welcome, as he has a life & has to drive over daily to his other farm I am on to let me know there has been no word of time of arrival form the shipper. Even he (the Dr) was expressing some concern about the shippers this morning, & that perhaps an alternate should be arranged for. :eek:

I have been able to do this ALL out of my own pocket so far, but if I have to go with a more expensive (& RELIABLE) shipper I just do not have the cash. And the days on my U-Haul rental are killing me too awaiting this no show/non communicating shipper. :frowning:

To my four solid core helpers/hand holders, my extreme gratitude! To those that have sent tons of JINGLES, thank you. And to those secret helpers I may not even know about through all of this, my very special thank you’s & if you exist I hope to find about you once we are to Texas. :slight_smile:

HorseSourceTexas & ChantersHelper you need to call the Dr & see what we can now immediately do. :yes:


I just spoke with the Dr and he had just gotten off the phone with the shipper. They told him they are running behind on pick ups and deliveries and will be there to load your horses on Friday. He also has my number and I’m working on a backup plan (shipper) for you just in case. But it sounds like everything is on track - just delayed a bit. Try not to panic. I also sent you a PM.

Maybe someone can get chanter a pre-paid cell phone so she can be more accessible to people like her shipper. Also, driving cross country might be safer with a cell phone.

Mad Jingling for Chanter!

Hopefully the shippers will indeed be there when the told Dr. this time.

Good luck to you, Chanter.
COTH helped me out emotionally in a time of need. I am pleased to see how we all pull together to help in times of need.

Chanter, if a pre-paid phone card would help, PM where to send it and I’ll get you one.