DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

Chanter is getting the help she needs…isn’t that the point of this thread??? Do we still need the bickering??? Geeshhhhhhhh!!

Will ya’ll just hush so we can wish Chanter the best and let this thread die?

I’m all for it.

TrippleRipple and Moonballad, it is completely, totally and utterly inappropriate for you two to be hashing out whatever imagined, petty differences you might have a thread that has nothing to do with either of you. Take it outside… NOW. Another peep on this thread from either one of you will get you a BB vacation.

Will ya’ll just hush so we can wish Chanter the best and let this thread die?[/QUOTE]

I’d love to know how she and her horses and dogs are doing. Chanter, or those close to her, please update as things progress.

I was so confused by this thread, but in the end I’m just thrilled that it all worked out. I think this board is way too big to avoid the “hiccupps”. It’s just the nature of the beast. Smaller boards are more intimate, larger boards just have waaaaaay too many thoughts and ideas passing through the mix.

Anyway ~ I’m just happy that Chanter got help. And that the jerk is paying her the wages she earned.

I just read this whole thread from beginning to end. All I have to say is…

I’m so happy for you Chanter. And for your animals. I wish you the best of a luck and a happy New Year.

I’ve stayed away, though being very involved in the actual situation, from this thread except to update Chanter daily about the well wishes.

Here is today’s update: She is making final arrangements for her horses to be shipped at the beginning of the week to her new home in Texas. Chantershelper is not an alter but an actual person who would like to, at least temporarily, remain anonymous for many reasons, above all others I’m sure, to protect her privacy.

Chanter has received her back pay from the barn she was fired from for outing an abusive employee. She is due to receive her back pay from the current farm and will be leaving there tomorrow morning with her dignity. She has had a very generous offer from a lady on the other side of FL for temporary housing and may or may not take her up on it until she can load the horses and be on her way depending on what else may work out for her. It is an awesome offer by very caring people but would put her over 2 and a half hours from her horses right now:confused: . There was another tentative offer closer to the current location that may work out better.

To those trying to reach her by phone, it will be out of service tomorrow morning. She will be checking in with me or chantershelper along the way so no worries, we’ll update as needed.

She would like me to thank all those who have wished her well and asks for continued jingles for her trip out here and for a peaceful new year. To those who have doubted, she understands that her story is almost unbelievable and asks that you too give her the benefit of the doubt right now and add your jingles to the mix. She can use all she can get to get across the country in her 20 year old truck;) .

One of us will update as soon as things are finalized.

Thanks from all of us for your continued support.

20 year old truck…:eek:

0h my gosh.maybe we should post to help if need be.

I am near Lake city close to I 75 and I 10 ,still in Florida, if she needs help,in my area,if you need my phone # pm me.

Who else is on route if needed.??


Thank you for the update! So glad 2007 is getting off to a positive start for Chanter, and I wish her all the best as she embarks on this exciting new chapter in her life. :slight_smile:

Fernie Fox, Great idea! Thank you so much. I will get her to choose her route and post tomorrow ??? maybe ??? to see if we can line up some emergency contacts for her along the way. I had thought of my place already but I am only about 4 hours from her final destination. Some more contacts would be wonderful!

I’m glad to hear things are looking up for Chanter. :winkgrin:

Not only a 20 yr old truck, an older model towing a U-haul with her stuff and her dogs :eek:

I am so far north, all I can do is jingle, but I have a question.

In canada we have CAA, do you have the equivalent in the states, it is an auto club, which provides gas, road assistance, tire changes, towing a specific distance, map services etc.
And if you do, can someone tell me how to get it , or can someone be generous enough to add her to theirs. In Canada an associate member is $65.00 for the CAA plus which gives all the services named plus towing 250 miles.
I have it for all my sons, and even my ex husband :yes:

I will be checking the CAA tomorrow to see if I can add an American “cousin” :smiley:

Chanters helper and Horsesource texas are truely angels in disguise.
My hat goes off to you two ladies.

Way to go, eh! :smiley:

I would think she would take I-75 to I-10.

I drove to San Antonio a couple of years ago,I-10 for a day and a half.

Any one en-route could give their phone #s to whoever is in contact with her.

She will need a stop-over too.Can anyone help there.?

Please let me know who to give my phone # to.

She will only be in my area in the first 4 - 5 hours of her trip.

Any one near Talahassee?

jingle jingle jingle :slight_smile:

well I can’t say I’ve been fully devoted to this thread. I read the first pages as the thread progressed and then was inactive on the BB for a few days so I missed a bunch of stuff.

Anyways, I am just posting to say I’m glad chanter found a job and a place to reside with her horses and dogs. It’s awesome COTHers can helps someone like this out!:sadsmile:


Jingling!!! I hope it all works out for Chanter!

thinking good thoughts and sending best wishes for a safe and speedy trip to her new destination and life. This board despite its occasional snarkiness can really perform miracles for people and horses

millwrightmomma, you might consider looking up “US Rider”, for something to help Chanter. It’s AAA for folks with horses. It covers truck and trailer and towing in addition to the vehicle. I realize she’s not hauling horses now, but it would probably be useful for her in the future. We have the coverage (have had it for a couple of years and thankfully not had to use it), but others on these boards have testified as to their great service.

Chanter, best of luck to you for a safe trip, and a wonderful new start. I came here seventeen years ago, and found one - here’s hoping this will work for you, too. Welcome to Texas! :smiley:

I just saw this thread last night and read the whole thing pretty much with my jaw on the floor…

I am in Tallahassee. If whoever is coordinating on behalf of Chanter PMs me, I’ll give you my number just in case something happens on this leg of the trip.

Will AAA work with a UHaul and dogs? They may ask her to unhitch the UHaul and would just tow the truck for service. Is there another motor club type thing that would deal with the UHaul trailer?

I in in St Louis and so not on route. But sending the best of luck.