DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

You know, this brings up a point guys: life is not guaranteed to any of us tomorrow morning. Make SURE your animals are covered somehow in your wills.

VERY nice idea, I hope she takes up the offer for a good lunch among great company!

to those that have been in contact with chanter since the move, could you either pass along my phone # to her, or give me a call with a contact # for her? iā€™ve been worried about her, unable to get ahold, and since I, like Chanter, only have internet access when I can get to the library, Iā€™ve been behind the curve for the past week or so. thanks! my # is 518-879-9057



CHANTER will be gone from there today, as long as everything goes according to plan (cross fingers).

the other posters:
The dogs and horses that remain will not be forgotten, and the new farm owner knows exactly what is happening with the care and feeding, or lack there of.
measures are being taken to deal withhim, the farm manager, the horses, and dogs and the deed of trust and last will and testimate (sp) that was probated.
Without someone on site to advocate for them, it will be tougher, but things will still happen.
The old guy that died, trusted the new ownerā€¦Iā€™ll bet he is rolling in his grave. IMO

well kept us postedon those left behind as well

appy i didnt realise i ahd made a point ā€“ but thts is so true

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am thrilled that Chanter and her critters found a safe place to beā€“that is wonderful. CoTH is a truly magical place. Way to go guys!

I deleted any posts with a reference to paypal accounts. COTH only allows such solicitations when it is to a charity or NFP organizationā€¦

as for the place you left you need to sue for your items that were lost because you were forced out by unlivable conditions and lost them due to rent landlord violations of code, as for the place you are at now, i understand your fear because if you take action he is going to potentially hurt you or your animals in retaliation, i would go to the ASPCA and PITA they will both help, it you get any evidence at all like a video of him abusing an animal or a pic of him doing abuse PITA i believe can charge him, the ASPCA will charge him with cruelty, you need to file an assault charge for you getting hurt and give them the reason why you waited how afraid you are, contact any dog or horse rescue operation within 50 miles of you for help someone will take in your animals and help you take down this man and rescue the other horses and dogs, posting on here is a good start, where are you located? sorry i cannot help if i still had my barn in NY i would take you right in as I had something similar happen to me years ago, god bless you and good luck i will pray for you

any updates? Has Chanter been moved to a new home?

The horses have moved to temporary lodgings, and Chanter was supposed to, but then the Adult Protection people got into thingsā€¦
So they have forced the farm owner to let her stay until saturday, and also to pay her for the wages she earned, which is a good thing.
So she needs accomadations for a week then she is moving out of state.
Chanter has a job to go to with accomodations for her and the pets and horses in Texas. It sounds good, and both her and the new employer sound excited to start something new.

With the New Year, maybe good things will happen for Chanter, and many of the others that are facing adversion, who are members of this board.

Yay Chanter!!! Iā€™m so glad she got her wages, which were due to her. I wish her and her ā€œfamilyā€ happy and peaceful living in Texas!!

Wow what a livewire thread eh?

I guess they come around from time to time.

I am happy that Chanter has found a resolution that satisfies her needs and is on the road to having a better 2007.

As for the possible scandals, I would be much happier to give a little to many different things when I feel the need is warranted and possibly be scammed once and a while rather than deny helping because of fear and lack of trust. If I did the latter I could end up neglecting a cause that really was worthy. In other words, I again agree with Geek.

3 days of on-and-off reading and iā€™m out! sigh, this was quite a thread :wink:


With the New Year, maybe good things will happen for Chanter, and many of the others that are facing adversion, who are members of this board.[/QUOTE]

   here are my hopes for a very successful new year...:yes: 

       Tamara in TN

Moon Ballad:

I expressed the opinion that people should be careful to make sure situations on the internet are verifiably true.

In return, you sent a pm to a total stranger and called me callous to a person in need. That is a personal attack on my character. Do you know me? Do you know what good works I do in my personal life? Did I say something to you personally on this thread that caused you to need to PM me? Donā€™t think so.

I am not callous to people in need. I do need to know that a person is truly in need, and not ā€œtake it on faith and hopeā€, esp. on the internet. I am not even sure how someone can misunderstand that. I am always suspicious of situations where facts cannot be verified, where people not only do not explain, but take offense to normal questions, and esp. around the holidays. I do not personally know that this person is in need; I am not one of the possessors of those secret facts that would allow me to make reach such a conclusion. That makes me callous how?

Now, the OP is no longer communicating directly, there are alters being used to describe positive results and lots of cheering and happiness. As I said in my pm to you, if the situation were reversed, I would not behave as you did to me. If I had information not available to the others on this thread regarding the situation, I would NOT be berating people who are reacting to that lack of information by sending a snarky PM. I would understand the dilemma, and certainly not attack a person by calling them callous, when they have a valid point. As I also pointed out, MANY others brought up the same caution as I did. Out of curiousity, did you snark-a-PM to them too, or was I just fortunate that way?

I am responding here because you didnā€™t understand why sending a PM to a total stranger, judging them to be callous to people in ā€œneedā€ would be considered to have attacked me as a person. Do you understand it now?

As I said to you, I am no longer interested in the outcome of this thread, because I have an opinion based on what I am seeing, and it is not one shared by the thread at large, so I am still keeping my mouth shut. You still havenā€™t heard my real opinion on this.

Sorry if I offended you. The comment in the PM I sent to you was not directed at your questioning of the situation - I can completely understand that people would have questions - it was directed at the last post you had made saying that this thread was not horse related and that you were going to go and read something that was. In the context of your post it seemed to be a rather snarky comment with a negative tone to it. I couldnā€™t understand why you felt the need for that post when all you had to do was to not read this thread.
After reading so many negative comments and so many posts that were so hurtfult o Chanter that we all told her not to read the thread anymore that weā€™d let her know what was going on to spare her some of the painful comments that were made yours was just one too many and pushed me to comment on it to you in a PM.
We all completely understand that many people are possibly still questioning her situation and wondering if it was all just a big scam, thatā€™s just the way life is. We are 100% sure it was not a scam in any way and wanted to help all we could. I just canā€™t understand why people who felt differently had to make such negative coments about a person who was in such a terrible situation that as difficult as it was for her turned to us for the help she needed. Its hard enough to lay your life so openly for others to look at but to then have to read such unkind words written about it is cruel and very hurtful.
I realize your post wasnā€™t cruel but it carried a very negative tone to it and seemed unecessary to the thread. I didnā€™t want to publicaly critize you in any way which is why I had sent it to you privately. You wanted it posted here.

Well HOLY CRAP tripple ripple.
This thread for the last little while has been supportive of Chanter and the efforts to help her.
Chanter can only get to a public computer, hers is toast, and it takes her about 1/2 hr to type 20 lines that most of us have the abillity to whip off in a minute or two.
Head injured people do have a few restrictionsā€¦
I would like to hear you :personal opinions" BUT Not On this Thread.
You may PM me, horsesoucetexas, chantershelper, moonballad, or cherry and fruitbat, beacause Iā€™m sure we would Just LOVE to hear your Personal Take on this Situation.

Try positive thoughts

As far as I know there are no ā€˜altersā€™ posted, but Erin could veryify that

Somewhat discusted in the not so frozen north :o

Sorry if I offended you. The comment in the PM I sent to you was not directed at your questioning of the situation - I can completely understand that people would have questions - it was directed at the last post you had made saying that this thread was not horse related and that you were going to go and read something that was. In the context of your post it seemed to be a rather snarky comment with a negative tone to it. I couldnā€™t understand why you felt the need for that post when all you had to do was to not read this thread.
After reading so many negative comments and so many posts that were so hurtfult o Chanter that we all told her not to read the thread anymore that weā€™d let her know what was going on to spare her some of the painful comments that were made yours was just one too many and pushed me to comment on it to you in a PM.
We all completely understand that many people are possibly still questioning her situation and wondering if it was all just a big scam, thatā€™s just the way life is. We are 100% sure it was not a scam in any way and wanted to help all we could. I just canā€™t understand why people who felt differently had to make such negative coments about a person who was in such a terrible situation that as difficult as it was for her turned to us for the help she needed. Its hard enough to lay your life so openly for others to look at but to then have to read such unkind words written about it is cruel and very hurtful.
I realize your post wasnā€™t cruel but it carried a very negative tone to it and seemed unecessary to the thread. I didnā€™t want to publicaly critize you in any way which is why I had sent it to you privately. You wanted it posted here.[/QUOTE]

Moon Ballad,

Thanks for reading my post, and I hope understanding where I was coming from. Like I said via PM, I think it is a good thing that we all donā€™t have the same opinions, and I never expect anyone to feel compelled to share mine. I expect on a public bb to be able to voice my opinions, either restrained as in that last ā€œnegativeā€ post, or in full living color. I have no issue with criticisms and debate, and yep, do prefer in out in the open (iow, a criticism is no less so a criticism when done in private, than in public, jmo).

I just now got to this thread, to respond to MBā€™s post. I am sure you can see why a response to that is reasonable, not a cause for ā€œholy crapā€¦now this.ā€ I wouldnā€™t get so exercised over it. I have pretty much said what I feel I need to on this thread; given what Iā€™ve seen on this thread, and how any dissenting opinion on this matter is handled, I am not convinced it would be either productive or of interest to me to ā€œPMā€ people with my opinion. Where are you getting that I would like to do that?

As to alters, I assumed youā€™d read this thread - I am referring to Sannois comments regarding ā€œchantershelperā€.

Chantershelper is not an alter, she is an actual live person. And thank god that her and her husband are open to helping someone in need.

It is one thing to quesion the possibility of highjinxā€™s but it was clearly pointed out that this was not the case, and yet some people still feel like beating a dead horse.

Is it so hard to be positive in light that Chanter is actually getting out of an abusive situation and hopefully it something good and productive??
And will you now, be looking into the situation of the horses and the dogs that are left behind???
No, eh?

I find it odd the situation about someone being given a million dollar Plus farm with lots of money etc attached, to look after horses and dogs.
If I were in the situation the horses would have personal grooms and the dogs eating steak.
The enormity of the situation is boggling, and yet you want to run down a little old braindamaged woman, instead of at least saying ā€œgood for you. youā€™re getting outā€

Possibly, you too in the New Year, will be able to get out of the rut you seem to be in, positive thoughts :slight_smile:

Chantershelper is someone that has joined us in helping in this situation and has been truely amazing by the way! To assume that sheā€™s an ā€œalterā€ for some nefarious reason is very way off base. I think its very sad that some people will always think of the worst case scenario first. This says alot about whatā€™s happened to us as a society that we expect the worst in other people first and have given up on things like trust and humanity towards each other.
Yes there are plenty of people out there looking to take advantage of us but I personally just canā€™t go through life suspecting everyone until I see good reason to. I am not a silly, naive little girl either. But I still cannot go through my life thinking the worst of people first, not trusting and not trying to help where I can that would only isolate me from too many other people in this world and if I want to live alone on an island Iā€™ll move to one - but I donā€™t.
I didnā€™t know Chanter from Adam when this all started but through it I have gotten to know a woman whose conversation I really enjoy and hope to have as a friend from this point on. I havenā€™t done anything extrodinary in terms of helping out - only what I was able to - and in return I have gained a wonderful new friend I may have otherwise never have gotten to know.
Letā€™s all just try to stay positive and be happy in the fact that this is looking like its going to work out very well!

MWM: Sorry, not biting re the ā€œrunning down a brain damaged womanā€ deal. Do people usually get upset when you say stuff like that to them, to make them look bad? Or do they just give in and change their opinions? I donā€™t, but maybe it does work on some people. Dunno.


Sorry if you are misunderstanding about the alter thing, not my intention. What I mean is that the bit about alters is something I read on this thread. I did not say it originally; but I do understand the point that was made. I see people in possession of facts that others donā€™t have reaching a vastly different conclusion than others; however, there is no way to verify such stuff.

I donā€™t believe I have ever stated that you or anyone else, who is convinced about the matter, must quit being positive about this situation. That would be silly. OTH, I completely understand the position of those who remain cautious, being one of them myself. Better way to put it - mind isnā€™t made up at all, and likely given the circumstances, wonā€™t ever be. There you go.