Talk about a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Happy New Year for Chanter and a whole new beginning. This is wonderful to know you are safe and able to move forward.
Many thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!!! Power to COTH!:winkgrin:
Talk about a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Happy New Year for Chanter and a whole new beginning. This is wonderful to know you are safe and able to move forward.
Many thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!!! Power to COTH!:winkgrin:
I have not read through this thread entirely, but have one question. Did anyone ever ask about whom the owner of the place was? Since the horses and dogs came with the farm, who is the owner of the place? A farm manager is not completely in charge over the owner. Has the owner of the new inherited horses been identified? Maybe I missed it in all the post.
The owner would ultimately be responsible for the horses and the dogs that were left/inherited with the farm. TIA[/QUOTE]
The farm, the BM and the BO have not been identified publicly. That would not be appropriate or safe. You donât know how far some people will go to protect themselves or their reputations.
There have been a number of Cothers working behind the scenes to get Chanter out of there. Those people know who they are by now, and at least some have likely seen the condition of the animals there. Itâs no surprise that some of them prefer to remain anonymous at least for the time being.
While we can understand wanting to know the details, that will be up to Chanter and others directly involved to provide if and when she feels itâs ok to do so. She may never want to publicly identify them online. After all, for all we know they could have friends right here on Coth ready to tip them off or harrass her or both.
mairzeadoats I was not asking for names. I was wondering why the word âownerâ never came up and only âfarm manager.â Just thought if the owner was contacted, they would put a stop to the crazy farm manager and get him out of there and hire a new one. Thatâs all, nothing more. No, I would not want actual names. Iâm very happy to hear she is out of there, but now worry about the remaining dogs and horses left in the crazy farm managerâs hands. I hope they were removed too.
Chanter, if and when youâre settled and you feel comfortable-- I would like to be one of the first to send you a housewarming card. If you at all feel comfortable, PT me your address and itâll be on its way. I am glad things are working out for you now.
I am glad that this situation is on itâs way to becoming resolved and am wishing Chanter, her horses and doggies a safe and wonderful New Year. Let us know, when you are settled, how things are with you and your animals.
mairzeadoats I was not asking for names. I was wondering why the word âownerâ never came up and only âfarm manager.â .[/QUOTE]
Page 5 gives a succint description of the situation with the owner.
My input
I have spoken with Chanter as well. I read through this entire thread and decided to keep my opinions to myself. I have lived in Ocala and know first hand you can totally be without friends. I also found in Ocala that perfect strangers would take in a woman in a bad situation with three horses, 5 dogs, two cats, and a mouse. I had more work by the end of the day than three people could handle and I made it, but then again, I was able bodied.
My door is open to Chanter and her four legged friends if needed. It is not a permanent solution so I can fully understand where she would not accept such an offer. Its hard enough to move once, let alone twice.
As one very wise poster put on here previously, it is not our place to judge, that job belongs to someone else. Well said.
I guess I would rather be duped by a dishonest person than possibly fail an honest one. That would be much harder to live with.
I guess I would rather be duped by a dishonest person than possibly fail an honest one. That would be much harder to live with.[/QUOTE]
Agree completely. Well said.
very well said, sunkissed acres, I am in total agreement with you and War Admiral.
The horses are temporarily safe, CHANTER and dogs are almost also temporarily safe(tomorrow).
Thankyou for all the postive support for Chanter, this is shaping up to be a good New Yearâs with the help of all the folks on Coth and some others.
millwrightmomma, youâve got a PM in honor of your big Canuck buddy, eh?
Would that Black TB be
Rather Well?
Thanks for letting us know
But, how did you make my post disappear? Just wonderingâŠ
Erin has magic
I figured out it was she.
Glad to hear. Please keep us updated that Chanter and the dogs are safe.
as regards to the rest of the horses and dogs thats he trying to dispose of nd kill or dump as they elderly cause orifinal owner died and hes emploed by new owner surely the new owner is and him are responsiable does the new owner know what hes up to as a manager â and why didnt the new owner put them up for adotion in a rescue center or is it new onnwer is related to old owner and knows the horse and dogs well thinking they are being cared for loveinly when in fact they arnt : surpose once chanters safe then can inform the owner i dont know maybe those that are envlvoed will pm with outcome for the rest of the aniamlas htat chanter was clearly defending and loving them and worried about about there welfare toâŠ
Wow. This has been a grueling thread to read from beginning to end.
Iâm so glad to hear Chanter and her beasties are safe. Thank you to those of you who pitched in to help.
Is there any help being found for the dogs and horses left behind?
Wow. This has been a grueling thread to read from beginning to end.
Iâm so glad to hear Chanter and her beasties are safe. Thank you to those of you who pitched in to help.
Is there any help being found for the dogs and horses left behind?[/QUOTE]
Trust me they are not going to be forgotten
I am back in Tampa, and as far as I know Nootka and I are still meeting up on Friday. We would like to take Chanter out for lunch if she would likeâŠ