I’ve been lurking and watching and jingling for Chanter. Glad to hear that this is finally getting resolved!! And WOW to COTH! You guys… amazing.
Yay Chanter! I’m very glad they’re safe. :yes: Here’s to a new year.
Yes, Chantershelper is right.
The horses are moved and safe, now we will work on getting her safe.
Hopefully the New Year brings peace and hope to many, Chanter included.
COTH members are coming thru again.
Yes!! This is great news!
WONDERFUL!! So good to hear. I am anxiously waiting for updates!!
Chanter is feeling much better now that things are looking up. There are still some details that need to be worked out to get them all to their new home but there is a plan in motion. Getting her horses moved to a place where she knows they’re safe while the details get worked out has been a huge relief to her and makes it easier for her to breathe a little easier. She has a temporary place to stay while things are being worked out for the real move so she feel safer and be able to focus on the things she needs to over the next week.
PS - We have Sidepasser to thank for crossposting on flahorse.com and for letting us know about the wonderful offer for a temporary place for Chanter to stay! Great idea to post it there!
That sounds great
It’s a new year and things are coming together for Chanter. She was able to move her horses to a safe location on Saturday and as of today, thanks to whomever crossposted on the Florida Horse board (not sure if that’s the actual name), she has a place to stay. This is a real blessing as it was looking as if she might have to stay in the women’s shelter for a bit while some other things got worked out, but not necessary now!
There is a permanent home for her, her service dogs and the horses lined up, but there are some details that have to be worked out. Sorry to be cryptic, but until all the plans have been made, don’t want to jinx anything.
I spoke with her earlier this evening and she’s in very good spirits and looking forward to starting a new chapter in her life![/QUOTE]
But WHY are you posting this as an Alter??
I’m so relieved to hear the good news.:yes:
Bless all of ya’ll that helped, I’m hoping my prayers had a bit of an effect as well.
Terrific news, what a relief!
Who’s to say that this is an alter and not a new poster who responded to the cross-post on the other board? Who really cares??? Let’s just be glad that things are looking up for Chanter to open a new chapter of her life and that she will be able to get out of crisis-management mode. I can only imagine the courage Chanter has had to summon to get through 2006 and end the year with the resolve to get up and out.
glad to hear things worked out for her. hoping 2007 will be better for all of us, stacey
I’m glad things seem to be working out and will be anxiously awaiting news that she is all settled in a new home, dogs, horses and all. Once she is safe I hope the BO is notified of the BM’s cruel and bizarre behavior as well as animal control. That guy needs to be working in a junk yard or something, where there is only metal things to watch over.
Just glad she and her animals are safe. I worried every time there was no update.
Me too, Geek. :yes: Chanter and her animals are safe, and IMO that’s what really matters.
I just knew the COTH BB’ers would come thru! You are all truly angels in disquise, not only do you help out our 2-legged friends but are always there to help out the 4-legged ones also!
GOOD LUCK Chanter in 2007! Hopefully it will be a bettery year for all!
yeah girls and guys what a wonderful lot you are-- chanter i never doubted you in the least— you know you may not have your facticalites all the time and me being deslexitc i have that problem at times to not in same degree you have - but woman you a strong survivier you sure got some inner strenght from somewhere - i take my hat of to you – for your courage and bravery for sticking to something you beleive in-- your animals your animal family that you all are safe and well-- good luck to you
jingles for the new year and propects are good hugs and kisses chanterto you and your pets xxxxxxxxxxxx
That is great news! Here is to a safer, more relaxed New Year for Chanter!
Jingles and hugs to Chanter
And HUGE KUDO’S to the CoTHers that have helped her!!! You ROCK!
I have not read through this thread entirely, but have one question. Did anyone ever ask about whom the owner of the place was? Since the horses and dogs came with the farm, who is the owner of the place? A farm manager is not completely in charge over the owner. Has the owner of the new inherited horses been identified? Maybe I missed it in all the post.
The owner would ultimately be responsible for the horses and the dogs that were left/inherited with the farm. TIA