DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

I am sorry, I have just read this for the 1st time today.(been offline for weeks) I am so sorry for what is happening, and I am sorry that you cannot even sort through all the STUPID IRRELEVANT posts on here. I wish I could have offered something for you. I want you to know that I am thinking of you.

When you get into your new situation and have settled please let me know. i may have a little side job for pocket money for you that would not require any physical labor.

JINGLES <<hugs>>


To some of you, nobody asked you to give money or even for 1 minute of your time. But in the time you spent publicly bashā€¦excuse me, ā€œquestioning,ā€ you could have simply offered ideas or suggestions. No cost to you, no additional harm to the victim. Those who want to help more arenā€™t forced to take anything face value ā€“ she posted her phone and they could do their own private verification without the public bashiā€¦er, inquest. Believe it or not, most people in a position to help are grownups and donā€™t need your ā€œprotectionā€ from possible scam artistsā€¦[/QUOTE]

Hear, here!

I kept wondering how would I feel, if I was in desperate straights, opening up an incredibly vulnerable spot, finally managing to get to a library to get online, andā€¦those callous, hurtful messages were waiting. What would it have done to my stomach? My heart?

Iā€™d say Chanter was pretty much justified in her all caps message.

Yes, there was some good stuff posted, and I donā€™t know about anybody else, but a single harsh comment always seems to outweigh any good ones. Hands down.

So those of you that asked, for altruistic reasons, maybe you should spare a thought about how your posts could be perceived, and change your wording so thereā€™s no room for misinterpretation in the future. And those of you that felt it necessary to tear away, or boast about the great situation you have in life, or how qualified you are to judge, go take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why you needed to do that.

To all the COTHers that rose to the occasion. MWAH! I salute you. You make my heart feel good.

And to Chanter-- Hereā€™s hoping your situation is better than it was, and things will work out for the best. ((((HUG)))) sending white light and prayers your way

I am so glad (and so relieved) that things are apparantly going in a positive direction for Chanter. I hope that she and her animals will soon be safe and secure. :yes:

To those of you who have helped Chanter during her time of need; you are the ā€œbestā€. Iā€™m sure your kindness and compassion will be repaid ten fold (good Karma). :slight_smile:

And to Chanter - Best of luck to you. You are a strong woman, a survivor in a world which has thrown you some unfortunate circumstances. Stand tall, be strong and please come back and let us know how you are doing. There are many of us here who are cheering you on. :yes:

Happy New Year - may it bring peace and hope.

When I became unexpectedly pregnant after 15 years of marriage I had a complication that made it impossible for me to work. I had 4 horses. I had many ā€œfriendsā€ and none of them came out of the wood work to help me. I am still ā€œfriendsā€ with these people but I have reset my boundaries with them. DOnā€™t assume chanter would have people lining up to help because of anything they have done.

Just my point of view. It is very hard, sometimes, to know when you are being taken for a ride - as in horses that need rescue and the person claiming to need help for them pockets the money.

But my feeling is - I would so much rather help where I can, and occasionally get taken for a ride, than not help where it is needed.

I hope all works out well for Chanter. And for those professing to ā€œknowā€ about brain injuries and brain function - we are so clueless about how a ā€œnormalā€ brain works that making statements about outcomes of brain injuries without knowing someoneā€™s exact condition is all but worthless.

Geek: I couldnā€™t agree more.
Happy New Year to everyone and letā€™s hope this really is going to be the beginning of very good one for all of us!

Being a long time lurker, I found this thread very disturbing and decided to post.
Iā€™m praying that this gal receives the help she needs. Itā€™s awful to be in such a difficult situation and have no place to go. Please keep us updated Chanter.

Has Chanter found a place to go yet?

I have a lead on an apartment at a horse farm in Plant City. The apartment is above a barn and she would be able to bring her horses and dogs. There is no job available there, but at least it would be a safe place to go.


Way to go OnTheBit !!!:wink: Happy New Year!!!

Chanter - hereā€™s wishing you a safe and stressfree new year! Please keep us updated on your situation and hope you find a safe haven soon.

please, please, after you do get out, go to the police about this manā€™s assault on you. This may be the only thing that stops him in his tracks - a complaint by a human being. Remember, you are the only one who can complain.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%:yes:

Is there any update on Chanter? I thought about her all weekend and how scary it must be to be in her position right now.

I understand certain people having certain questions about the situation before wanting to jump in and help, but there is a way to be tactful about it. I feel Chanter is honestly in a bad situation and needs immediate help to get out of it. Having some friends to support her afterwards would be icing on the cake:yes:

Iā€™m loving the idea of the big scary canuck sending the barn manager off with his tail between his legs. Typically a man that will hit a woman is going to run scared when confronted by another manā€¦ which is why he chooses to beat on women, and sometimes children and animals.

I wish I was closer and could offer some kind of help, but Chanter, you are certainly in my thoughts and hereā€™s to hoping this New Year is much better for you. Maybe this is the start of something good, as awful as it seems right nowā€¦ everything happens for a reason and maybe reaching out to some of the wonderful COTHā€™ers is a blessing in disguise!

Keep us posted!

Update on Chanterā€¦

Itā€™s a new year and things are coming together for Chanter. She was able to move her horses to a safe location on Saturday and as of today, thanks to whomever crossposted on the Florida Horse board (not sure if thatā€™s the actual name), she has a place to stay. This is a real blessing as it was looking as if she might have to stay in the womenā€™s shelter for a bit while some other things got worked out, but not necessary now!

There is a permanent home for her, her service dogs and the horses lined up, but there are some details that have to be worked out. Sorry to be cryptic, but until all the plans have been made, donā€™t want to jinx anything.

I spoke with her earlier this evening and sheā€™s in very good spirits and looking forward to starting a new chapter in her life!

HOORAY for COTH angels

I am so happy to hear this.

Thanks to all who were able to help ā€“ and got involved.

I hope Chanter has a much - improved (compared to last year) 2007!

Great News

glad to hear things have come togethor and Chanter has a ā€œhelperā€. Good luck and jingles in the new year.

Wahoo!! Iā€™m so happy for Chanter! BG Now thatā€™s some great news.

Excellent! :slight_smile:

Great news. Once things are finalized, someone please update us. :smiley:

Iā€™m so glad to hear that things are looking up for Chanter.

I hope she reports this man to the authorities once she is in a safe place,he sounds like a time bomb.

Thatā€™s great - very relieved to hear it!!