This isn’t even remotely horse related anymore.
This is becoming one of the stranger threads I’ve seen at COTH - am a bit surprised at some of the comments. Since it isn’t horse relevant, I am heading for threads that are.
This isn’t even remotely horse related anymore.
This is becoming one of the stranger threads I’ve seen at COTH - am a bit surprised at some of the comments. Since it isn’t horse relevant, I am heading for threads that are.
I talked to Chanter last night…for a while.
she is okay. She will be ‘out of there’ in a few days time.
Horsesoursetexas and… “cynthia” …please PM me.
I have been talking with her everyday and with another person that has made an offer that we’re really hoping we can make work out. A few of us are working on it but there are alot of logistical details that need to be worked out and that’s not so easy - not impossible but definately not going to be easy. If anyone would be interested in helping to pull it all together please let me know.
As for the doubters I have to say is that you should read and learn more about brain injuries before you make incorrect statements on a public BB. This woman has gone through hell with hers and has worked like hel to accomplish the levels of functioning she has achieved after her injury. She has shown to have great resolve and strength in her recovery and should be resepcted and commended for what she has achieved. BUT she is still fragile and alone and very frighten in the situation she is in right now and needs help.
Also just because she has not made alot of friends after she moved there and no longer has any family left alive does not mean there is a “reason” for that. Many people, especialy as we get older, don’t go out and socialize like we did when we were younger and and sometimes people keep to themselves more as they get older. Having people who are aquaintances doesn’t mean that they are people that can be turned to in a tie of need. Besides the timing is terrible being right in the middle of the holiday season and so many people are too busy with their own lives and obligations to be able to be of much help to anyone else right now - and this needs to be taken care of right now.
I have spoken to Chanter, and having dealt with people with head injuries, and diabilities, and guide dogs, and the lower end of the socio-economic scale everything seems in line to me.
Further more, in bashing CHANTER, you demean yourself, remember, what comes around, goes around …
While I have not tried to interfere directly with CHANTER, ( I will help out where I can), I did have someone go see the BM. He will not be physically accosting her again. He received the mano e mano speech from a big nasty canuck buddy of mine
FRUITBAT, I hope you can come thru for CHANTER, with the help of some COTH BB members we might be able to pull this all off, and get CHANTER, her horses and dogs safe.
I hope the Texas people are safe, I understand a tornado touched down and a member lost all or part of her barn roof.
Good Thoughts and jingles going your way
I am so glad things are getting worked out. Thank You to all the people who are giving support and making this whole thing come together. Just goes to show how strong COTH is!!! Thanks again to everyone involved!
Chanter, keep your chin up, it will all be in the past soon. Good for you for reaching out!
Yes, I am glad that it’s working out for Chanter.
oh i hope so becuas ei i have been worried fromm day one –
chanter – well those taht talk to her for us-- please tell her
she has always had my whole support-----------
Moonballad-please pm me. I can’t send a pm to you for some reason.
If I were in such a position I would have support. I could find someone if not a few people who could help me within a couple days. People who don’t have support don’t for a reason.
And all of this head injury stuff is rubbish to me. Sure, maybe she does have a head injury, but she is apparently functioning well enough to have or use a computer, have a couple horses and dogs and work at a barn. [/QUOTE]
Well aren’t you special. Thank god I’ve discovered the ignore button…
I’m glad Chanter is getting the kind of help and support she needs, both short term and long. Wish I were closer and could lend a hand…or had my own thug to go have a chat with that bm!
MoonBallad -
Sent a PM in response to yours. Since we don’t know each other, wanted to let you know that in the future, feel free to just post your sentiments about my personality and posts right here in public, instead of doing the PM thing. Thanks.
Wow… this thread has kinda turned ugly.
Chanter, hope all goes well for you. And thanks to those that have been able to help.
Best of luck!
Well aren’t you special. Thank god I’ve discovered the ignore button…
I’m glad Chanter is getting the kind of help and support she needs, both short term and long. Wish I were closer and could lend a hand…or had my own thug to go have a chat with that bm![/QUOTE]
Well maybe you put me on ignore.
. But if the curiousity gets the best of you, I guess I am very special. Not only do I have real friends and family rather than virtual friends to support me in tough times, I also don’t believe everything I read on the internet, or take anything I read on the internet personally, or resort to name calling when I see someone type something I don’t like. And most importantly, I believe there are two sides to every story.
I cannot wait to hear about resolution in Chanter’s matter.
i feel sooo bad
how can anyone do that they must really hate animals that much to hit them…I know some places in virginia that have great care for low prices… i would also go to the police and tell them what happened and he will go to jail for it… that would be good:no:
TBI tends to bring out the best and the worst in people… and I’m not just talking about the patients who endured the trauma either. I just love the judgemental jerks who walk around like they know more than the patient and their doctors because they read a few Journal articles published by the researchers/ physicians at Walter Reed. There is so much more to know about how brain injury can impact a person’s life than what can ever be written in books and journal articles. There are many commonalities among persons who have had brain injuries but there are just as many differences because each body responds differently… not to mention the many and varied ways one can get one in the first place.
To whomever made the comment about the unlikelihood of Chanter’s TBI based on her posting:
If grammar, punctuation, and spelling well get one crossed off the list for not possibly having sustained a brain injury, please tell me where to sign up! I’m getting sick of swallowing all these pills and putting up with all these migraines… and being dizzy 24-hours a day for approaching 6 years. How one’s language and communication skills are affected depends upon where the impact(s) actually took place. I’ve even noticed that I can read and process much more technical information that is written on the computer screen than what I can process in the format of a magazine or a book. The only difference that seems to be consistant is that the position of my eyes is different when reading a computer screen than when reading a book. I’d also like to be able to groom my horse without feeling like I’m gonna’ puke my guts out because of the motions involved in the grooming process.
I have spoken to Chanter, and having dealt with people with head injuries, and diabilities, and guide dogs, and the lower end of the socio-economic scale everything seems in line to me.
Further more, in bashing CHANTER, you demean yourself, remember, what comes around, goes around …
While I have not tried to interfere directly with CHANTER, ( I will help out where I can), I did have someone go see the BM. He will not be physically accosting her again. He received the mano e mano speech from a big nasty canuck buddy of mine
FRUITBAT, I hope you can come thru for CHANTER, with the help of some COTH BB members we might be able to pull this all off, and get CHANTER, her horses and dogs safe.
I hope the Texas people are safe, I understand a tornado touched down and a member lost all or part of her barn roof.
Good Thoughts and jingles going your way[/QUOTE]
Well, I said I couldn’t read any more (I’m such a liar)…
But I’m hoping that this mano e mano thing worked. It has me worried (again…sheesh). Was that safe to do? And will it put her in any more danger?
I am happy
that Chanter is getting help. I only hope that folks that were angry at some of us asking questions can understand we were not being hurtful to CHANTER In this day and age you cannot be too careful. And to the person who said they have real friends not virtual friends on the net. Not everyone is as fortunate as you, to have family and lots of supporting friends. I consider many of the folks on here to be friends. There are real people behind these names! :yes: Good luck Chanter!!
hundredacres it worked just fine
CHANTER is not at risk from the BM anymore :winkgrin:,
having big friends is good
Wonderful to hear that things are getting sorted. Hopefully, 2007 will be a much better year for her and her 4-legged kids.
MoonBallad -
Sent a PM in response to yours. Since we don’t know each other, wanted to let you know that in the future, feel free to just post your sentiments about my personality and posts right here in public, instead of doing the PM thing. Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Here is a direct copy of the PM I sent to you. I don’t see where I made any remarks about your personality - I just remarked on the rather negative tone of your last post. I sent it as a PM because I felt it wasn’t pertinent to this thread but since your next post makes it sound like I attacked you as a person I thought I’d go ahead and post the PM I sent to you as you suggested. Here is the PM:
“I have to say that I’m really suprised that you would be so callous to another person in a time of need. By the way it IS horse related in many aspects of the situation. If you don’t want to hear about it or be part of the solution you’re more than welcome to go and read other threads and if it bothers you so much I’m suprised you were still reading it in the first place. There was no one forcing you to and some of us do care and are doing something to help her and appreciate the thread. So really there was no need for your last post and it really doesn’t matter to any of us if you go to read elsewhere its just sad to see you felt you had to post something negative before you left.”
I’m sorry if people take that PM as being rude but I’m just SO tired of all the negativity I keep finding in this thread. How hard do people think it must be for her to have to come to us so publicly for help in the first place. I mean give it a rest already, please. I wanted to keep my comments about TrippleRipple’s post private but…
PS - Prince and Ponies; I sent you a PM - and to anyone else who tried to PM me and couldn’t; my box was full so that may have been the problem. I cleaned it out a bit so please try again if you couldn’t get through before.
Hundredacres, in this kind of situation, having a big guy show up unannounced is the perfect remedy for the short term. Bullies are cowards who look for easy marks to push around. In the mind of a bully, a middle-aged woman on her own and “dependent” is a perfect target. Near the bottom of the heap, with only solo elderly women being lower.
Getting the authorities involved is good, but that takes time plus the police have to work within the system. Long-term “professional” bullies learn how to work the system, and the cops hands are tied plus, due to the elimination several years back of the COPS program, they’re understaffed and underfunded.
On the other hand, the big friend doesn’t have to work within the system. It shows the BM that she’s not alone in the world, that she does have friends who care, and she’s not such an easy target as he thought. Let him start sweating it a bit. After all, her big Canuck buddy just might be crazier than BM is. He doesn’t have to announce his presence. He’s on his own schedule. And he probably has equally big friends who might come looking for his idea of a “good” time.
To some of you, nobody asked you to give money or even for 1 minute of your time. But in the time you spent publicly bash…excuse me, “questioning,” you could have simply offered ideas or suggestions. No cost to you, no additional harm to the victim. Those who want to help more aren’t forced to take anything face value – she posted her phone and they could do their own private verification without the public bashi…er, inquest. Believe it or not, most people in a position to help are grownups and don’t need your “protection” from possible scam artists…