well, gee…
The horse industry is notoreous in have poor employment, poor housing, lousy hours .
This is both Canada and the US, and now the new trick is to pay the same wage as before, barely liveable at best, and have the people be contractors so they have to pay their own taxes, and insurances.
God help someone that is hurt.
Winnfield Farms in Canada kept some of their people for 25+ years. That was not an accident.
There of course are always going to be transitents in the industry, that is the nature of the beast. It is not an accident that huge numbers of cubans, guatemaleans and Mexicans are in the horsey labour force, they work cheap, and don’t say anything.
In the case of the OP, she was trying to get out of one bad situation and got into another. The abusive BM can see someone like her coming a mile away, they like them and pray on people that cannot stand up for themselves.
It seems like people on the lower end of the socio-economic scale are victimized far more often than others, people with disabilities fit into this catagory, too.
Being on a limited income, and not being paid for her labours there, have caused more problems.
Now, while trying to stick up for herself, she has been fired and will be evicted in the new year.
Now just call me suspicious…Only one person on this thread knows exactly where she lives…why now, after a month, has the BM suddenly brought in hay for the arabs, and brushed them and cleaned up their watering area…tipped off perhaps??? hmmmm.
I’ve watched this thread, some people have offered to help, but the whole package needs to be moved and found safe accomodations, the OP, the dogs and the horses at a cost she can afford.
I am 2000+ mi away, yet I have spoken to her, someone else, another great distance away, is trying to help also.
Florida isn’t too big, it is one heck of a lot smaller than Ontario, yet if someone 3 or 4 hours away needed my help, I would be there in a New York Minute.
AND, if the situation turns out to be a hoax ( which this isn’t) then all you wasted was some time and gas money
It is far too easy to be an armchair athlete on this one, but if the BM knew that she had people visiting her, and looking occasionally at the horses, this thread would be very different.
The OP is trying very hard to keep her dignity in a situation that would have many people on this board screaming.
She doesn’t have a family to turn to, so she turned to her COTH Family.
I too, have turned to this board and received some very good suggestions…
There was a story an old man told me once, “I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes…until I met a man with no feet”
And I grew up with " …for yet , by the grace of God go I …’
Anyone can wake up one day with everything, and by the end of the day have nothing…motor vechile accident, drunk driver, stroke, heartattack… the list can go on and on.
My suggestion is try and do something constructive as opposed to destructive.
I personally, am rather discusted at some of the posts, and if it was me on the receiving end I would be really PI$$ED.
Lecture is now over.
I would love to personally meet some of the posters that have been helpful, Yankee lawyer and a poster from Texas come to mind instantly, others really wouldn’t want to meet me.
Have a good evening folks, and try to show some empathy.
Erin is right