DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

well, gee…

The horse industry is notoreous in have poor employment, poor housing, lousy hours .
This is both Canada and the US, and now the new trick is to pay the same wage as before, barely liveable at best, and have the people be contractors so they have to pay their own taxes, and insurances.
God help someone that is hurt.
Winnfield Farms in Canada kept some of their people for 25+ years. That was not an accident.
There of course are always going to be transitents in the industry, that is the nature of the beast. It is not an accident that huge numbers of cubans, guatemaleans and Mexicans are in the horsey labour force, they work cheap, and don’t say anything.
In the case of the OP, she was trying to get out of one bad situation and got into another. The abusive BM can see someone like her coming a mile away, they like them and pray on people that cannot stand up for themselves.
It seems like people on the lower end of the socio-economic scale are victimized far more often than others, people with disabilities fit into this catagory, too.
Being on a limited income, and not being paid for her labours there, have caused more problems.
Now, while trying to stick up for herself, she has been fired and will be evicted in the new year.

Now just call me suspicious…Only one person on this thread knows exactly where she lives…why now, after a month, has the BM suddenly brought in hay for the arabs, and brushed them and cleaned up their watering area…tipped off perhaps??? hmmmm.
I’ve watched this thread, some people have offered to help, but the whole package needs to be moved and found safe accomodations, the OP, the dogs and the horses at a cost she can afford.
I am 2000+ mi away, yet I have spoken to her, someone else, another great distance away, is trying to help also.
Florida isn’t too big, it is one heck of a lot smaller than Ontario, yet if someone 3 or 4 hours away needed my help, I would be there in a New York Minute.
AND, if the situation turns out to be a hoax ( which this isn’t) then all you wasted was some time and gas money

It is far too easy to be an armchair athlete on this one, but if the BM knew that she had people visiting her, and looking occasionally at the horses, this thread would be very different.

The OP is trying very hard to keep her dignity in a situation that would have many people on this board screaming.
She doesn’t have a family to turn to, so she turned to her COTH Family.

I too, have turned to this board and received some very good suggestions…

There was a story an old man told me once, “I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes…until I met a man with no feet”
And I grew up with " …for yet , by the grace of God go I …’

Anyone can wake up one day with everything, and by the end of the day have nothing…motor vechile accident, drunk driver, stroke, heartattack… the list can go on and on.
My suggestion is try and do something constructive as opposed to destructive.
I personally, am rather discusted at some of the posts, and if it was me on the receiving end I would be really PI$$ED.

Lecture is now over.
I would love to personally meet some of the posters that have been helpful, Yankee lawyer and a poster from Texas come to mind instantly, others really wouldn’t want to meet me.
Have a good evening folks, and try to show some empathy.

Erin is right

Now just call me suspicious…Only one person on this thread knows exactly where she lives…why now, after a month, has the BM suddenly brought in hay for the arabs, and brushed them and cleaned up their watering area…tipped off perhaps??? hmmmm.

I’m neither for nor against any of this. I did have a few questions and suggestions on this thread…not disrespectful ones. Many people do have a right to question if they’re far away…before sending income anywhere to help out people might want to make sure exactly what they’re donating to is about.
I just wanted to comment that the above thinly veiled finger pointing seems a tad over the top of a “lecture.” The OP herself claims that the horses have been taken care of mostly on and rarely off…the BM wouldn’t feed them for a day or two if he was angry at certain ones according to this thread. So I’d guess the feed was there all along. And even if we didn’t learn that from this thread…this is pretty Conspiracy Theory even for a thread that sounds like a movie trailer to begin with. Why would a vet tech try to “protect” someone accused of abusing horses? Because the vet tech questioned what was happening…she’s close enough by to help and wanted more info than was given. That sounds perfectly normal.

Just a small point of clarification, she is not a girl. Her COTH profile says she is 46 yrs. old. This is not a teenager in trouble and she is likely older than some of those desperately trying to help.

I normally read and lurk, but…I’ll take a turn on the soapbox!

Sorry - but I think it is incredibly unfair to imply that people who have some reservations about believing the entire story 100% have no empathy.

Chanter’s story is scary and compelling. A lot of us have been following it the past couple of days and I’d bet that many of us would chip in to help if we were CERTAIN of what was going on and what was really needed.

Bless the long distance friends who are willing to believe based on notes and phone calls…but don’t curse the rest of us. This is one thread that has NOT (IMHO) come anywhere near “train wreck” status. Aside from many people sincerely offering help to the OP, there has been information shared about living with TBI, service dogs, and how the horse industry can be for vulnerable people and animals. Hardly a snark to be found. Why on earth would anyone advocate for a moderator to close the thread???

(stumbling off soapbox now…)

Just a small point of clarification, she is not a girl. Her COTH profile says she is 46 yrs. old. This is not a teenager in trouble and she is likely older than some of those desperately trying to help.[/QUOTE]
just a small ?? this matters why? I could so easily be chanter, being as I am 46 and no one will even give me a job…:rolleyes:

What do you expect from a person with no TV for 28 years?[/QUOTE]

Ya, I’d say from this post she made back on pg 2 she’s not a teenager.

I’m neither for nor against any of this. I did have a few questions and suggestions on this thread…not disrespectful ones. Many people do have a right to question if they’re far away…before sending income anywhere to help out people might want to make sure exactly what they’re donating to is about.
I just wanted to comment that the above thinly veiled finger pointing seems a tad over the top of a “lecture.” The OP herself claims that the horses have been taken care of mostly on and rarely off…the BM wouldn’t feed them for a day or two if he was angry at certain ones according to this thread. So I’d guess the feed was there all along. And even if we didn’t learn that from this thread…this is pretty Conspiracy Theory even for a thread that sounds like a movie trailer to begin with. Why would a vet tech try to “protect” someone accused of abusing horses? Because the vet tech questioned what was happening…she’s close enough by to help and wanted more info than was given. That sounds perfectly normal.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Coup De Des;2101023]
Why don’t you just shut this down?[/QUOTE]

Why should this thread be shut down? Because it irritates you for some odd reason? Sorry but there are many of us here who are trying to get her moved and settled into a new place and we would like this thread to remain open. If this thread is so bothersome to you dear then simply don’t read it anymore.

Only pointed it out because some may believe that this is a teenager or young 20-something in over her head. Shouldn’t make any difference to those wishing to help. Makes a lot of difference to those who may have had the mistaken perception this was a kid in trouble.

christmas is over…so is the spirit??

To those of you in misbelief, wanting to shut the thread down, or questioning why everyone is trying to help Chanter…I REALLY hope that when you get in a though situation, one that is hard to believe, one that you seriously need some help and support whether it be financial assistance, a place to stay, or just comforting words from fellow COTHers, I hope you understand that there will be people like YOU that are skeptical and refuse to help you, and even try to shut down YOUR thread because your story is hard to believe and you are not 20 years old.

It amazes me that COTHers pull together $5 here $10 there, raise close to $800 or whatever dollars to save a RACEHORSE on Canter…ONE RACEHORSE…but everyone cannot even communicate nicely on a thread about a human being, TWO horses, and two dogs that are in a very difficult situation.

Unbelievable people.:no:

To those of you in misbelief, wanting to shut the thread down, or questioning why everyone is trying to help Chanter…I REALLY hope that when you get in a though situation, one that is hard to believe, one that you seriously need some help and support whether it be financial assistance, a place to stay, or just comforting words from fellow COTHers, I hope you understand that there will be people like YOU that are skeptical and refuse to help you, and even try to shut down YOUR thread because your story is hard to believe and you are not 20 years old.

It amazes me that COTHers pull together $5 here $10 there, raise close to $800 or whatever dollars to save a RACEHORSE on Canter…ONE RACEHORSE…but everyone cannot even communicate nicely on a thread about a human being, TWO horses, and two dogs that are in a very difficult situation.

Unbelievable people.:no:[/QUOTE]

Well for one horses are innocent animals and don’t evoke the same emotions as humans.

She is a 46 year old woman.

Think about it–a person who cannot find resources on a local level?

I have a problem with the authenticity of the original post. We don’t know her, and no one has admitted to meeting her in person. We don’t know the barn or barn manager that she has ACCUSED of abuse. I’m not the one making accusations, she is.

The fact that she is saying there in no one (as in friends and family) there on a local level to help her says a lot to me. If I were in such a position I would have support. I could find someone if not a few people who could help me within a couple days. People who don’t have support don’t for a reason. She works at a barn is in the business/industry-- IN FLORIDA!!! IN ONE OF THE LARGEST EQUINE COMMMUNITIES IN THE WORLD!!! She can’t find anyone? Come on people, how many people, friends have you met? One time I had a horse with a life threatening injury that had to be rushed two hours away to a University. I had no trailer. I had someone within an hour who was able to take us!!! I had others who heard about it who offered help.

And all of this head injury stuff is rubbish to me. Sure, maybe she does have a head injury, but she is apparently functioning well enough to have or use a computer, have a couple horses and dogs and work at a barn.

Horse business is dirty. Any seasoned veteran has probably seen or heard of abuse at barns. We do what we have to to make sure our horses are safe. Sometimes we have to move them in the middle of the night. Many barns will make provisions. Many will move them for you.

More than anything I am just bothered by the fact that she has made such accusations but admitted that she has allowed her animals to be in that situation for so long. From the sounds of her posts she sounds like she is not capable of taking care of herself or her horses, so why does she even have them?

Did you folks not get the hint a couple of pages ago?


It is an unfortunate occurance in this country on the opinion of TBI’s. A TBI survivor can change dramatically from day to day. One day appear highly intelligent and the next be the total opposite.

As a caregiver to two suvivors, it is an incrdibly rough road both financially, medically, and mentally.

My first was my ex who flipped his car into a ditch. He suffered a left temporal/frontal lobe injury. He did not receive a craniotomy which would have allowed his brain to swell and pressure relieved. Each moment that the brain swells with no place to go, there is damage occurring. Although he had acute therapy, he received no transitional therapy (he refused it). As a result, my ex went from being a sweet, even tempered good guy to an abusive monster. I was advised to get out before he killed me.

The second was my son who was hit by a car while crossing the street on his 20th birthday. The car carried him 93 feet before it stopped and he fell to the road. My son suffered a left temporal/frontal lobe injury. What are the odds of it happening to both 3 years years apart? Anyway, my son received a craniotomy. His brain was allowed to swell and heal. For a week the docs said they didn’t think he would live. But he did. They called him a miracle. He received acute therapy and transitional therapy. He is pretty much normal as a result although he does have some temper issues and memory problems. His CAT scans show nothing but black in the left temporal/frontal region. That is permanent damage. Through intense therapy, his right side has learned to compensate.

They both appear totally normal on the outside and people don’t understand their “issues.”

My point is that TBI survivors are very rarely the same after. They often say or do things that make no sense to the uneducated (TBI education). They can go through some pretty serious mood swings that will translate onto a computer screen. Many have trouble holding the “great” jobs that so many of us take for granted. My son is not able to work in group situations at all. He has to be alone. I was in a caregiver support group for quite a while so I could better understand what was happening. At first I was suspicious of Chanter but after reading of the TBI, the differences in the posts make sense to me now. Take the time to understand the injury before passing judgement please. TBI survivors also are prone to seizures. A seizure dog can be any breed. We never needed one, thank goodness, because of the craniotomy allowed the swelling to occur so seizures never happened.

If Chanter has no family to help her, the horses may be a necessary lifeline for her. My son had such a strong attachment to one of my dogs that I HAD to find living arrangements that accomidated not only him but the dog as well. Hence I bought a house instead of renting.

Government red tape can be a nightmare for a TBI survivor. I could go on and on about my nightmare dealings with them but I won’t. It would take way too long and take too much space.

Chanter- An excellent site is . It was very helpful to me. The message board was great but it has been shut down due to spamming. Also the book- Legal Rights: A Family Guide by Joseph L. Romano, 1-800-331-4134, has a wealth of information. He knows all the in and outs of the red tape. I wish only the best for you and will pray that an answer comes to you quickly.

Edited to add:

Erin, I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. I swore would never stoop to this level but I am infuriated right now so please forgive me.

JBnC: You are an idiot. If you have never dealt with a survivor then do not ever make such inane comments like that. You just did a dis-service to every TBI survivor out there. Get educated before making comments. Opinions are fine as long as you know what you are talking about. You obviously don’t.

Truth is usually much stranger than fiction. What many of us perhaps think is obvious for Chanter to do may not actually work for her and with her disability and fear, her reasoning may be clouded as well. I certainly believe she has a bad situation and needs some help and guidance. Just because she isn’t perfectly clear about everything only indicates how bad it is. God Bless, Chanter and those who are trying to help. I am hoping very much for a great outcome for you and all the animals and jail time for the horrible person who would abuse and take advantage of the situation. I also wish the owner would have legal problems as well.

Hello players,

This sounds like a Equine Christmas Story:yes: , Everyone wants to help at first, great offers were made at the begining of the soga, with the main charactor, only repling, to say again how bad it is there. again:no: … more outpouring or help comes, again.

I sit here for an hour, for the last three mornings:confused: . laughing, not wanting to! :lol: :lol: but doing so anyway. And I Realize folks there are good people in this world, and they are bad people, and we try to do the right thing, mostly!!! But somtimes there is a skunk in the wood pile, and I think that there is one here, and people emotions are being played on!!!..

I have not seen any replys from Chanter for two days:eek: …maybe this play has been played out…or I could be wrong too!!!:cool:

Staying tune in to the third act…

Apparently I am talking to myself, but I’ll try this one more time.




jumpbuilder, since apparently you are confused, THIS MEANS YOU.

Has anyone heard from Chanter, or spoken with her?

Erin, my apologies. Do you mean drop the thread, or drop the critical remarks? I assumed the latter…

This may not be needed anymore, but

maybe someone could point Chanter to if she can’t check COTH?
There is no shortage of jobs out there, and plenty of them offer housing for both employees and their horses/pets.