I have volunteered for a Catholic charity for years, I give out groceries to the needy. One day one of the nuns saw a judgemental look on my face as I gave food to a gal who was well dressed, had a pager and a cell phone. We loaded the food into a 2 year old Honda. When we walked inside the nun put her arm around me and said “It is not our job to judge, someone already has that job”. These few words of wisdom have served me well.
an appointment for “next year”. [/QUOTE]
yes Flipper, exactly my thoughts. What does one expect during the holiday week? Of course, because it is Friday today, any help is going to be offered after the New Year, when offices reopen on Tuesday.
This Holier Than Thou crap is wearing thin HST…people here ARE allowed a voice, and while we may not be in like you, opinions and ideas still can be shared on this board. For many of us who have been here for many years, we have a right to be suspicious, or at least ask some more questions. The soapbox thing isn’t working for me so much.
I’m afraid many of us “old timers” have been made skeptical by past postings of Musical Jumper, and people that beg for money to buy hay but then buy a new truck…
I just cannot believe that no one can say that they have had physical in person contact with this person. Not being judgemental nor foolish.
I’m afraid many of us “old timers” have been made skeptical by past postings of Musical Jumper, and people that beg for money to buy hay but then buy a new truck…[/QUOTE]
That really happened?? Holy hell! that takes balls!
ding ding ding…MJ is probably in many of us “old timer’s” minds.
Not saying this gal doesn’t need our help, but the soapbox ranting of how “either your with us or against us” is wearing thin to me.heard it before, and it’s now bitten us in the collective ass.
MJ, CP, there have been some “bad ones” that played on the kind nature of the fine COTH BB’ers…
However, HorseSourceTexas, I believe, is a good judge of character. She’s rescued many before and probably knows a good cause when she sees one.
It would appear Chanter does need help - and our place is not to judge her on how or why she got in this position.
HST has taken on the task of helping Chanter help herself (and her animals), and I commend her for that. I don’t want to see HST hurt, either (she is the best Secret Santa ever) …
Horsesource, do not be offended at the scepticism … people are concerned for you.
– FLip
but horsesourctexas, and moonballard and a couple of others have spoekn to chanter and kept her company i know by phone - but i am sure if we lived xloser would check ourself to makes ureshe was cooosher-- but i think she is anyways
and i also think- we bite back we are skectical for the same reasons thats she scared-- we are scared of her fear – being in a fearful situation and becuase those like me cant do anything doesnt mean to say we dont care becuase we do-- i have said it beofre dome times on this bb we dont see eye to eye and tend to agree to disagree - but one thing that i love about this board- is the community spirit – when some one or smoe animal needs helps all the plugs are pulled freind or foe - or thsaoe that bicker and banter it doesnt matter
becuase thats trival to saving some animal or smoeone out of a sad sitation that could turn so violently badly chanter is asking for hands outs as in money
she desperate and scared shitless and i think i would be to-- and most likely she spent her life moving about becuase maybe shes nt up to par and get put on or past by – and no takes a real look - her knowledge is there herself is there but above all this as i have i said it before shes not a quitter shes fighter –
and what stands out most of all is she know shes got problems with a disablilty but she dont cliam of the state maybe it paperwork and things and now shes a little older is maybe harder i dont know- but
SHE HAS HER DIGNITY INTACKED that says a lot for one that dealing with the normal day to day mundane things of life but to carry on and work with a disablity to then i take my hat of her to- and she keeps her animals as they are her family— her real family becuase they have been there all the way along i can understand that one –
for us --we bicker and banter maybe becuase theres nothing we can do so we rack our brains and then bite reach other becuse its frustration --it isnt meant in the way some see it - we are a harmony bb gruop and we all do care not no one doesnt becuase if they didnt they wouldnt postxx
whoops i mearnt isnt asking for hand outs
In no way am I saying you have to be supportive or in someone’s words “with us or against us”. I too have been bitten many times while trying to help. I still try not to judge and help where it is most needed. I try to get the whole picture then take each case individually and do what I personally can do even if it’s not much. If I feel unable or unwilling to help in a certain situation, I stay out of the way so that others who would like to put their necks on the block can do so freely without my being a PITA. I have no problem with people who would like to warn others of their experiences. I have no problem with those who feel like this is some sort of scam and want to run as far away as possible. Those I have a problem with are the ones who routinely pop back up to stir the pot for no particular reason other than to watch the train wrecks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. On the internet, it seems like there are even more opinions per person. She has not asked for money. She has asked if anyone had any reasonable emergency accomodations or connections to get her immediately out of a bad situation. That is no more than is asked for daily for any number of horses with an outpouring of help and advice and well wishers.
I too was here for most of the threads in the past that have badly burned some really generous people. Most of them, I chose to stay out of and that was my right. As is your right to state your opinions. I have never had a “holier than thou” attitude. My only concern, on this post, is to offer help to someone in need and to sort through some really generous offers and try to relay them to Chanter whose computer is completely dead. It is difficult to do so with all the irrelevant posts. My plea was to, at least temporarily, ignore this thread if you were only coming to post negative responses without having substantial proof. By all means, if you find that Chanter is a 20 year old man living in a mansion, taking me and others that are willing to help for a ride, POST! but what can the unsubstantiated speculation do for anyone right now? I would like to help her get out of this immediate situation THEN…whatever. Her computer is dead anyway so she won’t have to read it.
Thank you so much to those who are jingling, suggesting, and offering. Please PM me or her, as I am checking her PMs temporarily for her at her request, if you have any ideas that may help Chanter at this time. Thanks again.
Not speaking for anyone…but I think some may think along the same lines in reverse HST…that although it might not be substantiated that this is a 20 year old man, it’s also not substantiated that this scenerio is also 100%.
The folks on here only have posting history to go on, on this thread and past ones.
The history has this person going through two almost identical off the wall sounding living arrangements. In the last one, tons of rats, disbelieving BO’s, shutting off of water, abused horses, etc. In this one…abusive BO, shutting off of water, abused horses.
The asked for help has changed once any was offered…from moving anywhere, anytime to can’t move anywhere or anytime. When possibly placing the animals in temp places to help the OP…a post comes up in all caps informing that the dogs are service dogs (and to be honest, keeping two intact male dogs in any capacity when you do not own your own home to make sure of housing them seems off the wall to many) but not a peep on the horses. If people can take the horses, I would assume finding a new residence would be much easier without horses. One of which she says to not even want.
When questions arise, the computer goes dead. Then the ‘yelling’ post of how this is a TBI and nobody understands and were picking on a handicapped person nobody knew was handicapped.
So while I hope this gets resolved, I can fully understand why many are skeptical.
But HST…
In no way am I saying you have to be supportive or in someone’s words “with us or against us”. I too have been bitten many times while trying to help. I still try not to judge and help where it is most needed. I try to get the whole picture then take each case individually and do what I personally can do even if it’s not much. If I feel unable or unwilling to help in a certain situation, I stay out of the way so that others who would like to put their necks on the block can do so freely without my being a PITA. I have no problem with people who would like to warn others of their experiences. I have no problem with those who feel like this is some sort of scam and want to run as far away as possible. Those I have a problem with are the ones who routinely pop back up to stir the pot for no particular reason other than to watch the train wrecks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. On the internet, it seems like there are even more opinions per person. She has not asked for money. She has asked if anyone had any reasonable emergency accomodations or connections to get her immediately out of a bad situation. That is no more than is asked for daily for any number of horses with an outpouring of help and advice and well wishers.
I too was here for most of the threads in the past that have badly burned some really generous people. Most of them, I chose to stay out of and that was my right. As is your right to state your opinions. I have never had a “holier than thou” attitude. My only concern, on this post, is to offer help to someone in need and to sort through some really generous offers and try to relay them to Chanter whose computer is completely dead. It is difficult to do so with all the irrelevant posts. My plea was to, at least temporarily, ignore this thread if you were only coming to post negative responses without having substantial proof. By all means, if you find that Chanter is a 20 year old man living in a mansion, taking me and others that are willing to help for a ride, POST! but what can the unsubstantiated speculation do for anyone right now? I would like to help her get out of this immediate situation THEN…whatever. Her computer is dead anyway so she won’t have to read it.
Thank you so much to those who are jingling, suggesting, and offering. Please PM me or her, as I am checking her PMs temporarily for her at her request, if you have any ideas that may help Chanter at this time. Thanks again.[/QUOTE]
I think you can understand peoples misgivings. I have seen some strange things on here as well.
But talking on the phone to someone and physically going to meet them are two different things.
No one wishes the woman ill, I think its just self preservation.
MistyBlue I tend to agree on both counts. The things that you described as seeming skeptical and that no one wishes ill of her.
I was Chanter’s de-grincher for last year’s secret santa and we sent lots of private topics back and forth for months afterwards, taking about our lives and horses. I do not want to reveal anything private about her, but I will say that the things she’s posting are 100% consistent with the things we discussed almost a year ago. That’s an awful long time to be cooking up a scheme, no? I don’t know her personally, I’m not in Florida, and I can’t check on her in person-- but I can tell you that all the “backstory” she’s chosen to post is 100% consistent with our past discussions. I think Chanter is a good, real person stuck in a tough spot. I feel utterly helpless and don’t know what to do.
Folks, it is really doing no good whatsoever to sit here and armchair quarterback and offer up your opinion on whether or not you think something is “fishy.” First of all, no one asked you. Second, if you are not offering to put up Chanter or her horses, it doesn’t affect you.
Give it a rest. It’s pretty ridiculous to speculate based on nothing but a few internet postings. The people who HAVE spoken to the girl directly don’t seem particularly worried. I’m sure that after all the hue and cry already posted, they’ll make sure they think things are legit before they go out on a limb for anyone. Caveat emptor and all that.
But the pack-mentality armchair quarterbacking is not helpful.
Crossposted on Flahorse.com
I crossposted for you Chanter on Flahorse.com. I have asked that someone there locally contact you or the correct authorities to help you. I hope that something good will come of it and that you find a place soon that can accommodate you and your horses and dogs.
I don’t know you or your background, but felt that perhaps someone “local” and on the scene in Florida might be able to help.
Why don’t you just shut this down?
Because I have this irritating habit of expecting people to be able to act like adults and follow instructions, rather than having their toys taken away.
This BB has proven me wrong on that account on several occasions, however, so we’ll all just have to wait with bated breath to see which way the thread goes.
Because I have this irritating habit of expecting people to be able to act like adults and follow instructions, rather than having their toys taken away.
This BB has proven me wrong on that account on several occasions, however, so we’ll all just have to wait with bated breath to see which way the thread goes.[/QUOTE]
We always dissapoint huh Erin.
No actually I totally agree with what you said. People have offered help, BB kibitzing will not help Chanter. I hope she is able to find peace and a safe situation… :yes:
I really haven’t read any of Chanter’s posts, nor do I know her or anyone involved from holes in the walls… What I do know is this - I spent my younger years hopping from one horse job to the next being gullible and thinking everyone that I went to work for would be more honest and decent than the place that I came from… And guess what? When you are gullible and broke, people take advantage of you. I was put in the situation of going from one bad one to the next (And did finally find a fabulous, fabulous place where I would’ve stayed forever had I not met and fell in love with DH). Maybe it sounds suspicious to some, but believe me - it happens - and ALL THE TIME. Too many people in the horse industry seem to know just how to take advantage of the somewhat desperate and vulnerable.