DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

arabhorse2, I thought the same thing.

Either way, Chanter is screaming for help but in reality I’m not exactly sure what kind of help she wants. Chanter, maybe you are not sure yourself?

Many have posted and probably pm’s different offers of help. Have any of the offers been looked into and maybe a possibility?

Many people here are trying to help you but people can’t help if they don’t know what it is you want.

Many of the offers sounded great to me but it doesn’t sound like they do to you. So please, please at least respond to the kind people offering to help one way or the other.

Good luck with everything.

I thought all service dogs for the handicapped have to be spayed or neutered? Why would Chanter have intact males in her possession, if that’s what they are? :confused: Seriously folks, I’m asking a legitimate question here.[/QUOTE]

Here is another legitimate question: Why would a retired service dog placement firm give an animal to someone who is in such dire straits?

As for the offers of having a horse stay somewhere for only three weeks, that three weeks provides you with time to figure out something more long term and a safe place for your horses and dogs in the meantime.

I second that, Arabhorse. Service dogs are ALL neutered. And frankly, Chanter’s tone seems NOt one of someone truly needing help and acting on offers but one of a different kind of desperation. JMHO, and at any rate, I feel for her. Does she get a disablilty check each month? Surely IF these are service dogs, the assigners of the dogs could hold them while she regroups. People have offered to bring their trailers and take the horses…offered her shelter…send the dogs to the service folks temporarily…:confused:

Good heavens, what attack?

Chanter, if all you wanted was sympathy, you had to have known that this was the wrong board for that. Considering the responses here have been generally concerned, helpful and caring-you can surely handle a question or two, right?

If you can’t, it’s your choice as to how you respond. If some people don’t get “on the bandwagon” perhaps that’s their choice too, yes?

You could quell a lot of this just by being more forthcoming about some of the things raised. Just a thought :wink:

Chanter, the offer I made for your horses I told you that the horses could stay as long as you wanted. It’s a coop barn, but I’d provide the food, hay, and labor for the first few weeks until you got on your feet. After that then you’d need to be here and care for them. It’s a 3/4 of a mile walk to my neighbors, and I’ve got a f/t job, 5 horses, all of which are undersaddle, 2 are clients that I have to ride. It’s a major stretch for me to do anything like that.

I wonder why the service dogs aren’t neutered, too. And, a Shit-zu (? spelling) service dog? I thought most service dogs were big dogs, but I could be thinking of something else.



I’ve never heard of a Shih tzu being a service dog. You said on another post that you have an old Shih tzu, and an Am Bulldog/Lab cross. Is the Shih tzu a retired service dog? If so, how neat is that, that they use them as service dogs. My mom had one that was as cute as can be.

Hope everything works out for the best for everyone (animals included).

Oh lordy…

I am having flashbacks to…CP.

In all sincerity, I hope Chanter gets whatever help is most appropriate.

I just heard from Chanter. She is still at the library using the computer but is on the way to Adult Protection Services. They came out yesterday and spoke with the FM - he has made no further threats to her since then. They will work on getting her backpay. She also spent the morning with them today, and is on her way shortly for another mtg with them.

The humane society has been called and is on their way out to look at the farm’s animals.

Her dogs are service dogs. She needs to find somewhere to stay that can also accomodate her dogs. The legitimacy could be tracked down through a “Sherrif ID #” by someone who would like to offer help or accomodation.

As I said before, she had offers to move her horses out of state, but is looking for reasonable (or free) board locally. (Pasture is fine - stalls aren’t needed). She has had at least one offer to help move horses locally. There is a training stable near to her, but the daily charges are very high. She also can’t afford to have her horses hauled out of state.
And she has called many people about the offers and job opportunities on this board.

Only call if you feel you can help in some way - she is using up calling cards otherwise.

She sounded as though she is trying very hard to keep up with the meetings, as well as search for alternate places for her animals. I think the board needs to chill a little. If you have offered help, she may have forgotten or lost track - please get in touch with her again - either by pm or email is best, phone next. And she is doing a lot of what has been suggested - she just may not be updating you all.
And she may not have computer access for the rest of the day/evening if she can’t get back to the library in time.
And Chanter, people aren’t attacking - what doesn’t go toward helping you out - just let it slide and keep on doing the best you can do.


Chanter, if the situation is as dire and dangerous for yourself and your animals as has been explained by you…then temporary housing offers for horses, dogs or you should be looked into for the safety of all involved. It doesn’t seem the responsible thing to do as an adult to expect or even hope for the perfect new accomodations from complete strangers on a BB that could house 2 horses, 2 intact male dogs and a person…accomodations that are wanted immediately with free room, free board and free transport for all involved.
To be fair and caring for your animals, take what’s offered by the very kind and giving straingers offering it to give yourself less to move at this time. Then, as you stated in an earlier post…you can find a job anywhere grooming or stable managing in order to earn enough to bring your beloved pets home again. That way all can be safe in a relatively quick time…in situations like this where severe abuse is happening to humans and animals, waiting for an ideal situation over safety seems irresponsible.
JMHO…but nobody can help you until you start helping yourself of helping others to help you.

I thought all service dogs for the handicapped have to be spayed or neutered? Why would Chanter have intact males in her possession, if that’s what they are? :confused: Seriously folks, I’m asking a legitimate question here.

And when did they authorize Shitzhus and Pit Bull crosses as service dogs? Those dogs are usually Goldens or Labradors.[/QUOTE]

Nothing to add for the OP except that I hope she & her animals are safe; but service animals that are NOT for the blind are often shelter rescues. Great Danes for folks with trouble falling, small dogs for those with hearing problems, etc. Never heard a requirement that those types of service dogs be neutered. Many never venture outside without their owner.

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I have been lurking here because I haven’t been in a position to offer help and didn’t feel speculation was useful.

I do now have a bit to offer… Chanter, if your dogs are legitimate service dogs, and not just pets, I believe that you cannot be denied housing because of them. In other words, they can go wherever you go. I could be wrong, but it seems that the ADA prohibits that kind of discrimination.

What about the tone, grammar and spelling of the OP?[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I just read her post. Hopefully it will all work out.

I thought all service dogs were neutered too and I didn’t think that you get a replacement one before you retire the old one? I heard of a local girl (at our old stable) that desperately needed one and it seemed a very expensive, time-consuming process. She was on a waiting list as I recall. There was no question on how badly she needed one either. I have seen service dogs that are mutts even so I don’t think the breed matters. I know there are some cases in MD where landlords have turned away people with service dogs but don’t know what the ultimate outcome was.

I spoke with Chanter briefly this morning and she was following up on a few job leads that came with housing and room for horses. Has anyone had a chance to speak to her today to see if any of the leads panned out?

Chanter, do you have enough funds to buy feed for yourself and for your animals? If you are in need of a few dollars to tide you over, perhaps we can figure out a way to get a little bit of cash to help ease your situation.


Thoughts to try and help

This is just an intuition. I am unsure Chanter is psychologically able to just jump and run at this time. The last time she did that got her in this situation which is worse than before. The uncertainty in and of itself of temporary accomidations may be too much for her to handle. I sense she is searching for a stable situation she can feel comfortable in.

First if someone could offer a pasture for the horses with hay, in exchange for a few daily chores until such time she can pay for her own feed. Possibly somewhere with a trailer or barn appt where the dogs can be as well. If a special pen needs to be built to contain the dogs that isn’t so much money.

As a group COTH has helped horses in dire straights… what is the difference here. If people would be willing to send some finances to the COTH member who could help Chanter, so a pen can be built for the dogs and the cost of hay covered… it would ensure the money is spent to help. It would also relieve the burdon of taking on such a big expense. Also a portion of money could provide food for the dogs and Chanter as well. Having her work off her keep and assist her in finding a job she is qualified without the stress she is under right now could be just the helping hand she needs. Also she is working off of a phone card? Is it one that can be refilled? Perhaps Someone could add a few bucks to that so we can help her thru this in a productive positive way. It seems to me Medicine Wheel has the most accurate information and I trust her and believe she knows the details. That is good enough for me. Perhaps she could chime in here on other recommendations to help.

Anyone else have any positive ideas that can make this happen in the next 24hours? I think she is afraid to make any moves right now though things are horrible for her. Paralyzed so to speak.

If you don’t like this idea, don’t waste space tearing it apart, come up with a better solution yourself. It isn’t a debate here, it’s about helping someone in a bad situation, regardless of age fault or anything else.

I live in ca so I cannot help from 3000k miles away.

Folks here are doing what they can based on how desperate your post was. No one thought you should pay to have your horses shipped, and you do have to understand that finding an instant place so that none of you have to be separated will be quite hard. As far as your dogs go, unless people understand that they are service dogs, we can’t understand not being apart from them for a time, that would be information we need to know. If you want to keep your medical information to yourself, we understand that too, but if we don’t know ALL the story, then no one can help you as you need to be helped. So if you need your service dog, that is a very simple thing to understand, quite unlike being unwilling to temporarily give up a beloved pet. As for the horses, well, they are big, they are more hard to place quickly. As for someone offering you “partial” solutions, with only “part” of the information, well, that would seem ok to us. So you obviously have had a hard row to hoe and still do, and I know your situation is dire, but be a bit more understanding, to a person employed on a farm, we think a sleeping bag in a spare room, a toilet and a field for the horses and temporary shelter for the dogs would be a good idea. So now that we have the rest of the story, perhaps the help you seek will be a bit more appropriate to your needs. And if an employer doesn’t pay you every week, on time, or is abusive the first time, get out. And if you cannot afford to move your horses, from where you are, then as hard as that seems, you might want to consider placing them somewhere until things become stable enough for you that you have an option in case a living arrangement doesn’t work out. Dogs are somewhat portable, and I don’t believe that public housing can discriminate against someone with service dogs, but a private farm where housing was part of the compensation I believe would be ok if they didn’t allow dogs of any sort I believe. Not sure what function your dogs serve for you, none of my business, but I do understand that some folks don’t want any dogs on their property except their own, no matter what. I do hope things work out for you Chanter, and if you have a chance, there are folks on here that would like to know that.

I just went back and read the original post. First let me say that that post does not seem the same as other posts on this topic by chanter. If you read the first post she sounds and writes just as intelligable as you and I. Then later suddenly has grammar problems and a disability that does not come through on her first post. Also in the first post she says she is so desperate that she will move anywhere in the country. Now she says that is not an option. I know there has been more than one offer for FREE transportation for her horses. Also she is supposed to be completely broke and cannot drive to a couple of local barns to see if she can be put up for even a little bit but can drive to the library to reply to the BB? I am sorry but I must agree that these and some other things seem very fishy.

Just found this thread- Chanter, I’m so sorry to hear about your predicament. I can’t really offer any concrete help, but my good friend’s mother is a professional for two decades now in finding services and help for people with disabilities. She is here in Colorado, but if for any reason you think that her help in locating possible sources of aid would be of use to you, PT me and I will give you her phone number (with her permission, of course).

A little light on service dogs: Many organizations help train and certify ANY breed of dog. I know pit bulls that are certified AKC Canine Good Citizens and Certified Therapy Dogs. Said pit bulls are purebred, big, intense shelter rescues, who visit nursing homes and gently help the patients express affection. Petting their heads is physical therapy for the elderly who have difficulty with fine movements, and the pitties have even been known to make a gentleman with Alzheimers speak for the first time in three years. The words? “Good dog,” of course. I know a good family friend whose chocolate lab is a certified therapy dog, go to school with someone whose American Eskimo is her therapy dog, and recently met a woman with a Chihuahua that does search and rescue with the PD.

Moral of the story: Breed does not make a service dog a service dog, a therapy dog a therapy dog, or a search and rescue dog a search and rescue dog. The individual and the training do, and if someone can train an animal well enough to perform the duties of a service dog, he or she is probably capable of training same animal to be a well behaved pet despite having testicles attached and functional.

EDIT: Oh, and replying to another post that happened while I was typing this- if housing is part of compensation for employment, service dogs MUST be permitted. Any employer whether private or a large company is subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act, which includes permitting certified service dogs to serve their proper function when it applies to a customer or employee.

Again - Chanter, do you get a disability check? If so, there are organizations which can HELP you find shelter. Again, your first post said ANYWHERE and you have had many good offers near and far. Can you just come on and explain what is happening, so we will understand? Otherwise, this is starting to sound really weird to me.

Well, I am a DVM, and I own horses of the same breed referenced, and it isn’t too hard for me to figure out how easy a typo “arabain” is to make.
I’ve done it myself.

And again you got “grammer” wrong.

The point here, though, ought to be what is chanter going to do?

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I hope everything works out for the OP.

I will admit to being fascinated at the idea of a Shih Tzu service dog. My mom had one that while adorable, was dumb as a box of rocks. I would assume that it isn’t for the blind, since the OP can see, and not one for someone with mobility problems, since the OP can groom, clean stalls etc. Not a hearing dog, as the OP mentioned hearing the FM say things. So if the OP feels comfortable in saying WHAT the dog does, I would love to know. Purely out of curiosity.