Folks here are doing what they can based on how desperate your post was. No one thought you should pay to have your horses shipped, and you do have to understand that finding an instant place so that none of you have to be separated will be quite hard. As far as your dogs go, unless people understand that they are service dogs, we can’t understand not being apart from them for a time, that would be information we need to know. If you want to keep your medical information to yourself, we understand that too, but if we don’t know ALL the story, then no one can help you as you need to be helped. So if you need your service dog, that is a very simple thing to understand, quite unlike being unwilling to temporarily give up a beloved pet. As for the horses, well, they are big, they are more hard to place quickly. As for someone offering you “partial” solutions, with only “part” of the information, well, that would seem ok to us. So you obviously have had a hard row to hoe and still do, and I know your situation is dire, but be a bit more understanding, to a person employed on a farm, we think a sleeping bag in a spare room, a toilet and a field for the horses and temporary shelter for the dogs would be a good idea. So now that we have the rest of the story, perhaps the help you seek will be a bit more appropriate to your needs. And if an employer doesn’t pay you every week, on time, or is abusive the first time, get out. And if you cannot afford to move your horses, from where you are, then as hard as that seems, you might want to consider placing them somewhere until things become stable enough for you that you have an option in case a living arrangement doesn’t work out. Dogs are somewhat portable, and I don’t believe that public housing can discriminate against someone with service dogs, but a private farm where housing was part of the compensation I believe would be ok if they didn’t allow dogs of any sort I believe. Not sure what function your dogs serve for you, none of my business, but I do understand that some folks don’t want any dogs on their property except their own, no matter what. I do hope things work out for you Chanter, and if you have a chance, there are folks on here that would like to know that.