You are a vet? Vets use correct grammer, punctuation, and spelling. A vet would not assume a horse is skinny because it is old or needs their teeth floated.[/QUOTE]
For God’s sake, what does grammAr (yes, proper spelling on your part would be prudent before attacking someone else’s) have to do with being a vet TECH? I didn’t realize veterinary training required an English degree. Perhaps you have veterinary science confused with the GSP test required of journalism majors? Good attempt at breaking down someone’s character though, you really told her, huh?
I don’t see why people feel the need to jump on Maxxtrot for being skeptical and wanting to confirm details before offering help- the fact is, there are a LOT of internet scams out there, people with sob stories asking for help but really just wanting your money. I’m not saying this is one of them, I’m just saying its not all that unrealistic to want to check it out first and make sure. ESPECIALLY since she lives in the area and has somewhat of a business connection with the accused.
One question- Lots of offers have been made to Chanter for help. Has she accepted any of them?
Give the horses away. Send the dogs to a shelter. You’re not helping the animals at all by keeping them when you know that you cannot afford to take care of them without putting them in bad situations. I know you think you can’t live without them, but you can, and they’ll be much happier when they can be properly cared for. Then you won’t have to be picky about living arrangements, you can take the offers that have been made, and you can get back on your own feet. The fact is, you’re NEVER going to end up in a better situation (money-wise, especially) if you try to hold onto the horses. Think about them- do you really think that you’re putting them in good situations?