DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

Chanter, if you are seeing this, I’d like to draw your attention to a post by Jessie on the Sport Horse breeding forum announcing an empty trailer headed from Ocala to VA Jan 2. I know someone from NC announced they could take you, and had a job nearby…You have to drive through NC to get to VA from Ocala.

Just a thought…

I also want to let you know that I am praying for a safe and suitable end to this ordeal for you.

Chanter, I can move your horses for free if they stay in the west central FL area. PM me if you need me. I’m about 1 and 1/2 hours south of Ocala.

You are a vet? Vets use correct grammer, punctuation, and spelling. A vet would not assume a horse is skinny because it is old or needs their teeth floated.[/QUOTE]

I found that odd too. Perhaps Chanter did as well. That would be a red flag to me if I were her and I wouldn’t respond to the requests for info either.

I found that odd too. Perhaps Chanter did as well. That would be a red flag to me if I were her and I wouldn’t respond to the requests for info either.[/QUOTE]

  her COTH profile says she is a vet tech and if one searches her past posts, she always uses that style of writing

            Tamara in TN

Hundredacres & WendY:

I wouldn’t know maxxtrot if I ran over her, but I can read for comprehension:

as i work for an equine vet here in town

She’s never claimed to be a vet, only that she works for a vet.

Maxxtrot works for a vet. She’s not a vet. :wink:

The situation looks a bit fishy. Look at the OP past posts. 2 Secret Santas, 1 got elaborate gifts not sure on the other, but she’s so broke now she can’t make ends meet?

Things happen, :yes: but something about this situation makes me very uncomfortable now.



waiting to hear more :confused: :eek: I have sat back for a hour reading these notes, maybe someone there could, just get her out and talk, put her up for a day or two, take her horse’s over to the New Fla. Horse Park to the old stalls in the feild there, (See Andy Sparks) till something opened up. Just so everyone gets the facts straight…

Maxxtrot works for a vet. She’s not a vet. :wink:

The situation looks a bit fishy. Look at the OP past posts. 2 Secret Santas, 1 got elaborate gifts not sure on the other, but she’s so broke now she can’t make ends meet?

Things happen, :yes: but something about this situation makes me very uncomfortable now.


I’m with you. I’ve watched this thread prett closely.
I’m not cool with anyone being so freakin’ broke and having horses and two “unaltered” dogs. Why has she stayed there for so long? I would have been out of there after a month, at the most. Looks like she put herself in this situation and now she is asking for a free ride. Oh and then I look at her profile and find out she is a 46 year old woman? I thought she was like a 20 year old…

I have been following this thread and wondering what to do, or what should be done. The possible reasons for Chanter not answering the PMs may be that her computer is acting up … or she is afraid … or she is afraid that her story is not completely straight and does not want someone too close to find the inconsistencies. Lots of possibles.

But I think the bottom line is that she is troubled and in trouble. We don’t ask horses to get their stories straight before we offer to help. Heck, most times we have no clue what their story is – just that they need help. And that is how I see the situation with Chanter. Maybe the story is exactly as she says, maybe she is troubled and sees the world through a troubled filter. At any rate, I hope someone nearby can get to her and help her – because for whatever reasons, she needs some help and some care.

Also, just as an aside, people who are in very bad situations oftentimes have bizarre stories that are true. Bizarre things happen out there, and because most of us tend to repeat our mistakes, it does not surprise me that things can go from bad to worse. The patterns of domestic violence frequently find women who escape one abuser falling into relationships with other abusers. I left my husband who was an abuser, and I swear I don’t even tell the stories because once you get out and back in the “normal” world, it all seems so bizarre that you are certain no one would believe you. So, just because a story seems bizarre, that does not make it untrue.

My radar is up on this post. It always makes me feel guilty when my radar goes up and I keep trying to talk myself out of my feelings, but 90% of the time I have been correct to have suspicions.
I do not know what is going on and am glad that Nootka is in contact. Dissing someone’s grammar is not helpful at all. Even if that person disagrees with what you have posted.
I hope she finds an answer. Whomever does help her, please proceed with caution. Some people need more help than others to make it thorugh this life, some people just go through bad spurts, some people pull down the people who help them. I do not know what the answer is, but I suspect that helping with love and caution is called for in this case.
If she does not have $$, how is she caring for her animals?

Some people need more help than others to make it through this life, some people just go through bad spurts, some people pull down the people who help them.

FF Frannie,

This is some of the best advice about life in general that I have seen posted here, and is impactful in a way that transcends this post. So thank you for that. :smiley:

[QUOTE=Lisa Cook;2096774]
Hundredacres & WendY:

I wouldn’t know maxxtrot if I ran over her, but I can read for comprehension:

She’s never claimed to be a vet, only that she works for a vet.[/QUOTE]

Sorry about the misunderstanding…

[QUOTE=King’s Ransom;2096865]

Also, just as an aside, people who are in very bad situations oftentimes have bizarre stories that are true. Bizarre things happen out there, and because most of us tend to repeat our mistakes, it does not surprise me that things can go from bad to worse. The patterns of domestic violence frequently find women who escape one abuser falling into relationships with other abusers. I left my husband who was an abuser, and I swear I don’t even tell the stories because once you get out and back in the “normal” world, it all seems so bizarre that you are certain no one would believe you. So, just because a story seems bizarre, that does not make it untrue.[/QUOTE]

I see your point, but please this is NOT a domestic abuse situation, which is very distinct from an (allegedly) bad employee/tenant situation.

has anyone heard from Chanter today??


A note on slander and libel.

Slander is spoken, libel is printed. The process for suing over these two infringements is protracted, expensive and seldom satisfies anyone. I know, I have a friend being sued for truthful statements right now-it’s approaching three years, going through the legal process too. It’s all bogus as everything she said was substantiated by facts, but she is using the discovery process to figure out just what “damages” may have been done.

If a person makes a statement that they believe to be true, it is NOT slander or libel. If you make a statement in print with a qualifier (such as-I don’t know for sure, but so-and-so might, etc) that is not legally actionable.

So despite what some people are saying here, the OP certainly could post the farm name, the BM name if she chose to do so.

She could have started this entire thing by simply saying-I am having issues where I work, can someone check into _____________ for me? And it could have gone on from there without risk.

The rest of us, however, can speculate as much as we like, because we are not party to any of the events related. So just remember your qualifiers and don’t let the fear of some legal retribution silence you :wink:

Yankee Lawyer – you are right, and certainly the dynamics are VERY different inside a marriage. The dynamics of an abusive domestic relationship are so confusing and difficult, it really is very different. But I was just saying that people tend to repeat their mistakes … and the domestic violence situation is one example of that. I have also seen people repeatedly make the same mistakes in business, investing, and employment. I have a friend who is such a good person, very nice, outgoing, talented … but she cannot hold a job. Her mouth gets her in trouble every time. And I mean EVERY time. She never learns! Even after months of unemployment and nearly losing her home, she gets a great job, everything is going wonderfully. She has benefits, a retirement plan, starting to put some money in the bank and then WHAM! She’s fired because she told somebody off. Oy vey! How many times does this have to happen before she learns? Apparently … at least once more.:no:
She is still a really good person, a good friend … but making the same mistake over and over.

I don’t want to assume anything here but, if she needed her animals out it sounds like many of you have offered and you’d think they’d be out by now…not sure why she’s stalling the process…and like many of you said the Humane society of her area would help if necessary. Sometimes you do have to take drastic measures for the sake of the animals. I am glad I’m not in her situationa and if I was in Ocala I would go there and get the animlas this minute…just not so sure about all of this…wish she had taken some action by NOW!

I guess


to me if one is that desperate, And in such a horrid situation action would be taken right now.
I cannot believe all the wonderful kind cothers who have agreed to offer all kinds of assistance. Great people all! And in light of the fact that it is just words on a BB. I guess I dont understand how all this help offered would go unanswered. But I guess none of us really knows whats going on. :no:

The humane society in Ocala supposedly went into the farm yesterday, can anyone verrify that?
