DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

pm sent.

You have bad work Karma.

Bumpkin, yes, I finally just moved out the place with no electric & the rats. I spent from the end of June 2005 until the end of November 2006 in that electrical death trap.

I unknowingly jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I should have stayed in the Rat Haven frying pan, as at least I knew what I was dealing with there. Which BTW, HUD & the Florida Commission on Human Relations have a formal investigation file on Rat Haven currently open.

I moved assuming I was BETTERING my situation. Obviously not. Other than at least the poor horses & dogs at the farm I just moved to finally have a human voice to stand up for them!

Yes, I was fired in November for having gone to the farm owner I was working for about a co-worker intentionaly kicking a show horse, including a solid boot to the head. go freakin figure

And YES, I would tell on the co-worker again, the same as I have kept a log of the beating abuse of the horses that I have witnessed with my own eyes at the farm I just moved to. I do not condone animal abuse.

Any other questions you have Bumpkin??? I would be more than happy to answer them, as I am back at the library borrowing a cell phone to run in & out of the building with to make more calls in attempt to get myself squared away somehow.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you should try a new type of job or a different area next time.
JMHO of course.
Have you tried calling your local YWCA, they have refuge from abuse homes.

Ok guys.

I have spokenā€“on the telephoneā€“to some people that have spoken to Chanter. I have not been able to get her on the phone.

She has been given phone numbers and contacts to make in Ocala and the consensus seems to be, she has been given the tools to do what needs to be done. It seems like a fairly easy thing to find a room/board/horse board situation down there, people who know more than I do about it seem to agree that it is pretty easy to walk into a barn, say ā€œI can muck stalls!ā€ and get a couple of stalls and a bed to sleep in for it. So, given that and the resources she has been given, it seems like we have done what we can do. It is up to her now to follow through!

I spoke with her at lenght last night.
She wants out with her horses, and dogs.
She is afraid of the farm manager, has no money, and has not been paid for her work there, although the farm owner apparently gave the farm manager money according to him.
As for not posting the farm managerā€™s name over the interent, come on folks, America is the most ā€˜sue happyā€™ country in the world.
She told me last night on the phone who the owner and the BM where, so it isnā€™t a secret.

As for someone putting their butts on the line, moving someone and their horses is not a big deal,

Chanter said that she had bruises and had the police and hospital check things out.

If someone is close, then they should go over.
standing around and beating ones breast on this thread will not help Chanter.
I am 2000 mi away or more, and cannot help physically from here.
If I were even 2 hrs drive away, and had room , I would try and help her out.
Not only her, her horses, and the ones on the farm.

When she gets out of there, I will be putting some wheels inmotion.
That I can Do, and will.

This is just like the 2 starving horses, everyone posted, but until someone actually went into the farm to get the full picture, everything was just words on a thread, and look what happened, the lady was in distress and GAVE the horses away willingly. Iā€™m not saying starving the horses was right, by no means, but she gave them away to a concerned group of people.

So show Chanter some of the same concern,ā€¦someone go to her place and help her out of the mess.

I know Nootka is trying.

at least there is that. And thank you, everyone, who came through for her.

I would help but I am leaving for MA for a sick family member. There are no barns in my area that have positions either, the positions have been filled already due to most farms waiting for the winter boarders to come in.

But there should be plenty in Ocala. If she has a car she should drive to each farm and ask if they need barn help for board. One horse most farms can swing, but two? Thats going to be tight.

I spoke with Chanter earlier tonight. I have a friend who might have been able to help, however, Chanterā€™s 2 dogs are both in-tact males, and my friend has several dogsā€¦dont know whether this will work or not, it probably wonā€™t. My friend is out for the evening at her parents 50th anniversary party and I will be unable to reach her til late tomorrow morning.

I also took the liberty of checking on FloridaHorse and there are several listings for jobs that come with living quarters and room for 1-2 horses. Chanter was going to follow up on those leads when last we spoke. Hopefully she has gotten to a computer and is copying more leads to explore tomorrow.


I would help but I am leaving for MA for a sick family member. There are no barns in my area that have positions either, the positions have been filled already due to most farms waiting for the winter boarders to come in.

But there should be plenty in Ocala. If she has a car she should drive to each farm and ask if they need barn help for board. One horse most farms can swing, but two? Thats going to be tight.[/QUOTE]

In a barn yes but shouldnā€™t be hard to find a pasture (or make a smaller one from a big one) for pasture board.

So, the girl has no money, no horse trailer, and no place to go for her and her animals. She needs a commitment from SOMEONE that is willing to go get her animals and that she has a place to stay before she can get out.

Seems easy enough. Who down there has a trailer and a place to house a couple of horses for a little bit? Can anyone take in a room mate?

You know in really desperate times you sometimes have to do things that totally suckā€¦ Perhaps consider selling one or both of the horses and placing the dogs into a No Kill shelter until you are financially stable and in a better position to look after them. Chanter I donā€™t know how old you are, but do you have parents or relatives that can help you out? I know my parents would bend over backwards to help me if I found myself in your situation. They certainly wouldnā€™t want me keeping something as serious as being physically abused a secret from them.

I think rather than discussing this with strangers on the internet, you need to turn to your family. Perhaps someone can look after your dogs for you, or can afford to put up your horses somewhere for you until you are more financially stable.

Perhaps the horse business isnt for you. Have you considered other work? Itā€™s all money at the end of the day.

ok guys, this is it for me. i have tried to find out where she is, i have asked on pmā€™s that would be private messages I NEVER ASKED HER TO POST IT ON THE BB! that is a slander suit waiting to happen. i asked several times if it is indeed the farm she is telling us about. i do vet work there and they did buy the farm the dogs and araiban horses came with the farm. they cannot sell them or give them away. there are maybe 5 arabs there and a lot of dogs. all the dogs seem to be fat and happy, and the arab horses are old, so yes they are skinny, probality need their theeth done i am sure. but are in a huge field with cows. not uncommon down here. so, if you guys want to help great help, like i said before i just donā€™t feel i or the rest of us are getting the intire story. i am sorry, but i need proof.i canā€™t go in there and pick up her horses unless she has somewhere for them to go, i have no room, cannot take the dogs, i have three and i have 13 horses of my own. so, give the horses away, place the dogs, there are rescues that would take them, she should call. it will be easier without all the animals. and i know that is a very hard thing to do, but sometimes you have to give up things to make other things right. she needs to worry about her and her alone for now.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be certain before acting, esp. on the internet. There is also not a thing wrong with being a skeptic when validation is asked for and none is provided yet.

There can be good reasons why none can be given; there can be bad reasons. At this point, there is only one ā€œfactā€ that is valid - there isnā€™t a single one of us who can verify anything that has been said. Looks like people are being prudent, asking questions, raising any doubts with the expectation that they will get a good explanation, and of course, if true, Iā€™d imagine there will be resources a plenty continuing to extend to chanter.

tamara in TN - I know of situations exactly as chanter described, employee/empr. I even know of a wealthy/well known client who got grabbed similarly by a trainer (actually worse than that), and two horses subsequently died due to events stemming from that. Person stayed there for quite awhile - my mouth was agape listening to the story. I sounded like you did, just kept saying ā€œand you did NOTHING? Like the trainer wasnā€™t busy picking out the two x four splinters from his freaking head?ā€ I meant it too. Honestly, these nasty folk just seem to just have a sixth sense about who they can beat with impunityā€¦

ok guys, this is it for me. i have tried to find out where she is, i have asked on pmā€™s that would be private messages I NEVER ASKED HER TO POST IT ON THE BB! that is a slander suit waiting to happen. i asked several times if it is indeed the farm she is telling us about. i do vet work there and they did buy the farm the dogs and araiban horses came with the farm. they cannot sell them or give them away. there are maybe 5 arabs there and a lot of dogs. all the dogs seem to be fat and happy, and the arab horses are old, so yes they are skinny, probality need their theeth done i am sure. but are in a huge field with cows. not uncommon down here. so, if you guys want to help great help, like i said before i just donā€™t feel i or the rest of us are getting the intire story. i am sorry, but i need proof.i canā€™t go in there and pick up her horses unless she has somewhere for them to go, i have no room, cannot take the dogs, i have three and i have 13 horses of my own. so, give the horses away, place the dogs, there are rescues that would take them, she should call. it will be easier without all the animals. and i know that is a very hard thing to do, but sometimes you have to give up things to make other things right. she needs to worry about her and her alone for now.[/QUOTE]

My first thought was: the very fact that you may know the person she is talking about may be the very reason she isnā€™t telling you the manā€™s identity. She doesnā€™t know you and may very well be afraid that you might say something about this to the guy and that the situation could end up even worse for her. She has no idea who you are or what your relationship with the person might be does she? I would also be very closed lipped if I were in her situation. The fact that she isnā€™t giving out the manā€™s identity does not mean she isnā€™t telling us the facts as they have occurred.

Chanter, you can get a temporary order of protection against this man. If he comes within xyz feet of you, you can have him arrested. Should be enough to keep you safe while you make arrangements to get out of there.

Iā€™d be calling every single friend, relative, and acquaintance to find a place to crash temporarilyā€¦surely there is someone who will help you.

Meanwhile, DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Get a cheap disposable camera and take pictures. Write down everything that happens. You can get a small tape recorder for not a lot of $$, and stick it in your pocket. A can of pepper spray wouldnā€™t hurt, either.

Good luck and stay safe! :frowning:

Meanwhile, DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Get a cheap disposable camera and take pictures. Write down everything that happens. You can get a small tape recorder for not a lot of $$, and stick it in your pocket. A can of pepper spray wouldnā€™t hurt, either.

If the girl hasnā€™t been paid in 3 weeks, how is she supposed to get the $$$ to do these things???


I understand all your frustrations and wanting to jump in and help and honestly there is no one feeling her pain more than I am right now other than I had to walk away from my home and all my belongings of a 15 year marriage~ In these situations we want to fight and flight but PLEASE PLEASE hear me Safety should come 1st you can get her and her animals to a new barn but if she is still in the same area is she safe??? She can go to the court house tomorrow morning 1st thing and go to the Domestic Relations Court and tell the clerk she wants to file for a Civil Protection Order as I have told all of you she will have to write in detail and explantion of what happened, describe the offender and where it ask does anyone else need protection she needs to ask for protection for her two dogs and her horses~ They will have the hearing while she is their and the order should be granted~ She will have that order in her hand tomorrow and it does not cost her~

He will know nothing about it~ Then when Whom ever can go to help her load and take the horses you are putting your safety on the line you call the police right before you arrive for public assist on a domestic violence order have them their while you load the horses and go~

If he is unstable or whatever his problem is just taking the horses and leaving might not stop him, what if you are in a grocery store, or a public place the protection order does not even allow him on the same highway as you he must leave the highway and it clearly says that~ They are not allowed with in 500 feet of you if you are in the same public place they must leave if they donā€™t they will be arrested~ Is the CPO a magic cure all of course not look my ex found me in the middle of the night with a gun but the police found him before he found me because I had that CPO on file with them and believe it or not they patroled by my apt. often I would see them~ Do I lay my head down at night and feel safeā€¦No and I likely never will I had to make many sacrifices I had to place all my precious bassethounds in new homes because I felt a sense of responsibility for their safety, my horses were placed with someone for awhile until I could go get them and it still is not a great situation for them and perhaps I should have placed them as well but I felt as if I lost everything and I just couldā€™t let them go too. I have a 17 year old daughter from a 1st marriage that I had to leave with her father and for her safety and mine give up contact for now~( Itā€™s been 8 years since I have seen or talked to her now do you think that just kills one) My heart has been ripped out over and over but In these dire situations you have got to think of safety and your life and the life of others 1st. I hope you get help and eveything works out~

How is She supposed to get the Money to get these things??

If she would reach out to the domestic violence people, there are many funds available to help and I donā€™t mean alot of red tape I mean right now~ You think my ex even though we lived in a $130,000.00 home had two cars and lived middle classed saw that I had one thing when I left they see that when the abuse flies they take every avenue away from you including money~ We had two cars and he and his father yes his father broke into the house violated the CPO order and stole the car I had so I had no vehicle. I was injured and could not work so I had not one penny to my name~I did get my car back in the CPO order and he was to ordered to pay the house payment,carpayment, utilities, car insurance because my not being able to work was due to an injury he caused in 2000 so he got a dirty lawyer and learned that Bankrupcy is federal court and federal Court hold prescedence over Civil & Domestic Courts so he had the car repossed and the house forclosed on and two years ago I was living in candle light so yes I know a CPO is not a Cure all and it was not at all helpful at the time but as time has went on and he became more stupid the CPO has saved me~ I am 40 years old with nothing in Missouri where I know no one two people in the 60ā€™s knew I was homeless and took me in and their nephew allows my horses to pasture at his house with the 4 demon ponies I speak of~ Church has helped replunish clothing, I donā€™t have a bed, couch, basically furniture of my own as Iā€™ve stated before I got what I could get in my car, my horse stuff was lost except for their halters and lead ropes (but everything I had do odd jobs and prided myself to work for to get for them gone) but you know what we are alive and thatā€™s what you have to do is stay alive~

millwrightmomma- and all of these FACTS you have witnessed or seen with your own eyes right? no hear say involved. i do live down the road and have asked several times for the farm managers name in pmā€™s and have not received a name. also have asked where i farm is cause i thought i knew what farm she is talking about(as i work for an equine vet here in town) no answer on that either. just more questions if i can help her find work and somewhere to live. if i was in this state i would want everyone to know, just who this guy is. i am not saying it is not happening, but i really would like to know what farm and who this guy is. i am not going to just turn against this other person on hear say alone. i want both sides of the story. if this is the same farm i am thinking of, then why not tell me i am right on the location or not. just does not seem right. that;s all i am saying. i am not attacking chanter in any way shape or form. just want the whole story. i do not feel we are getting all of it. just seems that she has been in a lot of bad places in the last year or so, thatā€™s all.[/QUOTE]

While I agree that there are often 2 sides to the story and the facts here are a bit astonishing (in addition to the fact that the same person complained of abuse at at least one other employerā€™s), if in fact all this is true it is understandable that the person would be quite afraid to give too many details, at least until she is in a safe place far away from there. How does she know, for example, that you are not a friend of the owner or manager, particularly since you are local? Just a thought.

Regarding ā€œdomestic violenceā€ shelters ā€“ some probably would help in this situation (that is, as described by the OP) out of compassion but donā€™t confuse this case with domestic violence. The alleged abuser here is the employer and/or landlord. There are remedies for that, but this is NOT a domestic violence case.

millwrightmomma- and all of these FACTS you have witnessed or seen with your own eyes right? no hear say involved. i do live down the road and have asked several times for the farm managers name in pmā€™s and have not received a name. also have asked where i farm is cause i thought i knew what farm she is talking about(as i work for an equine vet here in town) no answer on that either. just more questions if i can help her find work and somewhere to live. if i was in this state i would want everyone to know, just who this guy is. i am not saying it is not happening, but i really would like to know what farm and who this guy is. i am not going to just turn against this other person on hear say alone. i want both sides of the story. if this is the same farm i am thinking of, then why not tell me i am right on the location or not. just does not seem right. that;s all i am saying. i am not attacking chanter in any way shape or form. just want the whole story. i do not feel we are getting all of it. just seems that she has been in a lot of bad places in the last year or so, thatā€™s all.[/QUOTE]

She canā€™t pm or tell you the name because the jerk would go after he for slander. It is possible that she is exaggerating but there are a lot of jerks out there who get away with this sort of behavior. I canā€™t believe some stuff I have seen the police walk away from!

There is a ring of truth to the story about resentment against the horses/dogs they have ā€œinheritedā€ā€¦makes you think long and hard about setting up a similiar situation for your own animals.

ok guys, this is it for me. i have tried to find out where she is, i have asked on pmā€™s that would be private messages I NEVER ASKED HER TO POST IT ON THE BB! that is a slander suit waiting to happen. i asked several times if it is indeed the farm she is telling us about. i do vet work there and they did buy the farm the dogs and araiban horses came with the farm. they cannot sell them or give them away. there are maybe 5 arabs there and a lot of dogs. all the dogs seem to be fat and happy, and the arab horses are old, so yes they are skinny, probality need their theeth done i am sure. but are in a huge field with cows. not uncommon down here. so, if you guys want to help great help, like i said before i just donā€™t feel i or the rest of us are getting the intire story. i am sorry, but i need proof.i canā€™t go in there and pick up her horses unless she has somewhere for them to go, i have no room, cannot take the dogs, i have three and i have 13 horses of my own. so, give the horses away, place the dogs, there are rescues that would take them, she should call. it will be easier without all the animals. and i know that is a very hard thing to do, but sometimes you have to give up things to make other things right. she needs to worry about her and her alone for now.[/QUOTE]

You are a vet? Vets use correct grammer, punctuation, and spelling. A vet would not assume a horse is skinny because it is old or needs their teeth floated.