DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26

also you could try when you can get somewhere safe - this link for free housing in exchange for caretaking property or animals:

I know people who have gotten long term positions caretaking farms/small horse farms through this organization.

Hope this helps, let us know how you are.


I just sent you a PM. Please call me at 815-761-4937. I have contacts in Ocala that might be able to help you.


Needing Help

I am fresh out of domestic Violence so please please let me try to help contact your domestic violenceshelter or they have a 1-800 # look into the phone book under domestic violence~ They will help you get out and it is also important that you get yourself and yur animals protected they will help you it is scary I know but I had no one to support me or to get me through abuse is abuse no matter whom it is inflicted by~ You should then ask for a Civil Protection Order to protect your self and your animals it keeps him away from you and your animals and then it will also document the abuse that has been happening~ You need to get several people to photograph the brusies that he left on you as they develop in different stages and try to do so with a dated camera~ Take yourself to the hospital and have them document the brusing and the mental state you are in as far as being so afraid~This is all important and confidintial~ In my case I had my bassethounds and my horses and refused to go to a shelter and leave them behind the sherrifā€™s dept. got my horses to safety and the domestic violence people got my dogs to temp safety~ It will be like you are caught up in a whirlwind but just keep going forward and donā€™t look back~ Itā€™s tough really tough to go through but understand that if you donā€™t stop it that it will just travel on to the next animal the next person~The shelter has many avenues to help with food, setting up shelter, there are churches to contact even if you donā€™t go there, red cross, united way, catholic charties but get to your nearest domestic violence hotline and call get you and your animals safe right now~ If the animals seperate from you for a short time sure it crushes you but my heart knew they were safe and would be alive and we would be brought back together~When you are caught in the whirlwind the last thing that you can honestly worry about is the safety of your animals, are they being fed are they okay~You will have to explain and the domestic violence shelter will help you (tell them you want an advocate) you will go to the court house and fill out for the CPO (Civil Protection Order) you have to explain why to feel in fear and your animals are in danger BE HONEST ABOUT IT ALL~ then you will be granted a Temp. CPO in 10 to 14 days there will be a court hearing where he can come and defend himself on why it is not true (the advocate will be with you) most of the time they donā€™t show and the order is granted~ I went through mine all alone knew nothing about an advocate or anything stood in there SCARED TO DEATH ALL ALONE BUT FOR WHAT WAS RIGHT~He showed for my hearing with an attorney and put me through 6 hours of heck until all the hospital reports, photos, witness statements all paid off he blew up at the judge and showed himself I got the Maxium CPO against him 5 years then in 5 years it will be revisited and if he continues it will be reinforced~ He went good for awhile I got a new start a new place I did not move far away(1/2 hr)hought heā€™d get on with his life, got the horses a nice barnto board them in and just was settling in (I did place my dogs in homes because I felt the need to) The this April after I had already had to lose everything and startover he was caught outside my apartment with a gun~ Detectives & a domectic violence adviocate showed up at my door in the wee am and I had to leave with just what I could get into my car~ The Sherrif once again helped me get the horses to safety but we lost it all~ All our personal belonging, all ourtack everything~ This time I went 600 miles away and starting over it terribly difficult~ The CPO orders are valid in all 50 states and no matter where you go you need to place them on file with the police and file department where you are it is very important~ Me and the boys donā€™t have much but we have our lives and eachother~ We have a roof over our heads, food and we miss alot of thing in my case I had to leave all my friends and family behind because they warn you in domestic violence classes that the abusers are swaveee and will usually get your family to talk and he did mine that is how he found me when he had the gun~ So I am 600 miles away from home starting over with nothing meeting new people but happy I am alive~ If anyone has any questions, that they want answered to try to help Chanter I will be happy to try to answer~ Please try to express to her how important it is to contact a domestic violence shelter and then start the process with then to get in touch with help for the dogs temp, the horses temp, and finally the police. It is very very important that she go to the hospital and get thoses brusies documented as well as her mental state towards the abuser she sould do that now and they can even call in domestic violence~ The hospital where I went was wonderful and knew I was so terrified they did the x-rays and everything and gave me some pain meds and told me that they did not need that room that I could sleep there until I was ready to go~ I had not slept in days out of terror~ It was very private and mine was so bad that before they would tranport me to x-ray they would call a code(something) I could not hear what it was all the halls were cleared of everyone and I was taken the back way to x-ray~ They did they same thing when they brought me back, they also had the room windowswhited out so no one could see in and Locked from the outside so only secure people could get in but there was a key inside so I did not feeltrapped~ He broke my nose, arm, cheek, 2 ribs and did spinal cord damage leaving me unable to walk for 18 months I had to get some of my healthback and was determined to walk out of that hospital so that I could go after him like the criminal that he is and I did~
God BLESS YOU, STAY STRONG , IT will be okay

No Matter What

No Matter What it is always going to be your word against theirs but the truth always prevails~ You are not out to prove anything right now anyway you are out to set up his pattern and ways~ If you go to the hospital they have to document no matter what~ The police have to documnet the brusing and the kill threat there is a law out there now on domestic violence that they do not mess around~ When I was 1st getting the run around I stepped over everyones head and called the State HWY Patrol but I had to state my case calm, collective and why I had to turn to him~ When ever he breaks the law call the law they leave he turns the water back off quietly call them back eventually they will sourt out the trouble maker and likely take him~ PLEASE ALL I CAN SAY CONTACT A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER/HOTLINE for help you need it and they can help~Excuse my typoā€™s above in my prior post I do know how to spell this just really gets to me~

No Matter What it is always going to be your word against theirs but the truth always prevails~[/QUOTE]

could someone help me out here understanding this...?? 

this person is an employee on a breeding farm in Ocala ? and has been there three weeks and is being beaten by the farm manager ?? and she lives on siteā€¦? and he withholding water and electric from herā€¦?? is she his employee ??? or employed by another ??

she keeps two horses and two dogs on site as well ? and has no trailer or truck with which to load into and just leave ???

   I have really tried to follow along here at home but I get the feeling I am missing something...but I have only been a member since what am I missing???

           Tamara in TN

truth doesnt always prevail in Domestic Vol. and I am sure of that from what I have been through. A man almost killed me. He still walks the streets today and almost killed another girlfriend. I even had a witness

this person is an employee on a breeding farm in Ocala ? ys
and has been there three weeks and is being beaten by the farm manager ??There was a dispute and he grabbed her hard enough to leave marks
and she lives on siteā€¦? ys
and he withholding water and electric from herā€¦?? Im not sure about what is going on there with this
is she his employee ??? his from what I understand

she keeps two horses and two dogs on site as well ? yes
and has no trailer or truck with which to load into and just leave ??? ys but someone has offered to move the horses for her

Hey Tamara
You are not missing anything.
She is employed on the farm, not been paid for 3 weeks, needs to move RIGHT NOW, with the horses and dogs.
The Farm Manger worked for the original owner(died), and is employed by the new owner who gets the farm etc, as long as 12 dogs and some elderly horses are looked after.
ERGOā€¦he ( the manager with owners tatic consent) is now trying to starve the aged horses, and kill the dogs, chasing them with a farm truck, and going as far as dumping them off somewhere, but the dog found its way back.
He has turned off her water and terrorized her.
The police have been call, they have come, have not helped much at all. She has been to other authorities, and the hospital.
She needs to get out with her animals, and doesnā€™t have much money

So, no you have it right.
Now, do you have a way to help her out of there???
I am too far away to help, or I would be.

She needs accomodations for her and the dogs and the horses.
She is willing and able to work as a groom excetra, but cannot ride young stuff or work as an exerciser, due to a permanent injury.

has she looked into other employment optionsā€¦

Hey here Tamara in TN says she is new since August and the truth does prevail itā€™s justice that does not~ Mine still walks the streets and the cops are his buddies I was put through many many many unnecessary walks and hoops~ Sometimes as an outsider looking in it is hard for someone to understand how we can get ourselves into a domestic violence situation but not get out~ They forget it takes money, planning, courage Iā€™ve been in the how could you stay & put up with that~ You all must remember that she has got to get some safety for herself because he sounds unstable and as long as he is so unstable at times they will stop at nothing to get to whom ever they are looking for~ We just realize how despirate & dire the situation is however you all must remember to keep yourselves and your familes safe~ Sometimes in trying to help others getting caught up in it we can put ourselves in harms way! I had very grand friends I could go stay with but they had four children and I could not bring myself to put those children in harms way should it come to that~ Of course my friends husband said he comes here I have a gun heā€™ll meet but that is not safety~Believe me it is a horrible situation to be in when I moved 1/2 hour away I worried about running into him in public even though I had the CPO order could the police get their fast enough~Yes they stalk they do jail time they get out and they start over that is why it is so important that you deal with those that are experienced in dealing with this you would be surprised how much more the police would listen if you say I have contacted the domectic violence people, I am going to get a temporary civil protection order and I am following through ~ They get this all the time it is no excuse but they arrest the person backs off~ If there is fresh brusing they must arrest on site it is federal law~ Ask questions later We all pray for her safety and she gets safe and stays safe!


So, no you have it right.
Now, do you have a way to help her out of there???
I am too far away to help, or I would be.

        I am about 700 miles from Ocala Fl....there are many many posters here in that exact area...sure if she were up the road it would be different.... but I don't have time to read every line of every post and wondered if there were something I was missing...there would have never ever been an employer of mine, who grabbed me without drawing back an injured body it's kinda hard for me to understand...and I have never been employed  by a female...

I hope for a positive resolution

      Tamara in TN

Hey here Tamara in TN says she is new since August and the truth does prevail itā€™s justice that does not![/QUOTE]

 I joined some time in aug that is true :)  and had  read COTH BB a few times when friends sent the links to me...

      so,I wondered if this were part of a longer saga that I missed the start I did'nt know how some one could have an [B]employer[/B] smack them around w/o a [B]severe[/B] turn of events for the the very least the police and a local tv channel...she is not his servant after all and this is not 1750...thank you all for the PM's

    Tamara in TN

millwrightmomma- and all of these FACTS you have witnessed or seen with your own eyes right? no hear say involved. i do live down the road and have asked several times for the farm managers name in pmā€™s and have not received a name. also have asked where i farm is cause i thought i knew what farm she is talking about(as i work for an equine vet here in town) no answer on that either. just more questions if i can help her find work and somewhere to live. if i was in this state i would want everyone to know, just who this guy is. i am not saying it is not happening, but i really would like to know what farm and who this guy is. i am not going to just turn against this other person on hear say alone. i want both sides of the story. if this is the same farm i am thinking of, then why not tell me i am right on the location or not. just does not seem right. that;s all i am saying. i am not attacking chanter in any way shape or form. just want the whole story. i do not feel we are getting all of it. just seems that she has been in a lot of bad places in the last year or so, thatā€™s all.

1 Like

millwrightmomma- and all of these FACTS you have witnessed or seen with your own eyes right? no hear say involved. i do live down the road and have asked several times for the farm managers name in pmā€™s and have not received a name. also have asked where i farm is cause i thought i knew what farm she is talking about(as i work for an equine vet here in town) no answer on that either. just more questions if i can help her find work and somewhere to live. if i was in this state i would want everyone to know, just who this guy is. i am not saying it is not happening, but i really would like to know what farm and who this guy is. i am not going to just turn against this other person on hear say alone. i want both sides of the story. if this is the same farm i am thinking of, then why not tell me i am right on the location or not. just does not seem right. that;s all i am saying. i am not attacking chanter in any way shape or form. just want the whole story. i do not feel we are getting all of it. just seems that she has been in a lot of bad places in the last year or so, thatā€™s all.[/QUOTE]

I have to agreeā€¦

Has it ever occured to you skeptics that maybe she is too scared to post or give out too much info on him until she is sure she has a safe place for her and her animals to go?

what is telling me that i am right about what farm it is going to hurt her. if i have the details then i would be more willing to help. not going to crusify someone on someone else word. i want the facts. i have lived here for a while and know a lot of people. i could help. but am not going to lay my ass on the line on hear say. i am not a skeptic, i also have been in a very bad place just like her, so donā€™t tell me i am skeptic.
flamesuit on, so flame away!

First of all, itā€™s not hear say. Hear say is saying what someone else said. She is stating facts as she knows them first hand.

If you really want to help then go through the old posts and call her. She posted her phone number here in wide open for everyone to see.

Skeptic? Sorry, just calling 'em the way I see 'em. Iā€™m entitled to that. So, if we are all on some wild goose chase because we lack excitement in our lives then shame on us for falling for it. With over 13 years in police work I know first hand how victims of abuse react and more importantly DONā€™T react. Every one handles a crisis differently.


I just sent you a PM. Please call me at 815-761-4937. I have contacts in Ocala that might be able to help you.


Gail, I called you and left you Chanterā€™s number, since her access is spotty. I figured the situation was urgent enough for it not to have to wait until tomorrow when she can get to the library.

Well WHO has spoken with Chanter? Half of COTH has her numberā€¦

Feel free to PM me if you donā€™t want to discuss in public.

I spoke with Nootka last night. [/QUOTE]

Nootka has.

I actually had a lengthy convo. yesterday with her.

She called me. She has called me a few times today but I left my phone at my mothers house. She also called me while I was here but my signal is very bad in this house.

She still needs help. I dont know if I can.