I spoke with Nootka last night. Have to wait for an answer today from her today. I have not been able to reach her by phone at all today.
I called some of the places posted for Georgia. A no go, especially since I have horses. SteffieC has offered to help the horses, though the cost of getting them all the way to NC for only 3 weeks of care probably is not feasible. She said she would check around about farm work. If I had a place to stay up there getting to horses there would then be put into a different light.
At library right now, while I am waiting for Health Dept out here in Reddick to re-open this afternoon. I had to FORCE the issue & demand that I want neutral 3rd party witness to verify the bruises & the one small scar I have-from the Farm Mgr. They were highly trying to refuse me an appointment. WTF? I do not expect them to, & of course they cannot, state as to any knowledge about where the marks upon me came from for legal reasons; but by God they will WITNESS I have them & draw them out one a little stick man I will draw for them to X marks the spot if I have to! I will fight it out later about where they came from.
For all of you yelling call the Sheriff, I did on Monday, x-mas day when he threatened to kill me. Kill me for I turned my well pump back on so I would actually have water. My word against his. He is a Farm Mgr & in this county that carries a LOT of pull. They saw some of my bruises that were openly visable, but refused to verify the others or the minor cut I have. Refused to even give me a case number. They did tell him he had to turn my water back on.
He kept turning off my water at the well again yesterday too. Besides harassing phone call after harassing call to me & pounding on my door & on the exterior mobile home walls on & off through out the day. No I did not call 911. Why? It would be my word against his-once again, so what is the point? He could see them coming from the highway so simply leave the mobile home long before they ever arrived onto the property.
I do not know what time Animal Control was to arrive. The Farm Mgr did finally have more hay round bales brought out late yesterday afternoon for the Arabâs. Yeah, old cow hay that has visible mold from a distance. No idea what animal control shall think of the hay. Though quite obviously it had only just arrived.
I cannot believe how much of a NIGHTMARE this all is. Here I thought I was doing the right thing by finally throwing in the towel & moving ut of Rat Haven. Instead I jumoed frm the frying pan into the fire. Good grief, I would far rather be back living with the rats & cockraoches. Yeah, hind sight is 20/20. Those as Morgan Silver said, maybe God put me there for the reason of finally getting help for the horses.