DESPERATE TO MOVE! They're here! pg 26


I spoke with Nootka last night. Have to wait for an answer today from her today. I have not been able to reach her by phone at all today.

I called some of the places posted for Georgia. A no go, especially since I have horses. SteffieC has offered to help the horses, though the cost of getting them all the way to NC for only 3 weeks of care probably is not feasible. She said she would check around about farm work. If I had a place to stay up there getting to horses there would then be put into a different light.

At library right now, while I am waiting for Health Dept out here in Reddick to re-open this afternoon. I had to FORCE the issue & demand that I want neutral 3rd party witness to verify the bruises & the one small scar I have-from the Farm Mgr. They were highly trying to refuse me an appointment. WTF? I do not expect them to, & of course they cannot, state as to any knowledge about where the marks upon me came from for legal reasons; but by God they will WITNESS I have them & draw them out one a little stick man I will draw for them to X marks the spot if I have to! I will fight it out later about where they came from.

For all of you yelling call the Sheriff, I did on Monday, x-mas day when he threatened to kill me. Kill me for I turned my well pump back on so I would actually have water. My word against his. He is a Farm Mgr & in this county that carries a LOT of pull. They saw some of my bruises that were openly visable, but refused to verify the others or the minor cut I have. Refused to even give me a case number. They did tell him he had to turn my water back on.

He kept turning off my water at the well again yesterday too. Besides harassing phone call after harassing call to me & pounding on my door & on the exterior mobile home walls on & off through out the day. No I did not call 911. Why? It would be my word against his-once again, so what is the point? He could see them coming from the highway so simply leave the mobile home long before they ever arrived onto the property.

I do not know what time Animal Control was to arrive. The Farm Mgr did finally have more hay round bales brought out late yesterday afternoon for the Arab’s. Yeah, old cow hay that has visible mold from a distance. No idea what animal control shall think of the hay. Though quite obviously it had only just arrived.

I cannot believe how much of a NIGHTMARE this all is. Here I thought I was doing the right thing by finally throwing in the towel & moving ut of Rat Haven. Instead I jumoed frm the frying pan into the fire. Good grief, I would far rather be back living with the rats & cockraoches. Yeah, hind sight is 20/20. Those as Morgan Silver said, maybe God put me there for the reason of finally getting help for the horses.

more prayers and candles lit in Connecticut!
chanter there you are, thank god!
Chanter do you have or someone have that you can borrow an video camera or tape recorder so next time he is banging at your door and yelling at you, you can have it on tape and then it is no longer your word against his as the authorities seem to be protecting the abuser and not the victim! also, what about those little spy cameras you can get on line, i though i have heard you can get some real cheap, and have it on you or hidden somewhere in the barn, then, GOT HIM! If you can not afford one let us know, and i will research one for you in the meantime!

Here’s hoping Nootka can help out

New TB Horse Farm FT- 6 days. Working with mares & foals. Experience a MUST. $400 - $500/wk upon exp. Fax resume 352-347-6329 or call 352-347-6210

Horse Groom- Champion Reining and Cowhorse Ranch looking for qualified groom for show horses and turn outs. Duties include stall cleaning, animal husbandry, and grooming. Riding skills a plus. Call 4 Arrows Ranch at 352-438-0160

OUT IN THE STABLE HORSEY HOOFS, Here comes Santa down the roof. At Equistaff we need grooms. Come by and see us really soon. 622-2040

These were in the Ocala paper. I don’t know if housing is available on the first two. Try Equistaff and explain that you need immediate housing for you and the animals. They were a Godsend for me in the past for sure. Post if you got this, if not, I will try calling here in a bit.


Job I am not worried about. I can ALWAYS get a job grooming, & one of the equine vet hospitals asked me to work in their foal ICU ward come foaling season.

Since I cannot find Nootka, yet, today I am not sure what do at this very moment or how to reapproach matters. worry I absolutely need to move my horses TODAY for their own safety. I imagine he shall really be ballistic & vengeful once the Humane Society & Code Enforcement have been there. (Absolutely no idea when code enforcement was to be out.)

GEEK you said you had legal contacts???

What a frickin bunch of (insert appropriate disgust), the Farm Mgr abuses horses & I get the royal shaft. First I get fired for going to a farm owner about one of her show horses being intentionally kicked in the head, & now this! And let’s not forget Rat Haven. Geez, I should have stayed at Rat Haven! :no:

I have been calling like crazy for places to rent, though typical of when HITS is in town they want $300-$450 a week, not $450 a month. The weekly rate is big time out of my price range.

My computer I shall have to deal with later. I am back at the library. I was HOPING someone had E-mailed with good news or something.

Folks do not expect me to run out buy a video camera or anything else. A: There is no time B: With what extra monies C: I would have no clue what to buy or how to work it. Recall, I do not even own a TV.


Chanter this is awful, didn’t you have the same situation a year ago when you lived in a place with no electric, huge rats and giant cockroaches?
And then you lost your job there on New Years or something? I feel for ya, like your a magnet for bad situations. eeeekkkkkk.
Hang in there, sounds like you have a lot of great COTH people pulling for you.

I am in NC but I have a six stall barn with only 2 horses. I know its a long way from Ocala but I would be willing to take the 2 horses and 2 dogs for a while. PM me if interested. There is work nearby at another farm and living arrangements.

Chanter, i’m sorry it came off that way, i dont expect you to run out and buy any electronics! i just thought if you or someone you new had a tape recorder, you could get something on tape, even just one of his rants on the phone or outside your trailer or one of the numerous threats he has made on you, and the authorities would put him where he belongs! I"M SORRY IF IT CAME OFF THE WRONG WAY! Remember, we who are farther away and unfortunately have no resources for you at the moment, are praying for you and your animals safety! GOOD LUCK AND PLEASE KEEP POSTING!

Bumpkin, yes, I finally just moved out the place with no electric & the rats. I spent from the end of June 2005 until the end of November 2006 in that electrical death trap.

I unknowingly jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I should have stayed in the Rat Haven frying pan, as at least I knew what I was dealing with there. Which BTW, HUD & the Florida Commission on Human Relations have a formal investigation file on Rat Haven currently open.

I moved assuming I was BETTERING my situation. Obviously not. Other than at least the poor horses & dogs at the farm I just moved to finally have a human voice to stand up for them!

Yes, I was fired in November for having gone to the farm owner I was working for about a co-worker intentionaly kicking a show horse, including a solid boot to the head. go freakin figure

And YES, I would tell on the co-worker again, the same as I have kept a log of the beating abuse of the horses that I have witnessed with my own eyes at the farm I just moved to. I do not condone animal abuse.

Any other questions you have Bumpkin??? I would be more than happy to answer them, as I am back at the library borrowing a cell phone to run in & out of the building with to make more calls in attempt to get myself squared away somehow.

2Socks my number is 352-591-0668. No phone recorder. Can you PM & E-mail me your phone number & I will call you. I am still back at the library at the moment.

My apologies, too, CTjumpers, I am really on edge, filled with worry, quite fearful & quite frankly in a bit of shock over everything.


Im a long way from FL, but have an extra room at the 'inn" and could also house your two horses. The dogs could be a problem. I have 2 dog aggressive Cane Corso’s who live in the house, so any additional dogs would have to take residence in our extra garage.

I know its a long way to go to IL, but if you get to where you just need to get up and go
you are welcome here.


Chanter, Please No Apologies! My Apologies to you! I wish with all my heart that there was something that i could do to help you! All i can do is offer my prayers and read on as there are so many wonderful COTHers out there that will have options for you! Just look at what they were able to do for all the Canter horses that needed help, they will find something for you, i just feel it! PLEASE KEEP POSTING, EVEN IF JUST HAPPENS TO BE ONCE A DAY WHEN YOU CAN GO TO THE LIBRARY!

I just found this thread, and I am worried for you.

I am all the way in PA, and it’s a very small consolation, but I can take the small dog for as long as you need to get back on your feet, provided small dog doesn’t mind living with cats. I don’t think my apartment manager would ever allow me to have a larger dog and I live in an apartment in the city- so I cannot help with the horses.

It’s a very very small offer but I am putting it out anyway.

I hope everything is all right. I would take the dogs with you when you go out. It would be better if you could take the horses too but they’re so big and hard to find a place to go with. The fewer beings in this crazy guy’s line of fire- the better.


I still have not found Nootka by phone today, & she has not e-mailed or PM’ed. Now I am worried about if she is okay.

I am headed back to the farm again right now & I guess will be there for the evening. Anyone, CALL ME, please!

thank you, CHANTER

I was an idot and forgot my phone here at my mothers house. Sorry
 did not mean to make you wait. I dont have a house phone only my cell phone. I got the messages a min ago.

My land lord has not returned any of my calls yet. I don’t think he is back from Virginia yet. He is very good about calling me so I would expect to hear from him ASAP.

I’m TRYING:yes: All I can do is ask him
 Unfort. I dont own the property.

Chanter- a thought

If it’s that terrible for your horses, perhaps free lease them or give them away?

I imagine how horrible it would be to come to this, but to leave them THERE until you can find somewhere else to go is YOU leaving them there to be abused. :no: That would tear me to pieces.

Chanter, I will pm you with an idea. I think I missed something though. Why is he having a duck about you turning the water on for your home? WT???

Chanter - try - look in the barn sale section for housing on horse farms, also if you can, join that group, lots of folks from all over Florida and some of us from GA. and Alabama there too.

I could post your situation there with your permission if you are not a member and without disclosing your phone number and have them contact you by email if anyone there has a living situation for you.

Let me know,

Chanter, you have track affiliations, right? I don’t know how racetracks work but is there some way you could snag a couple of stalls at the track for your ponies? That doesn’t do much for you or your dogs, but it could get the horses away from that lunatic.