Do the hounds kill the fox?

Hmmm :slight_smile:

" Hmmmm, I have had some pretty good thrills drag hunting."

And what were you doing? Were you in the field jumping jumps, running fast? Or were you at a standstill watching the hounds pick up the scent, while the coyote ran out above them?

I know I fox hunt. I know I may not canter or gallop at all in a day but others… holy cow!! No choreography… no guarantee what the day will hold.

We both say we hunt like a euro and an american both say they play football. It may be called the same thing. There is a ball, there are players but it’s very clearly a different game.

Drag and Live hunting both require the best of you and your horse. But one , and only one requires the best the hound(s) can offer.

Do the hounds kill the fox?

Those who don’t foxhunt (or stalk deer, or shoot at upland birds or waterfowl) have trouble understanding that ‘it’s not about the kill.’[/QUOTE]
It’s not wholly about the kill. The stalking and chasing down part is fun too.

No one rejoices when death occurs.

Sure they do. Many humans and other predators experience quite a rush when they kill something. Otherwise, why do it?

Maybe it’s that hunters are a little less in denial about the fact that death is, well, a fact of life.

I believe Hannibal Lecter and real mass murderers of the “organized” type use that exact statement as justification for what they do. They just choose a different species to stalk, hunt down and kill.

It is hard to explain, but anybody who cares to do a bit of independent and unbiased research will pretty quickly figure out that hunters who take all the flak for killing animals, actually save far more animals and habitat than do the animal rights organizations.

Research funded by the NRA, no doubt. :wink:

Research funded by the NRA, no doubt. ;)[/QUOTE]

Pretty easy for you to verify - not the NRA, try your state government. More money for wildlife comes from hunting liscences than from any anti organization. Even the Army is doing more to preserve habitat by getting land owners to put property into conservation easements.

If you want a good lesson on preserving preditors, take a look at California’s pumas. They are flourishing. No hunting allowed. It is so cute! Especially when they paw the mountain bikers and chew and play. Those bikers are sort of like dangling a toy in front of a house cat - irrisistable!

Well, rcloisonne, if your mind is made up, far be it from me to try to confuse you with the facts.

If you had bothered to read one of my quotes that you posted, you would have noted that it said ‘independent’ research. By you, not the NRA. Xeroxchick had a good suggestion for you, if you really care to inform yourself.