I was speaking with my vet on the phone yesterday about some hoof rads I had emailed him. He mentioned that I could look into Dr. Xie’s Hot Hoof. I searched some old threads and found minimal information, really. Have any of you used his herbal supplements? I can’t seem to find in-depth info on the use of each of the products, ie Hot Hoof I and II (can’t tell the difference) and I also saw a poster say they used his formula for anhidrosis, but I am not sure which product that would be. Any help and insight would be appreciated.
I found this in the FAQ section here:
“Hot Hoof 1 helps with pain and founder prevention, while Hot Hoof 2 is used more for anti-inflammatory effects.”
Hmm, I didn’t click on that. Thank you for sharing. My horse doesnt have founder or any hoof issues, exactly, other than shallow sole. The vet was encouraging the supplement for hoof growth in general, so I’m not sure which version would be best for that.
I used it when my horse foundered. I liked it, it seemed to work miracles. I could actually hand feed it. When my horse returned to being comfortable (the barn aisle was no longer lava and her hand walks had increased to about 15 min 2 x day) she refused it by hand. “I’m done. I don’t need this weird tasting stuff anymore.” Very weird. However, we also supported her with ALL the other therapies (laser acupuncture on feet and regular acupuncture a couple of times a week, ice foot baths, forced walking, boots with foam inserts, shoes, doubling time between trim cycles, 12" deep bedding, etc.) 6 years later - sound, hooves like a mustang, and back to barefoot all round.
Did you use I or II?
I believe it was II
I used hot hoof with excellent results with a past lamenitic horse. My current horse literally cannot horse unless he is on “liver happy”. I know it’s not in my head. He was super stable on the lowest dose so my vet said maybe he could come off it. Four days later the squirrels in his brain organized a mutiny. Three or four days after I put him back on it the squirrels resumed good behavior. I think these herbs are magical.
I just wish I knew more about them.
I totally get that but I’ve decided I don’t care because they work and my vet recommends them
I’ve used Hot Hoof II, Liver Happy, and Body Sore (this stuff is seriously magical IMO) with success.
What exactly is Liver Happy used for?
I’ve used Hot Hoof II and it’s amazing. Made a big difference in my pony when he was having a laminitis episode.
We used it in conjunction with Hot Hoof II for some hoof and hindgut pain. I don’t know 100% all of the reasoning behind it, but it had to do with acupuncture lines and meridians and how pain can result in liver meridian inflammation IIRC. Don’t take my word for it. TCVM isn’t my default go-to but I’ve seen it do some pretty incredible work in conjunction with western medicine.
The liver happy apparently addresses some liver “insufficiency” as defined by Chinese medicine
I think it might have been me who posted about the anhydrosis one. I don’t recall what it was, but my vet ordered it for me. It seemed to help a bit, then didn’t.
Good news is that pony is in perfect health now, at 31. She doesn’t have much in the way of teeth, and she still doesn’t sweat, but she’s thriving.
Here she is last fall with her “adopted” son, my KWPN foal at his Keuring.
I used Hot Hoof I on the advice of my lameness vet when my IR horse seriously foundered in 2012. He stayed on it quite awhile, until the vet said take him off.
My vet/chiropractor/acupuncturist is a 25+ year student of Chinese medicine . She won’t use any herbal product except those produced by Dr. Xie. Anything she has sold me for any of my horses, for any issue the traditional vet couldn’t figure out, has always worked and worked without any negative effects, as long as I followed her instructions.
Dr. Xie’s and his products have been around a long time. Those that I have used get a ten star rating. They’re not cheap but nothing that works on a horse ever will be:)
Has anyone used his products for respiratory issues, like mild asthma? My pony’s chiro recommended trying them if I’m not happy with the Silver Lining Herbs I’ve been using, These have helped his coughing but he still has higher respiration than normal.
The hindquarter weakness one sounds interesting. How do you get try these products? Just have your vet authorize it like a prescription?
My vet orders it for me
One of the last things I tried with my late cervical arthritis horse was a Dr Xie Jing Tang supplement - I’m trying to remember exactly what it was called, possibly Cervical Formula. When my vet-chiro suggested it, my eyebrows raised. I asked her “Seriously?” She said “Hear me out, I know it sounds woo-woo, but I’ve had clients swear by it”.
It made a huge difference, until it didn’t. That had more to do with the progression of my guy’s disease, than any shortcoming of the supplement. It was expensive but given how positively it impacted my horse, I’d try any other line of theirs with full faith. As another poster said, it’s not a cure all but I’ve seen some incredible improvements with it paired in conjunction with western medicine.