Are there any dressage judges who also teach clinics? Or maybe dressage judges who do teaching in other forms, writing articles or being on podcasts. I’d love to learn more about test execution directly from a dressage judge. Do you know of any judges who are also great teachers?
I don’t necessarily have good advice, but I highly recommend scribing to learn about judge perspectives!
There are many judges that teach clinics who come to mind: Janet Foy is a 5*, Bill Warren is a 4*, Bill McMullin is a USEF S and I have to say that I am a bit partial to Noel Williams who is a large R. All four are excellent teachers. Bill McMullin does a lot of USDF Instructor Certification clinics as well. I am sure there are more but these are the ones that are off the top of my head. You would not go wrong with any of these people.
1000% this. I learned so many things about test execution by scribing - so much more than attending clinics as the clinician often gets wrapped up in fixing things that are not test execution tips and techniques.
There is a group in my area that occasionally holds a “ride a test” with a R or S judge. Might want to see your GMO either offers this or might be interested in sponsoring something like this.
Also Cesar Torrente, Anne Gribbons, Lilo Fore, Heather Mason, Linda Zang, Jeanne McDonald.
upvote for Linda. She’s so friendly and I found her very positive, and happy to work with off breeds (she loves my paint mare)
You are absolutely right. I was having a brain fart and couldn’t think of anyone else. Also Gary Rockwell. I think he is still doing clinics. There are a lot of good ones out there!
This is great advice is you are someone who is capable of writing quickly while still paying attention.
Do not be disappointed if you are not that person and you find scribing to be an all time consuming job and there is no chance you will ever see what Dobbin/Dobbin’s rider did to get that comment the judge just made.
Great for some, not great for others.
I just signed up for a show that is being judged by Debbie Rodriguez, and she’s doing a clinic the following day. I signed up for that, too.
Dolly Hannon.
Where are you?
Susan Graham White is really good at tips for improving your performance from a judging perspective. She is also good at working on the underlying basics.
Many many judges do clinics. It would be helpful to know your general location to give recommendations that won’t break the bank.
One option is to go on the USDF website and look at licensed officials in your area. Then reach out directly to them, I’ve done that several times and it has always worked. Most judges I know are happy to share their knowledge. If you want to check a local judge out, see who judges local schooling shows.
Good Luck!
Really depends where you are based! You’ve gotten some excellent suggestions already. If you’re in New England Rita Brown ® also does clinics pretty regularly and is a bit less expensive than some of the others mentioned already. Also in New England, Melanie Cerny ® will do clinics/ride reviews at GMHA or invites truck ins to her farm in MA. Kathy Connelly (S) is up here come summer and regularly clinics around the region too.
Laurie Falvo is no longer a judge, but I’ve gone to some of her clinics and she’s excellent.
I’d say most judges are also trainers/clinicians.
If you do work with one, you should be aware of the rules regarding competing in front of them. I think it’s a six-week blackout period between training and showing for them, but please check that I’m correct on that timing.
I second Rita Brown and she is now an S judge!
Kathy Rowse is a fantastic instructor based in Suffolk, VA that I’m blessed to ride with when she is in Virginia Beach. She is an ‘S’ judge and ‘L’ teaching faculty who does teach clinics around the country. Highly recommend!
I have scribed for Debbie. She is fair and positive, and will give you a good experience at your first show. Doing a clinic with the judge the next day is a great idea. Have a good time!
Sara Schmitt S level judge (NJ) plus she is a r judge for the American Driving Society.
That is so good to hear. Thank you so much! I think I will enjoy it. (I hope. )