Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

I do find it interesting that the same cluster of tropes turn up in multiple train wreck threads. Even when the actual situation is rather different. It almost follows a pattern.


I find it interesting the same set of bullies show up and create the threads as well. I mean you are quite well known Scribbler for your ability to bully and incite drama. But hey…you spend all your time on here from what your stats say so I can’t blame you when this seems to be your social interaction level.




Maybe you would, maybe you would not. But if we (general) assume you will not and then you do, we have a thread with huge holes and then YOU will have to depend on someone remembering what you said as they try to retell the content.

This way everything you have said to clarify is saved for everyone, right there, in your very own words.

If you have been around any type of social media (not just COTH) for any amount of time you would realize how often things are deleted, and it always seems that the people who insist they do not delete things are the first to delete things.
Again, not saying you are going to do that, just explaining why QFP is a thing that is so frequently done.




You started this thread hoping for a train wreck so what did you expect?


Only one person derailed it, and it wasn’t Scribbler.


This thread was started to gossip about a specific person who then showed up. How is that derailing? That seems to be the intent as then much QFP happened. I’m not in any way defending the person who’s the subject of the thread, but you can’t pretend to be shocked when they show up. We love a good trainwreck and that was the intent.


I don’t think standing up for myself against someone whose only purpose was to try to harass and defame me, and my controlled responses, makes me look anything but professional. I am not sure what Scribbler has against me, but starting a thread for the entire purpose but to try to decimate someone, and then continue it after all the falsities have been cleared up…that is just trashy. As people said train wreck…and not on my part. The five or six people that continue to comment on here, some I actually know and for a fact one’s trainer is appalled with her clients behavior on here. But that’s alright. I would say I’m pretty well off when its just the continued five or six individuals on here berating me. Not doing so bad in life if that is the only forum outburst. Hope everyone has a great new years and wish everyone success in their future horsey endeavours.


I guess I’m just dumbfounded that someone would have any intent to create more drama this way. I would never choose to hide behind a screen name and then continuously post falsities about someone from education to business to very personal life circumstances. I said my peace and wrote all the facts. Everyone can take it how they want, but this continued harrasment by Scribbler is fine by me. It just actually helps the assault case, as it is considered fall out from that. The detective has the link to this webpage and is monitoring the continued harrasment. This is not a threat to anyone, just a fact that this is happening. Everything on social media is readily available and usuable after all.


COTH has a long history of people threatening lawsuits by monitoring of threads by lawyers or police and nothing has ever come of it, including a very famous and still ongoing situation so that I wouldn’t count on at all and nobody will think it has any weight. It’s best to not reply at all if you don’t want any drama.


Say hi to my trainer for me.


I’m not threatening the people on here or COTH. But this is a fall out from the assault and is being used for that purpose. Please you need to properly read what I write.


HAHA I don’t even know you nor your trainer. That is funny! But if you feel guilty maybe you are?


I don’t have a trainer, that’s the point.

What a threatening person you are. Whew.


It’s weird how the very big names NEVER get wrapped up in this type of crap, like the Maddens etc.

It’s just the no-name people who are totally bat- :poop:. Like that woman who thinks GM singlehandedly ruined her career. Or the lying “my saddlebreds were stolen” lady.

Why is that? Less to lose? Or is the mentality what prevents them from being more successful?


I’m sorry you don’t have a trainer. Everyone needs someone on the ground. But that is ok. I have now spent about two days of my time on here responding to people. That’s enough COTH goofiness for the year. I definitely do not understand how people can spend so much time on here. Have a good day and wish you the best!


My trainer and I had a good laugh after Kate sent her text messages accusing her of being me and posting here. My trainer doesn’t even have an account with COTH.

Edited to add: the comments I have posted here are my own, and solely my own, and do not reflect any opinions of my trainer. Kate, please do not sue her for defamation and libel like you did the Arizona h/j trainer.


I got a much different story from your trainer. Again, I am sorry that you do not like me, but as an amateur that had such a huge issue importing your daughters horse, in which I was around and fielding questions and helping your trainer over, I was shocked someone from MB barn would be on here. There is a reason she is not on COTH because she does not appreciate this type of social media presence. But hey…you have every right to your own opinion. Not sure why you dislike me but that is ok! Can’t be friends with everyone. Hope you have a succesful winter circuit!


Uh, newsflash, but that wasn’t my daughter’s horse that was stuck in quarantine hell. Once again, you’ve got your “facts” wrong.