Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Actions have consequences. We all learn this very young. I’m sorry one trainer tried to start soemthing that in fact had monetary damages.

As to your trainer, I have too much respect for MB and we had a great conversation about this post and your comments. As I said, have a good day. Please go be a mother, rider, business woman and not someone on COTH all the time.


Aw shucks, thanks. Bless your heart! :kissing_heart:


Do people actually think trainers care what their clients do on COTH enough to call them and bother them? My trainer doesn’t even know it exists. They hardly know FB exists.


Actually I reached out to the trainer to find out what the complaint/situation was with the client about my work. If there was an issue I would have done my best to correct it. I’m very open with my clients and absolutely will field any issues and do my best to make them right. There was no issue.


Kate, give it a rest. Our barn hasn’t used you as a braider in at least 3 years, probably longer, and we only used you a couple times at that. You didn’t want to know if there was an “issue” with your braiding. You were mad because you believed my trainer made comments about you on here.


I am totally floored that someone called a trainer about a post here (on this topic). Wow. That is just weird.


So you are floored that someone had direct communication on a matter and not floored that a bunch of anonymous people are stating false information and talking crap about someone on here? Lol! Interesting priorities


I can see how you would take my post to say that. But that is not what I meant.

I am floored, specifically, that you read a post of someone here and researched them enough to figure out who they are (or who you thought they were it seems) and then called up the person you decided they were to give them a talking to about their post here.
In the end it sounds like you had guessed the person wrong so the reasoning of having direct communication might not be 100% accurate.

This whole thing is just weird.


To go with my thoughts above, I went back and re-read the thread it is is scary to me that with the couple of things that were posted here you figured out who that poster was (or who you thought they were). There is just no way you determined that ID from a post about braiding. You truly had to go stalking thru other posts to figure out who that poster is.


Didn’t call them, called their trainer. Who was probably minding their own business blissfully unaware that COTH even exists. I don’t think anyone is surprised that there’s another train wreck and gossip on COTH. Happens what, daily?


I think that is because they thought the trainer was the poster.


Between this thread, the Barisone thread, and the German vet/breeding thread, there’s a whole lot of BSC around here.

I mean, atleast people know who to avoid :woman_shrugging:t3:


Not really! Clicked on her picture and it pulled up where she has commented the most. Only one situation where I know a horse was held with positive test results for so long, and her profile does say Temecula. It took two seconds to put together the trainer of that horse lol


OK, I gotta ask – what is BSC?

Bat Sh*t Crazy? Did I just answer my own question? :crazy_face:


Yes, you did :wink:


This is fantastic! Please continue everyone! This is exactly what I need! :slight_smile: Thank you so much!


Oh, no, thank YOU. We all love a good trainwreck for Christmas.


I’ve made a conclusion. It has to be their personality that prevents them from succeeding, because every single time this happens I swear to god the poster is the same person with a new username.

What a different life they’d lead if they could understand that it was their personality and propensity for drama causing the issues - not the other way around.

To anyone like this - YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. You are causing the issues yourself!!

Who wants to bet a FB rant (vague, of course) is incoming from the subject of the thread (if it hasn’t already happened)? It’s like I can see the future…


And so much easier on the eyes than the Ace Sporthorse blogs.

BSC all the way.


My poor trainer is probably going to get another round of nasty text messages this morning…