Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

How sad that the thread had become a very interesting and fun discussion about breeding and horses - only to be derailed by someone who is so very superior to everyone here and lets us know that via a variety of smug insults - complete with smarmy and insincere good wishes at the end of many posts.

Not a good look for anyone who has reminded us how very professional they are.

More similarities for train wreck threads - the self-titled victim always has someone else tell them that they are being discussed in a thread here - even if only fleetingly and the conversation has long `moved on. Because, ya know, they would never be so lowly as to read anything here.

Also, their lawyer or whoever is always now reading the thread as grounds for some sort of legal matter or outrage or expose or whatever.

If I was the subject of a discussion and even cared to take part in it (not likely), I would simply address some points of concern and move along - not taunt and sneer with an air of superiority and be extremely condescending.

But hey - that’s just me - and apparently I am not as professional or esteemed or wonderful as others.


A certain pony at Devon (which is within my office’s jurisdiction geographically).


Maybe it’s time to add the threat of legal action to the bingo card.


Maybe you know what this means: Bow out and give it a rest.

I don’t know anyone involved, and have never been within 100 yards of a DHH (that I’m aware of), and I’m telling you that you are doing yourself no favors here.


Technically the thread was started by Scribbler in an attempt to dig up dirt and gossip on someone Then it morphed into a fascinating discussion about DHH and KWPN. Then morphed back into the trainwreck it was meant to be when the person in question did in fact show up. Had that person let it alone it would have slipped slowly onto page two and been forgotten about with the next MB thread. Yet here we are.


Had someone try to dox me on FB and send people to stalk me when I responded that I felt the trainer they were not a fan of seemed quite genuine and was nice to me. They followed my blog to my FB, then posted my real name on their page with thousands of subscribers asking those subscribers to do their worst. Fun times.


I agree with this, although I won’t comment on the OP’s intent, as I don’t know. And I do believe @Scribbler is typically thoughtful and well-spoken in the postings that I have seen - and no BS, which I appreciate. Even when I disagree with their stance.

The one point on which I do perhaps differ, is what is one really to do if someone posts what they believe to be falsehoods about them? I am in no way defending the person in question, but…

While yes, if you leave it alone, it will die and if you feed it, it will grow. But do you just leave that info out here for whomever to read and judge you by? I suppose the answer is yes. It’s what most BNTs and other notables do here. But that kind of sucks.

I don’t think the person responding did themselves many favors by doing so, but I can see why they would want to. And if they had left out the whole “Scribbler sucks” and “I’m going to use my JD against just this type of online behavior” comments, would their reply have been more palatable? I’m not sure… but, I would like to think so.

Who knows. It does make for an entertaining read, I suppose. And serves as a cautionary tale to behave in ways both IRL and on social media that doesn’t invite others to speculate about you!!


The crazy baking off this one post should be a clue to ALL that we just need to let this thread die, this person doesn’t seem centered in the window.


I think in that case, if one must reply, one must do so in a professional and adult manner giving factual information and avoid things like calling people’s trainers or invoking lawyers, underhanded insults, etc. If there’s no drama then the people looking for drama get bored and leave.


100000000% agree. Sorry, I forgot about the calling the trainer. That is a HUGE red flag! Just beyond.

I think I alluded to the other bad behavior previously. I don’t think the respondent did themselves many or any favors. But I do understand the impulse to respond.


That is what was given yet no one chose to read it or if they did they came back misstating the factual information. I knew responding here was a no win. You want to defend yourself but then keyboard warriors berate you for doing so. It just got to a point though that it has become comical. The OP scribbler stirs then disappears then stirs then disappears. What was the reasoning of the original post to begin with other than to try to obtain a dramatic response? The post was not published for education or learning or an actual intellectual discussion. It was published for the main purpose of trying to smear someone’s name, and then try to enjoy the resulting comments. Anyone that contributes to this type of post to me is quite insubstantial and has no respect given to them. But I understand that everyone has a right to their opinion and at the end of the day all these people have a keyboard opinion on things so I respect that. I just had to then and still have to laugh at how much time people have spent literally arguing on here over nothing lol


You weren’t laughing this morning when you yet again texted my trainer, despite now knowing she and I are different people. Why are you still involving her? She has nothing to do with this, whatsoever! That is harassment.


We did read your responses, I just don’t know that they came across as you intended.

We (g) can’t speculate on the intent of the OP. If you are misrepresenting your horses for sale, it could be a PSA. I don’t know. I am wholly unaware of your business practices or who you are at all, It does seem this thread arose because of another about you and could have been merely following up. So, you cannot say that the OP didn’t intend to educate. And surely you cannot argue that we have not all been educated about the KWPN registry and how different purpose- and cross-bred horses fall under it. So, it was educational.

I don’t know that you are demonstrating that you respect others’ rights to having a “keyboard opinion” (which sounds dismissive, but okay)… but I do think perhaps it’s best not to reply further. It doesn’t seem to be going the way you intended.


I am confused. Didn’t you complain up thread that scribbler posts too much and you have told us all that we spend too much time here. Now you want everyone to be here all the time?


The most prolific poster in this thread at this point - is not Scribbler.

Regrettably, this thread ended up proving that the previous train wreck on FB or elsewhere was based on facts and perhaps a cautionary tale.

Years ago, I had a POed poster call my BO and boss to complain about me - based on some thread that became very mildly political before it went back on topic - which I think was dealing with stress at shows. Back then, I had a link to the farm in my signature (when they were allowed). I proudly posted pictures of the horses at Nationals. I was happy to share their accomplishments.

This dingbat called my BO to complain about me disagreeing with her and misrepresenting the horses I showed pictures of as coming from her farm… as she “knew” the horses from here were not of quality as I was the manager etc. etc. etc. The BO was annoyed at her but laughed it off. I removed all links, I no longer shared pictures of accomplishments. Some people can and do take things beyond boundaries and start to mess with people’s jobs IRL. Not appropriate.


OMG, some of the things some posters have been through. That is insane, as insane as NP phoning a poster. Just so wrong.


This is why my most recent employer has not just social media training, but a policy that everyone who uses it post a “these opinions are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer” disclaimer. Because, people are crazy… on both sides.

ETA: by “both sides”, I mean those who post crazy stuff and those who “report” everything, even the benign.

ETA2: I had “sure, Jan” reported and removed recently. Some are easily triggered… by a Brady Bunch reference, no less!


yet you threatened to sue them for having that opinion :grinning:


I think there are ways of making a response that is reasoned and measured. And there are those who just don’t and it works out fine.

So for instance, if I were being accused of…I don’t know, selling a lame horse or something (I have no horses for sale, I’m just making this a hypothetical) and someone wrote saying that all of my horses were lame and it was terrible I could write something like…

“Horse x was not known to be lame when the seller got the PPE and the horse left my property on x date as sound. It is unfortunate that the horse is lame now, and I will be happy to continue this conversation with the buyer offline to come to a satisfactory resolution”.

But if I instead started saying things like “The lies and slander about me continue from all angles. There’s a conspiracy to get me out of selling horses, and this OP who I don’t even know is telling fibs just to harm my business.”… well…that would be taken entirely differently.

As a trainer, I’d just keep my mouth shut about training differences as you know you’re not going to win that battle remotely. The internet is full of people who are self-proclaimed experts and it’s best to just let your results speak for themselves.

What’s the saying? Better to keep silent and have them think you a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

I think that applies.

By the way - this has nothing to do with the OP or the current respondee, I have no dog in that fight and would rather just stay out of it. But it is just a more general statement about the ways in which you still can respond, and have it not turn into a :popcorn:


Not cool to text trainers because of random SM posts. That’s really just weird.
As for the rest … when you see a hornets’ nest and note that it’s not quite right don’t be surprised that poking it unleashes a shit ton of crazy.

Finally every lawyer I’ve ever known has always said in the midst of chaos or drama just STFU and be assuaged by your own convictions. Explaining is losing.