Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Why on earth would you (in general) text or call a trainer about their clients behavior(s) online or about any of their posts online? The only time I could possibly understand this would be if a legitimate threat were made in respect to someone’s immediate safety or wellbeing, otherwise, nope. Weird flex and all that.


Just which Barisone thread? There are so many!


”I need it for the file”. Kelly, is that you?


Well you made it very clear that you and her laughed about things right? So of course I would reach out to a client to directly ask what is going on and why this is humorous. Just like maybe you should do instead of posting anonymously.

Never threatened to sue anyone. Again read my words!

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I never intended to have a post about me to begin with lol! And the original post was about Dhh with very uneducated individuals not understanding the lines and bashing this post finally clarified it to many and heck yes I’m proud my goal won the jumper futurity and was reserve champion in all keuring as best young jumper! Number 1 in the Us! But again it was posted above all that was questionable. Do not post and invite people to respond when all you do post is mistaken facts or none at all. And I will absolutely stand up for myself no matter the individuals on here. I’m not sorry that I reached out to a trainer that I’ve had a business relationship with because I asked who would be saying these things. That is what happens when you post publicly. It took two seconds to recognize the person and their trainer. As everyone has said if it’s alright to dig through my entire life and try to discredit me why can’t I reach out to a trainer I have a business relationship with and discuss matters. That’s what happens when you come on social media!


No, my trainer is not your client and I’m pretty sure you don’t have, and have never had, a business relationship with her. She merely coordinated the braiding of her clients’ horses with you a couple times several years ago. Technically, since I paid you directly, I’m your client and you had a business relationship with me. Therefore, any issues you have with me, address them to me and leave the poor lady alone!


It’s actually “quoting for preservation” just in case there are future edits


I was content to let the thread wander off on a tangent. I was not the person that resurrected this thread or added all the new information. And I haven’t argued with the poster Kasheare. Just thanked them for their contribution which I said makes lots of things clear to all of us.


That’s unfortunately not how it works in that circumstance. The trainers are our clients. I don’t know your name at all so I cannot direct anything at you, just like you never mentioned an issue. And yes there was and is a business relationship. If you cannot understand that then I am sorry.

Yes you have been commendable in your actions from starting the thread and continued digging into my background with many false statements. But sure you have done nothing here…hands clean lol


You’re right, I clearly don’t understand the complicated business relationships and nuances that go into braiding horses. :joy::joy::joy:


And wasn’t the thread about the horses and lines I’m breeding anyways? Or was that the tangent and your real target was gossip about me? Lol


I have never said I was shocked by them turning up. Just to make that clear.




So explain again why you think you need to contact someone’s trainer who has NOTHING TO DO with this BB and complain about their client? When the last time you did business with that trainer was several years ago and the only thing they did was coordinate your services and the owner actually paid you?

There’s nothing in a business relationship that warrants this. Don’t like the poster? If the trainer hires you again (Which seems doubtful now given) then you say “I’ll braid for all your clients except for Temecula Jumper” Easy.


:question: :question: :question:

To me it seems like the relationship is with the horse owner if you are paid directly from the horse owner. That is how it always worked for me.

But even if we go with your theory, that the relationship is with the trainer, I am not sure I get why you are contacting this trainer now because one of their clients is posting on a thread on COTH. How long ago did you braid their horse? They say it was years ago. No phone call now is going to fix whatever happened back then.


Not only that. [quote=“trubandloki, post:215, topic:779727, full:true”]
To go with my thoughts above, I went back and re-read the thread it is is scary to me that with the couple of things that were posted here you figured out who that poster was (or who you thought they were). There is just no way you determined that ID from a post about braiding. You truly had to go stalking thru other posts to figure out who that poster is.

Why I made my post history not searchable. Otherwise someone can call up all your posts and try to zero in on a city, a horse, a photo, a discipline. This happened to someone on the Barisone threads. Lauren Kanarek went through all the persons posts to find out who she was from something years ago and doxxed her in the thread, also sent threatening messages to other posters about suing them yadda yadda. After that I decided to make my post history unsesrchable although I wasn’t in the crossfire on that thread. Note the first thing the person posting here did was go to my profile and try to PM me and also make comments about my posting quantity as if that’s an insult to me. So I was glad my posting history was locked down in this case.


Kashere, I’m sorry you were assaulted, but if you do have a pending criminal case, I urge you not to post online about it. It could really backfire.


Yes odd comment from K.

If speaking totally hypothetically I happened to for instance do something like dump a glass of beer over K’s head after she slagged off my girlfriend, or I am indeed the girlfriend (just being hypothetical here because I don’t really know anything about bar fights except what I see on TV shows), then my coming here to post anonymously might be harassment.

If I am however an older lady rider who has never been to Florida, and I mention online that a person marketing themselves as a breeder has posted some odd stuff on their public professional FB page for all the world to see then I am unclear how that constitutes harassment.

But then I don’t have a JD. I am a bit law adjacent though :slight_smile: