Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

K seemed to think this positively identified some mortal enemy out of her deep past whom she is off to confront.

I apologize in advance to any and all coaches riders bar tenders and random bar patrons in Florida with British or Australian accents who are going to be dealing with screaming text messages out of the blue over New Years.


I forgot completely about the artwork thread! DOH! I love his work, makes me want to dig out my sketch pads again.


Could get interesting for someone out there. Someone else needs to learn the number one rule of holes, and stop digging.


Also she pretty much confirmed the assault wasn’t the unprovoked jump from.behind by a gang of meanies she said on FB.


Did it involve a cranberry juice bottle?


:laughing: :rofl: :shushing_face:


This kind of sneering comment is not professional, does not make you look or sound good… and I doubt that you “got what you wanted” - aside from more attention, perhaps. Thinly veiled “threats” of legal action, suggesting you had actually hired a detective to go through this thread… all of that is just… weird.

Perhaps your detective could start by going after the person who has posted the most in this thread (seeing as you think that is very important and indicative of… something or other) and turned a good discussion about horses into another cluster… current posting totals (not counting this one):



Anyway, @athelas, your orange gentleman looks lovely! And leaf blowers are known to be camouflage for fire-breathing Komodo dragons…


LOL! Somehow he combines both cart horse trotting AND butt-tucked scuttling at the same time. A talent, really.


That moustache is ADORABLE!


@Warmblood1 I tried to PM you my filly’s papers, but it appears your profile is private and won’t allow for it? I’m not sure. I didn’t want to post it in this thread and have it get lost in all this drama.


Re the bolded, this is absolutely not happening. Unless it’s a private detective that you have hired. An actual police detective doesn’t have time to waste on this nonsense.


It was very clear in the first paragraph of that thread that the horse in quarantine hell had nothing to do with you.

Sidebar - does the KWPN or AKC use DNA confirmation before issuing registration papers?


I agree. Which is why I said this person did themselves no favors. I was just commenting in general on the notion that one shouldn’t join the fray. Also, like you, my comment was general. No dog in this fight either.

Edited: “No”, not “mo”.


Musing about how people who don’t know anything about law think they can mystify and intimidate with law words.

One of the things that was made clear in the Barisone threads was that if the police are investigating criminal charges such as assault with a deadly weapon (or a beverage) they keep the focus quite narrow. They want to know if and how the assault happened. They want to know if there were injuries. They want to know if the defendent was provoked or acting in self defense. They want to know if the defendent caused the incident by intention, negligence, or accident. If the defendent is the sort of idiot teenager who posts videos of him and his buddies kicking a person to death the police will be very very interested.

But they don’t care about how the incident got talked about on SM by people who were entirely uninvolved.

If you aren’t happy with the outcome of the criminal trial you can try a civil lawsuit claiming the defendent caused you a loss of income or reputation or long term physical injuries. But there’s quite a high bar here. And if you go a bit nuts online and make it clear you are your own worst enemy then your suit will likely tank.

And you can do absolutely nothing about people discussing you in a chat group. COTH is mild compared to YouTube or Twitter.

If you do want to try a civil suit for libel or slander, you have to prove what was said was not true. And in the process the defendent can subpoena all your SM and police records and text messages on these things. It’s not enough to just make your FB posts friends only and claim you never said certain things.

My feeling is that if you don’t understand these basics, it will be hard to pass the bar exam.


Sorry about that - I know there is a way to PM private profiles but I’m not sure how so I sent you a message. :slightly_smiling_face:

Absolutely. I smile whenever I read this type of thing. When my husband was a CID agent he didn’t even have time to eat or sleep. He was a walking zombie. Their case loads are ridiculous. They do not have time to monitor forums where people are exercising freedom of speech.


And also what we are saying after the event is irrelevant to any criminal investigation unless we are claiming to be witnesses or to have committed the crime. Mere commentary is irrelevant. The detective is not interested. If the assault and battery was indeed a glass of beer over someone’s head in the middle of a bar slanging match, I’m not sure any charges are going to stick anyhow.


The foal that won the futurity and was reserve champion best young jumper is out of a ulandro mare….all my Mares are harness and gelderlander lines crossed with jumpers. My “donor” mares are full harness/gelded. Discuss breeding all you want but clearly what I am doing is working lol

Yes everything is DNA!

Actually it is fruit from the crime to prove the harassment after the fact. It’s very easy to see this.