Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

I admittedly didn’t watch the video, so maybe it wasn’t even that bad. I just based what I said on prior comments that the horse was being “put together” and worked hard in a small arena, that maybe remarks about the particular video were reasonable/warranted. I have no issue with someone getting on a baby horse and doing some easy, low-stress stuff!


Maybe watch the video for ten seconds…


Sure! I highly doubt if it’s going to make me suddenly decide that starting horses at 2 is unequivocally harmful, but I’ll watch it.

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The horse in the video is in a smaller round pen with a running martingale set so they have a head set.

At least that is what I see in the video.

I agree with those that are saying this is not light relaxing work of a baby.

(I am not anti-round pen or anti-martingale.)


In my experience, this person has been known to get her facts wrong and/or distort the truth on multiple occasions. I’m not sure I’d indiscriminately take her at her word on anything at this point.


That’s not what she said. There is no mention of how many times the two year old was ridden. Just that the posted video was from the third time:

“Here’s her video with her third time under saddle. She has been kicked back out to grow up again before being restarted at mid 3”


Flame suit on:

I watched, I’m assuming they had the horse already going in long lines w/t/c and then moved to a rider for a couple sessions.

I’m not going to get in a tizzy over 3 rides in a round pen when the horse is probably “used” to contact and forward in long lines in preparation. The canter didn’t look like it was too much to ask or the ring that small for a couple laps.

Looked like a fairly balanced two year old considering.

Would I start my horse like that…nope… but three rides like that wouldn’t stop me from buying one that was started like that.


Third time under saddle to me equates to her third ride.


That’s totally fair. I went back and watched the video and it’s definitely not how I ride a baby horse.

I just get annoyed with the holier-than-thou comments that essentially accuse anyone that starts a horse under saddle while it’s still growing of committing permanent damage or horse abuse when in many cases it can be done very kindly and lead to a happy, sound horse. There’s also nothing wrong with waiting until the horse is older, but it’s not inherently better or more humane.


Yes. That doesn’t mean the horse was only ridden three times, then turned back out in the field.

It could have been the third ride of three, or the third of thirty, or the third of sixty.


I’m with you there. The horses that I’ve started that were untouched until 5+ were absolute nightmares.

But there’s a world of difference between that and a tiny round pen crammed on a contact. Looks like the crap you see at AQHA show barns.


With horse people, on CoTH, on the internet, and in life in general, you can’t please everyone and everyone is a critic. It’s also hugely ironic at times when people give “advice” or even a scolding on here, but then you see their horse and/or set up, and they have no room to talk. So you’ve just got to take it all with a huge grain of salt/saltblock.

I have a rising 2 year old and everyone wants to give their opinion(s) and I just can’t be arsed to care. It’s not my first youngster, it’s my personal horse, and I’ll do as I see fit. Some think he should already be lunging regularly, and some think that the few large circles I do on the lunge line once in a great while just so he knows the concept is way too much. :woman_shrugging:t3: I just don’t give a fig.

I don’t ride 2 year olds, but I will introduce them to tack, but if you want to ride your 2 year old, knock yourself out. There are so many lame and crocked horses out there, and people just don’t care and I can’t really make them care, unfortunately. Your ridden 2 year old may be just fine, maybe not.


So well said and I appreciate your outlook.

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Or in this case an Arabian show barn. The training fork on this horse looks like one the Arabian people use. Never seen one on a QH.


Unfortunately true. And also applies to the horse that is first ridden at 3, or 4, or 5.


I was thinking the same thing - arabian or saddlebred.

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I used to think that but bought a 6 yo unstarted WB last year, and he’s been an absolute gem! I even let my trainer use him for little kids sometimes.

I don’t think sitting on a 2 yo a few times is the worst thing in the world, but I start mine at 3. I do think it’s helpful to do something with young horses…nothing worse than a 17h feral beast with no manners! My babies get handled/trimmed/trailer loaded, bathed, clipped etc. and preferably hauled to some shows. It really helps them be good citizens later in life.


I think one of the maybe 10 I’ve started late turned out to be a solid citizen. The rest were always untrustworthy with mediocre work ethics.

The 5 untouched 7-8 year old warmbloods that were run out of a field onto the trailer were the absolute worst. It sucked honestly, two of them were LOVELY movers but were likely never going to be on board mentally.


I don’t understand this recent phenomenon of sending copied of posts to lawyers, police, judges, etc. By recent I mean the past 3 - 4 years. Maybe I’ve forgotten but this level of intimidation and ignorance is beyond comprehension. What the heck will any outsider do with anonymous posts???

These narcissistic posters are in a league of their own!


Is this the post you referenced in your OP?
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