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Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

The horse appears to be at a main ring Arabian barn. My GUESS is that it already lounges in long lines and a martingale for headset is standard fare. I am personally not a fan because it tends to make a horse that has a headset and makes teaching the contact desired for dressage difficult, but different training styles for different results. Regarding being started at 2, depends on what they mean by started.


Yes that’s it! Thank you for finding it.

I had a babysitter when I was about 9 or 10 who said she would call the police if we didn’t go to bed on time. I laughed in her face (she was probably about 15).

I doubt people are actually sending anything to police (no one would look at them) or lawyers (costs money). It’s just empty threats by people who don’t know much about law.


You just couldn’t let this go and move towards actual horse discussion. But yes the detective has all of this as well as my lawyer due to the social media harassment.


Thats just not how any of this works.


I guess for you. But most normal people yes lol

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Sincere question.

I feel like I know a reasonable amount of people (not lots or anything, just an average amount) and I do not know anyone who takes the time to contact the police and lawyers about posts on a horse forum.

Do you know other people who do this (other than Lauren Kanarek, because we all know she says she does this)?
I am just truly trying to figure out how you say it is a normal thing and I some how do not know anyone who has done it.


Not quite. Normal people do not do that. Plus any “investigation” would show you happily taking part in the discussion on this thread and apparently not feeling harassed or intimidated or bullied or whatever.


I am waiting for the ominous warnings about a subpeona served to COTH that will expose all of our personal details…

Exactly right - there is introducing tack and maybe some light walk/trot lunging… and then there is running patterns with heavy riders on them…


A detective MAY have been given information about these posts by you, but I guarantee it promptly went into the circular file.

Unless there are threats against your life or physical safety (which there aren’t), there is no legitimate reason for law enforcement to follow up. And honestly, they have way more important things to focus on than someone’s hurt feelings.

Same with your lawyer. He’ll be happy to charge you to “monitor” this forum, but there hasn’t been a single actionable post.

I suggest you reacquaint yourself with free speech rights in the US.


If you read the forum scribbler pointed out my assault. So yes the continued harassment by her is a fallout from my assault, so yes it is included and documented. It’s not about just this forum.


Trashy forum that I do not participate in but occasionally check. Interesting description of the events though!


Okay, I’ll bite since I haven’t been posting regularly on this thread, only lurking. Exactly how are you, anonymous poster, being harassed by other anonymous posters? All you need to do is walk away rather than adding fuel to the fire. I guess any attention is better than no attention. I don’t know you from Adam’s mouse, but I’ve found you condescending, threatening and belligerent toward other posters on this thread, particularly the OP. Just walk away or put them on Ignore.

BTW, many of the posters here also have attorneys, perhaps not detectives because that is simply overboard blustering.

CoTH can tell you how subpoenas work for sure.


You posted about the assault on your then public FB page. You said you were jumped from behind by a group that went around Floyd’s harassing people. If you don’t want people discussing things then don’t post them to public FB pages.

Link to Horseshow Diva is interesting.


Sorry, still confused.

You are trying to say that Scribbler here as something to do with your assault charges?

Or just that since you have an assault charge against some other random person in the world that since the people on the forum not agreeing with is something your lawyer and the detectives will want?


Ok about starting horses at 2 or 3, I always preferred to lightly start them before they got too big and strong in the event they also had ‘tude. I am not sure if they are likely to get more opinionated if they are the type to have opinions if started later (when they are also likely to have more mass to work against you) or whether starting later might encourage more independent thinking about their lifestyle choices, that is, they have a choice to not have a job.

So 2 or 3 seemed ok to me. I also started with thoroughbreds so found this to be the norm.


I’ve tried to stay quiet, lest I draw additional threats and harassment from Kate, but, yes, this does seem to be her claim. If anyone makes any negative comments towards or about her (like my pointing out that it’s possible there are trainers/judges out there she doesn’t actually know), then we are apparently part of the conspiracy that lead to her bar fight.

Never mind that I knew literally nothing about her or her bar fight until after this thread was started. Never mind that SHE is the one sending me threatening messages (see up thread) or accusing me of “victim shaming” and “harassment” to anyone in the Arabian industry who will listen.


So this is where a thread like this is useful.

There are many people in the horse world that are doing something (breeding, training, showing, importing) at an OK level, that you might consider doing business with. But then on closer look, they are bsc or deeply problematic and you decide it’s not worth the potential disaster.

That’s different from the outright fakes like NP or various fraud hay sellers etc.

You might choose to do business with a horse pro that knows their stuff but is a psychological loose cannon, but it’s good to know that in advance and be forewarned.


Interesting factoid. Police reports in Florida are open to the public. From the statute:

“Police reports are public records except as otherwise made exempt or confidential. Every person is allowed to examine nonexempt or nonconfidential police reports. A person who comes into possession of exempt or confidential information contained in police reports may not use that information for any commercial solicitation of the victims or relatives of the victims of the reported crimes or accidents and may not knowingly disclose such information to any third party for the purpose of such solicitation during the period of time that information remains exempt or confidential. This section does not prohibit the publication of such information to the general public by any news media legally entitled to possess that information or the use of such information for any other data collection or analysis purposes by those entitled to possess that information.”

Now, I really don’t see why anyone would want that information in this particular situation except that one of the parties WILL NOT STOP talking about it, so it does make one wonder. But it’s just a misdemeanor simple battery case, so why bother?


Also, lest anyone think I am just piling on…I do back my two year olds. As in, I sit on them and walk/trot/lope about 10 or so total times in their two year old year. On a totally slack rein. They are accustomed to go/whoa/steer from ground driving in their yearling year. Real work begins in the three year old year, but I do believe that early, low-stress work is crucial to creating happy athletes.

But I don’t attack everyone who disagrees with me and accuse them of “victim shaming” even when their beef with me is entirely unrelated to my alleged victimhood.

So. Take that for what it is worth.


I have no idea how one finds police reports but I’m sure there are lots of folks in Florida that do. Im guessing you don’t get to see all the officer’s notes, just “Joe Dude was arrested for assault in a bar, charges pending.” The sequence of events gets debated in court. But if a person instigated a brawl by calling someone names, it’s not uncommon for the whole mess to be tossed out.

On the other hand do we know there actually is a police report that shows charges laid? Do we know there is an actual lawyer? Or is the “blue chip law firm” in this case actually just the victim with her 10 year old JD/ not barred status? Do we know the victim actually has a completed law degree? None of these posts show lawyerly attitudes.

And also it is not against any law for strangers online to discuss " true crime" stories. Half of YouTube is True Crime. As is TV news.