Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Because I didn’t understand what you were saying in the context of this thread. It’s no biggie. :slightly_smiling_face:


Then you undertsand my reaction after all off the posts? Scribblers is the ring leader. Has time to post all day every day. Im not shutting my account down until there is some accountabiliy to the gang bulling. Mod 1 lets it all go through.


I don’t understand, but that’s OK. Sometimes I don’t understand what people post.


Best to you. Goodbye.


Best to you as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you know how to terminate an account? Apolagize for my spelling. Had a traumtic brain injury 6 weeks ago. Would like to terminate my account.

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I don’t know. I don’t think they will erase your account, but if you stop posting, and don’t log in, you can still read but no one will respond to you.

Take care of yourself. :heart:


Thanks.bive gone years without posting. Utcdidnt make a difference. Will ask mod 1


@Moderator_1 is a good person.


Please erase my account. I can only find log out.

The ganging up on peoplr should be stopped. There sre certain people who live for the. Crrst othrr slterd… it’s really sick and not conduduve gor sport horse breeding.


Some people go their whole lives with no social media drama. Others manage it monthly.

Screen shot of Kate Shearer’s FB page recently. I thought screen shot would replicate the actual FB post but it just copied the text which looks less truthy obviously.

Unfortunately it has been brought to my attention that a rumor is going around that I do not pay my employees(specifically a single one Kathryn Parkinson). I have tried to stay quiet about this situation but I would like to quash this really fast. Four weeks ago now, Kathryn Parkinson was a long time helper of mine. All my helpers get paid every single Sunday with no issue! Believe me plenty to vouch for that. During the middle of the week she ghosted the entire team, didn’t show up, didn’t respond, nothing. I reached out to her husband even. Many days even worried she had gotten hurt or something. Still no response, no text, nothing!!! She now has resurfaced weeks later with a text about my favorite food being at Publix and asking for payment. While I’m billing out for hundreds of manes each and every week in multiple states I need to go back in the records to make sure the numbers are correct. But yes she has decided to spread a rumor that I do not pay my helpers and shared it Unfortunately this ghosting is typical behavior for Kathryn Parkinson, as I’ve come to find out. Regardless, there is no payment issue at all. At the end of the day she says she is owed $140 from four weeks ago after she totally messed up the entire team by no call, no show which I told her I needed to match up in my records on my day off (today Monday). In addition this employee is constantly asking for advancements in pay and loans. You be the judge here. She has been paid $180 since reconciling my records from 4 weeks ago.


How does that even work…
If four weeks ago this person worked and you knew they worked until they did the ghosting thing, you should have easily known how much you owed them because you should have had it set aside to pay them.


There seems to be a common denominator here…


Woah, @Scribbler, you need colons or something to set off that quote!

It took me a few minutes to realize that you hadn’t had a blow to the head, and that no one had hacked your account. I was getting ready to report this to the mods as a potential hack!


God people here are bored. What do you get out of this beyond trying to kick up crap? What has this person done to you? Your latest comment on social media drama is amazing considering you appear to be following a person not remotely connected to you and posting here.



One good thing came of @Scribbler being bored and venturing out to drag a non coth poster here to attack for no reason. We got to learn a lot about KWPN breeding, an interesting business model, and see some really great pictures of braids. @Kasheare stood up for herself well and her posts about her business are really interesting.

Here is hoping @Kasheare will post more horse and braid pictures and she will ignore @Scribbler.


Eh, I’m with Scribbler a bit here. Sheare’s social media is full of drama (see Feb 8 post regarding “karma” and how it was going to affect someone who done her wrong, and she could hardly wait, she had her popcorn ready.) It elicited sympathetic comments, and then…nothing. No update.

And if you have a complaint with someone in your employ, it’s not cool to blast their actual name all over Facebook. And people who get in “unprovoked” bar fights, especially after posting on Facebook that was the one bar she had been assured she would be “safe” in. (safe from what)? If she was the type of person who just innocently minded her own business in bars, why would she need a “safe” one?


Yea, this is getting weird.

This thread was started because it was incorrectly assumed that DHH is not KWPN or a Dutch WB, and that therefore, Kate was misrepresenting DHH as a Dutch WB. This has been disproven not only in this thread but in the thread previously mentioned in the OP. I do not understand why this thread was even necessary.

I also do not see the need to monitor her FB and post information not even relevant to the thread. Don’t you think with all the keywords associated with this thread, including her name and several other associations, that people can easily find info needed on this breeder to make their own determinations? Why is the recent FB drama necessary to the thread? At what point does this stop being informative and start becoming cringey, unnecessary and an online witch hunt?

Things like this make me not want to identify with COTH.


Is this relevant to buying a horse she bred? If you do not want to buy from a breeder who has had to file an assault charge, then don’t. But I really do not see a reason to closely monitor someone’s personal life, then critique them online over it, even if you want to buy a horse from them. I especially don’t see a need if you never intend to do business with this person.